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Questions/more info about Butte:

Access online reference resources for research help, including email assistance, live chat with librarians, and recommended reference sites. Available 24/7 and free of charge.

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  1. Questions/more info about Butte: • Shirleigh Brannon (FT) brannonsh@butte.edu • Coordinator, reference, instruction & information competency programs • Instruction, LIS 11, LIS 126 and via BlackBoard • SLOs • Morgan Brynnan (FT) brynnanmo@butte.edu • Web page and online database management • 24/7 – primary contact point for OCLC western • Jacquie Foster (PT) fosterja@butte.edu • Background in various aspects of distance education and online reference • 24/7 • Camtasia-based Flash and video workshop components leelo@butte.edu • Louise Lee (PT) leelo@butte.edu • Chico Center Library services

  2. For more info: AskNow! http://www.asknow.org/

  3. For more info: QuestionPoint http://www.questionpoint.org

  4. Questions/more info about SRJC: • Phyllis Usina (FT) usina@santarosa.edu • Co-coordinator of reference • Instruction, LIR 10 Online via SRJC Course Management System • Nancy Persons (FT) npersons@santarosa.edu • Department Chair & Co-coordinator of reference • Instruction, LIR 10

  5. For More Info: Meebo http://www.meebo.com/

  6. For More Info: • ALA-RUSA: Guidelines for Implementing and Maintaining Virtual Reference Services • http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/rusa/archive/protools/referenceguide/virtrefguidelines.cfm • Luo Lili. “Chat Reference Competencies.” Reference Services Review 35.2 (2007): 195-209. • Competencies set standards and provided a foundation for training

  7. BCL Workshop: Online Reference • Recently revised to reflect BCL web makeover • Currently 13 slides, presentational only. Goal is to incorporate assessments and offer as part of ½ unit online course • Will be available in multiple formats: • F2F drop-in workshop and televised workshops (ready now) • Video streaming online (end of Spring 09) • PPT and Flash Online (end of Spring 09) • Video recorded workshops available for check-out via Media Services (end of Spr 09) • BlackBoard unit with quizzes & assessments (end of Spr. 09) • Recently revised to reflect BCL web makeover • Currently 13 slides, presentational only. Goal is to incorporate assessments and offer as part of ½ unit online course • Will be available in multiple formats: • F2F drop-in workshop and televised workshops (ready now) • Video streaming online (end of Spring 09) • PPT and Flash Online (end of Spring 09) • Video recorded workshops available for check-out via Media Services (end of Spr 09) • BlackBoard unit with quizzes & assessments (end of Spr. 09)

  8. Online Reference Help Getting research help from home or after regular Library hours

  9. E-Mail (Butte College Library) Answered by Butte College Librarians Access from Butte College home page http://www.butte.edu/library/

  10. Live Chat - 24/7 Ask Now Answered by librarians throughout the U.S. Can be followed up by Butte College Librarians. http://www.butte.edu/library/

  11. Live Chat - 24/7 Ask Now Can also be accessed via other library web sites, such as Butte County Library http://www.buttecounty.net/BCLibrary/ California State University, Chico – Meriam Library http://www.csuchico.edu/library/

  12. Live Chat – Research Help Now Virtual reference service for research questions. Priority given to users of participating libraries. (Butte College is not a participating library) http://researchhelpnow.org/

  13. E-Mail – Internet Public Library Service is free to all—questions from around the world and people of all ages Questions answered by trained graduate students in library schools and professional volunteers (mostly librarians) Use free sites and sometimes refer to print or subscription sources (local resources when possible) Access from Internet Public Library home page http://www.ipl.org/ Use other resources if answer is needed within 3 days

  14. What Is the IPL? A website (http://www.ipl.org/) containing: Collections of nearly 45,000 links E-mail reference service An educational and research laboratory for librarians Majority of work is student-driven

  15. Collections at the IPL Link to free online sites All links selected and reviewed by library science graduate students—must meet our collection policies Sites indexed and abstracted Subject collections as well as special features and exhibits

  16. Online Reference Sites Reference sites recommended by Butte College Library: Home Page  Reference Links http://www.butte.edu/library/ Internet Public Library Ready Reference: http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/ref00.00.00 Best Free Reference Sites (Recommended by American Library Association): http://www.ala.org/ala/rusa/rusaourassoc/rusasections/mars/marspubs/MARSBESTIndex.htm Best Online Reference Sites: http://www.rcls.org/deskref/

  17. Handy Reference Sites Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Dictionary & Subject Dictionaries http://www.yourdictionary.com/ Statistics – Statistical Abstract http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab AllRefer.com http://www.allrefer.com (Online directory of resources by subject.) Bartleby.com http://www.bartleby.com (Online literature and reference including biographies, quotes, encyclopedias and other reference books.)

  18. Library Databases Collections of the electronic version of scholarly journals, magazines, and resources provided by database providers, such as GALE, H.W. Wilson. Users access the Library databases via the Internet but most resources found in these research databases cannot be found on the World Wide Web. The Library pays subscription fees to access the databases. Home Butte College Library Database Providers

  19. Off-Campus Access

  20. Off-Campus Access

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