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…leading the revolution. who are we?. Queensland’s leading not-for-profit community organization whose primary aim is to help maintain the quality of life of people diagnosed with dementia and their caregivers Queensland’s peak body for people with dementia and their carers
who are we? • Queensland’s leading not-for-profit community organization whose primary aim is to help maintain the quality of life of people diagnosed with dementia and their caregivers • Queensland’s peak body for people with dementia and their carers • The largest provider of dementia-specific direct care, education, information and support services in Australia
Whether you are a person diagnosed with dementia, a family member of a person with dementia, or a health care professional, AAQ is your source of information, support and assistance on issues related to Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
our guiding business principles • Our clients' interests always come first, particularly our clients with dementia. Supporting their independence and protecting their dignity is our number one priority. Our experience shows that if we serve our clients well, our own success will follow. • We take great pride in the professional quality of our work. We have an uncompromising determination to achieve excellence in everything we undertake. Though we may be involved in a wide variety of activities we would, if it came to a choice, rather be best than biggest. We know that we cannot be everything to everyone.
our guiding business principles • We stress innovation in everything we do. While recognizing that the old way may still be the best way, we constantly strive to find a better solution to meeting our clients’ needs. We are not afraid to challenge the practices and dogma that has become standard in our industry • We constantly strive to anticipate the changing needs of our clients and to develop new services to meet those needs. We know that the world will not stand still and that complacency can lead to extinction • We regularly receive confidential information as part of our normal client relationships. To breach a confidence or to use confidential information improperly or carelessly would be unthinkable
service standards • AAQ is committed to clients’ rights to receive services of the highest possible standard • AAQ is an internationally accredited quality assured organisation under AS/NZ IS0:9002 • AAQ has Approved Commonwealth Government Aged Care Provider Status for all aged care services
service standards • AAQ is an Australian Government Registered Training Organisation (RTO) • All AAQ services comply with Government regulations, accreditation and national standards • AAQ services funded by the Queensland Government’s Home and Community Care Program (HACC) are fully compliant with HACC National Standards
services • A tollfree 24 hour, 7 day, Dementia Help Line for up-to-date information, advice and referrals • Three resource centres (Brisbane, Hervey Bay and Townsville) providing general to specialised information on all aspects of dementia including library, videos, journals and research services • in-home personal care and nursing services and home visiting programs • nursing home accommodation • organised social and recreational activities for the person with dementia with professional care support
services • over 50 support groups across the State, including video and telelink support groups for isolated and remote clients, and online chat groups • education and information programs for people with dementia, their carers, family and friends • 24 hour, emergency, overnight and weekend respite care (at home, at one of our respite centres or mobile respite services) • a comprehensive, free legal advisory service to Association members • Community awareness programs
services • Research: AAQ conducts and funds selected dementia research programs • counselling • nationally accredited courses for professionals, customised seminars and professional training and development programs for health and aged care providers
www.alzheimersonline.org • whether you are a person recently diagnosed with dementia, a family carer, or the coordinator of a respite service requiring information or staff training, www.alzheimersonline.org provides an easy gateway to the resources and services you need • highly functional website allowing you ready access to what you need. You can: view resource collection, order resources, view videos, enroll in courses, take a look around respite centres and then book in, talk to other carers in real time chat rooms, make donations, complete studies, book and pay for your nursing care, and make referrals
www.alzheimersonline.org • Australia’s first online dementia education courses, designed and delivered by AAQ . National accredited courses: • Basic Dementia Management • Social Face of Dementia
Dementia Care Naturally™ • AAQ is leading the way with the launch of the world's first natural therapy course designed specifically for use in aged and dementia care. • Dementia Care Naturally™ is an innovative program using practical, non-invasive and complementary techniques for inclusion in the daily care routines for the aged, with special emphasis on people with dementia • Aimed at health care professionals and carers, Dementia Care Naturally™ was developed in response to market demand for an alternate approach to dementia care that is both comprehensive and cost effective
Dementia Care Naturally™ • The course teaches how to use massage, aromatherapy, music, movement, visual stimulation and nutrition to complement conventional medical treatments, with the aim of slowing the rate of mental and functional decline in the person with dementia
distance education • Specifically designed and delivered for those unable to attend courses in person or not online • AAQ provides fully accredited courses, resources, reading materials and professional support and tuition
Real Life We want people to listen and to understand. • The Alzheimer’s Association of Queensland is helping Queenslanders tell their stories- from the deserts to the tropical islands, from farmers to city shopkeepers, ordinary people’s stories about how their lives have been affected by dementia • Real Life will be the first ever collection of the lives of ordinary Queenslanders and their struggle to come to terms with a devastating disease. Real Life will be a unique commentary on contemporary life in Australia for a growing number of Australians • If you have been affected by dementia in some way, and want to be part of this historic publication, contact the Alzheimer’s Association of Queensland
PRN Care • specialising in the provision of dementia nursing and personal care services in private homes, retirement villages, hostels, and nursing homes • 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for emergencies, relief, or on a regular or contract basis • PRN CAREis backed by the experience and expertise of AAQ with over 20 years experience in the delivery of care services to people with dementia
new commonwealth initiatives Living with Memory Loss Program • For people in the early stage of dementia, and a family member or friend • Education/support groups run for 6-8 weeks, two hour sessions, one day a week • Groups are free of charge
new commonwealth initiatives Living with Memory Loss Program • Two groups are run concurrently: one for people living with memory loss and the other for a family member or friend. People with memory loss can attend without a family member or friend if they wish • Ongoing support groups usually meet monthly. Post-program referrals and ongoing support and services provided
new commonwealth initiatives Carer Education and Workforce Training Program: A joint project of AAQ and QCC • “to improve access to and use of respite by carers of people with dementia with challenging behaviour, by enabling the carer and service provider to better understand their own needs and the needs of the person with dementia” • Free program for family carers in 6 modules. These modules are delivered according to needs (eg weekend, evening) • Accredited training for service providers in 8 modules • Based on the latest national competencies in dementia care. Credit for Aged Care Certificate III course
dementia education & support program • Accredited training for service providers in 8 modules • Dementia Education and Support Program (DESP) replaced the National Action Plan for Dementia Care • DESP aims to assist carers to develop skills and to meet their needs for information, education and resources • secondary aim of DESP is to provide information and referral resources to ‘secondary’ carers, ie other family members and friends, and health and aged care professionals
research AAQ’s strategic plan identified three key research topics as a priority over the next 3 – 5 years. Project 1: Epidemiology of dementia in Queensland • AAQ plans to conduct analyses of the projected population of people with dementia in Queensland and an assessment of the dementia ‘hotspots’ in the state • In addition to providing a framework for the Association's work in the future, this analysis will contribute valuable information for the development of Government strategies to meet the needs of people with dementia in Queensland
research Project 2: State-wide re-assessment of the needs and service experience of people with dementia and their carers • To identify current and future needs of the population • Includes assessment of the opinions and experiences of a wide cross-section of the stakeholder community
research • Focus groups and interviews to be conducted with individuals and groups including: • special needs groups such as younger people with dementia and their families • people with dementia and their carers who live in remote and/or isolated areas • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities • other relevant service providers such as the Aged Care Assessment Teams, domicilliary and community service providers etc.
research Project 3: Evaluation of the current philosophy and model of care of AAQ • Demonstration of improved outcomes for clients as a function of an applied philosophy, or model of care, is a key platform for most advances in therapeutic intervention and care. Evidence-based improvements in service delivery are actively sought in most health and community services sectors
research • For some years now AAQ has been applying a philosophy of care consistent with social role valorization (SRV) theory to its service delivery • SRV seeks to maximise the independence and dignity of people with dementia by supporting and maintaining their valued social roles within their family and community • AAQ is well placed to assess benefits of the application of social role valorisation theory in dementia care
research • the project’s outcome will provide a useful tool in AAQ’s education and training programs which aim to assist community and residential care providers address practice issues in the provision of care and support for people with dementia, and their carers • project outcomes will provide the basis for the development of good practice guidelines for use by service providers in both dementia-specific and generic settings
Rural and Remote Mobile Dementia Service • Strengthened Government commitment to the health needs of Queenslanders living in rural and remote areas of the State through the development of the Multipurpose Health Services Program (MPHS) • In addition, the State and Commonwealth Health Ministers have jointly agreed a number of rural communities in Queensland to be developed as Regional Health Services (RHS) • AAQ has a proposal before the Queensland Government to establish a Rural and Remote Mobile Dementia Service that will offer full range of services provided by AAQ to communities identified for inclusion in both the MPHS and RHS programs, in coordination with these programs.
Rural and Remote Mobile Dementia Service Services to communities will include: • information, education and community awareness programs • Counselling • carer education programs, including managing challenging behaviour • carer support groups • information, education and community awareness programs • in-home respite and centre-based respite care home visiting, including visits to outlying properties • adjunct nursing care • training programs for community service providers and health professionals
Rural and Remote Mobile Dementia Service • AAQ will provide fully equipped and staffed, state-of-the-art vehicle which will incorporate a wide range of information and resources eg journals, videos, books; internet access; and a private counseling/family meeting area. AAQ will also utilize existing community facilities for the delivery of its services • between service visits, AAQ will maintain its service support to communities and individuals via the Dementia Help Line, telephone and video conferences, and through the Association’s website
What do you think? • as part of its charter, AAQ regularly seeks the views of Queenslanders on all matters related to dementia, and the help that is needed by people with dementia and their families across the State • AAQ’s emphasis is on the views of consumers and target population • AAQ conducts focus groups and public forums in different regions of Queensland at least every six months for this purpose • website provides consumers opportunity to give online feedback, promotes information sharing and electronic surveying • All AAQ clients are surveyed re their satisfaction with services, on each service occasion
for more information on how we can help……
7 Eveleigh St, Wooloowin Queensland 4030 email: helpline@alzheimersonline.org website: http://www.alzheimersonline.org Helpline freecall: 1800 639 331