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HYBRID RICE DEVELOPMENTIN INDONESIA Satoto and Made J Mejaya Indonesian Center For Rice Research Indonesian Agency For Agricultural Research And Development Ministry of Agriculture Replublic of Indonesia
2. PROGRESS IN HR DEV. IN INDONESIA 2.1. History of HR Development • HR research started in 1983. • Until 1990s, HR research was not successfull as expected difficulties in obtaining stable CMS lines with high outcrossing rates (≥ 25%), and adapted to Indonesian environment. • RYT showed that the highest yield wasalways obtained by hybrid rice combinations. • Finally resulted in several hybrid combinations consistently showed higher yield than check varieties IR58025A/IR53942 and IR58025A/BR827-35 which were then released in 2002 as Maro and Rokan.
Since 2001, HR research has beenintensified collaboration between IAARD with IRRI, FAO, and others. • ICRR had come out with several promising hybrid combinations and new CMS, maintainer, and restorer lines. • In 2004 Hipa3, Hipa4, • In 2007 Hipa5 Ceva and Hipa6 Jete. • The superiority of those new hybrids compared to Maro and Rokan were their degree of resistance to major pest and diseases, and one of them was aromatic. • In 2009 Hipa7 and Hipa8 • In 2010 Hipa9, Hipa10, Hipa11 • In 2011 Hipa12 SBU, Hipa13, Hipa14 SBU, Hipa Jatim1, Hipa Jatim2, Hipa Jatim3
2.2. STATUS AND TRENDS OF HR DEV2.2.1. Progress in HR Research. SomeCMS lines with their important traits
Some improved restorer lines Satoto-BB Padi
Present and future research program • Improving the hybrid and parental lines resistance to major pest and diseases • enhancing the level of heterosis through indica x tropical japonica hybrids • Improving grain quality of hybrids by appropriate breeding and selection of parental lines • Improving cultivation and pest management strategies for consistent performance of hybrids
Hybrid rice research priorities at ICRR • Increase and stabilize yields of seed production • Enhance yield heterosis in both dry and wet seasons to >20% • Improve hybrid rice grain quality • Reduce chalk • Increase head rice recovery • Improve resistance to biotic stresses • Hybrid rice for unfavorable environments
2.2.2. Status of HR Production (i) Area, yield, and production Data taken from on farm trials CFORD 2003
Grain yield of some released hybrid rice varieties, Mernek, Maos, Central Java CS I 2011
Grain yield of some released inbred and hybrid rice varieties, Kepanjen, Malang, East Java, CS I 2014
Grain yield of some hybrid rice varieties in Maos, Cilacap, Central Java, CS II 2011
Yield increase and farmer income from hybrid rice ( WM4SHS), WS 2010-2011 in Majalengka West Java Yield (Kg paddy) Farmer income (Rp.)
Yield increase and farmer income from hybrid rice (WM4), WS 2010-2011, Cianjur, West Java Yield (Kg Paddy) Farmer’s income (Rp)
Yield increase and farmer income from hybrid rice (WM4) in Indramayu, WS 2010-2011 Yield (Kg paddy) Farmer Income (Rp)
(ii). Technologies transferred and applied in HR production ICM-Field School of Rice 2009-2011
iii. HR seed ProductuionHybrid rice Seed production developed by ICRR
Seed Production of SL8 SHS variety Source : Sang Hyang Seri
(iv). HR SEED SUPPLY AND TRADE Planted area and seed supply during the period of 2005-2010
HYBRID RICE SEED PRODUCER S MEETING IN 14 th May 2010 • The F1 hybrid rice demand prioritized fullfiled from Domestic production • Provision plan of Hybrid rice seed production for 2010 – 2014 : 3. Seed import of F1 hybrid rice seed are restricted until 3 years after it released. 4. Since September 2011 , max 2 years after hybrid rice released Imported of F1 hybrid rice seed restricted .
(vi) Impact of HR adoption • Crop area of Hybrid rice in Indonesia curently : 600,000 Ha • Increase yield because of hybrid around 600 – 1000 kg/Ha, resulting production increase 360,000to 600,000 ton grain • Rice grain price is Rp. 4,000/kg, resulting the increase of farmer’s profit appoximately from 120million to 200 million US$ per crop • If there are 2 crops per year, total increasing of farmer’s profit approximately 240 to 400 million US$ per year • If milling recovery will reach 50%, then the increasing of rice per year will be 180,000 to 300,000ton/crop or 360,000 to 600,000ton per year.
3. CONSTRAINTS AND GAPS IN HR DEVELOIPMENT 3.1. Technology constraints : synchronization of flowering 3.2. Social and economic constraint : (a). Farmer habit to used seed from previous crop, (b). Expensive seed price, (c). Low price of hybrid paddy 3.3. Capability constraint : Limited seed grower (complicated procedure) 3.4. Environment constraints : (a). Fluctuative temperature and rain fall espesially for seed production, (b). Pest and desease, espesially BPH, BLB, Blast, SB 3.5. Policy constraints : Program/policy often change, there’s no long term program
4. Lesson Learn • Global climate change was boosted the pest and diseases outbreak during last several years, then improve the HR resistant to pest and diseases to be important. • Arable land reduction due to purpose sifting in Indonesia was reach 110.000 Ha per year, Therefore developing new HR with high yield potential with good rice quality will be important • The potency of HR seed production are still low (0.5 – 1.5 t/ha). Its cause the price of HR seed was very expensive. Simplicity of seed production of new HR combination was important • Elaborate of HR dissemination across institution was identified as a important way to encourage the HR adoption
5. Opportunity for HR Development • Easy to develop indica-restorer lines and IAARD was develop several indica-CMS lines • Indonesia has many of javanicagermplasm that potencial to be converted into restorer and cytoplasmic male sterility lines • high potency to develop indica/javanica HR combination to improve the yield’s heterosis • The high population increase in Indonesia (2,39 per year?) and land reduction were drive the HR tech development • Positive support from government and private companies will boost the HR’s adoption rapidity (ICM-FS, seed subsidy)
6. KEY STRATEGIES AND POLICY OPTIONS TO PROMOTE HR DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA TO 2020 AND 2030 • Public-private sector partnership developed on hybrid seed production to accelerate the adoption of HR tech and some companies initiated to produce seed of public hybrids. • Breeding to develop hybrid rice resistant to BPH, BLB, and RTV has high priority in the national rice research program and some promising hybrids were obtained. • Breed mat including new developed parental lines & genetic source for desirable characters from IRRI and others are still needed. • The gov of Ind supports not only the research & dev but also the dissemination and adoption of hybrid rice technology.