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Third-Party Violence at Work- a multi-sectoral approach by European social partners

Third-Party Violence at Work- a multi-sectoral approach by European social partners. ETUCE Conference 2nd Regional Seminar Brussels 7 June 2012. Background.

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Third-Party Violence at Work- a multi-sectoral approach by European social partners

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  1. Third-Party Violence at Work- a multi-sectoral approach by European social partners ETUCE Conference 2nd Regional Seminar Brussels 7 June 2012

  2. Background • 2004-2007: Negotiationsfor European cross-sectoralagreement on violenceandharrassment, includesthird-party violencepartially, does not includespecific initiatives • April 2007: Autonomousframeworkagreement on violenceandharrassment • 2007-2008: Stock-takingofsocialpartnersfromhospital, private security, localgovernment, retailtrade • «declarationofintent» signed in 2008 forsupportto multi-sectoralapproachtotackleimplementationofthird-party violence

  3. Background (continued) • 2008-2010: technicalseminars, European multisectoralconference (EPSU and Uni-Europa) • Survey (EPSU and Uni-Europa) from 33 affiliates on projects, actions, campaigns, methodsandtools, agreementsandguidelines • RESPECT Report (HOSPEEM, Eurocommerce, CoESS, CEMR): Effectiveapproachestotacklethirdpartyviolence in theworkplace • 16 July 2010: Multi-sectoralguidelinestotacklethird-party violenceandharassmentrelatedtowork

  4. Employersdutytoprotectworkersagainstviolenceandharassementin theworkplaceandtoconsult • ILO Collective Agreement on thePreventionand Resolution ofharrassment-relatedgrievances • Directive 2000/43/EC 2000 implementingtheprincipleofequaltreatmentbtwracialorethnicorigin • Directive 2000/78/EC generalframeworkforequaltreatment in employmentandoccupation • Directive 2002/73/EC equaltreatment, accesstoemployment, vocationaltrainingandpromotionandworkingconditions • Directive 89/391/EEC on theintroductionofmeasurestoencourageimprovements in thesafetyandhealthofworkers at work

  5. Impact ofthird-party violence in theworkplace • Monitoring theincidenceofthird-party violence (verbal threats/intimidation/physicialharm…) • Impact on performance, absenteeism, personal well-beingand private life, lowstaffmorale (significantretentionandrecruitmentissue!) • Increasingcostsforpsychologicaltreatment

  6. Elements ofpoliciestotacklethird-party violence in theworkplace • Definingthird-party violence • Preventionthroughtraining, awareness-raising • Holisticapproach (prevent, examinerisks, coopeationwithworkersandunions, coordinationofoverallhealthandsafetypolicy, provisionforsupporttovictimswrittendocumentation, developchecklists) • Policyevaluation

  7. Importanceoftacklingthird- partyviolence in theworkplace • Sectorssubjectto TPV: healthcare, socialwork, education, publicadministration, commerce, transport, hotelsandrestaurant, private security • Recognizedtheimportancetoaddressissueseperateley

  8. The multi-sectoralguidelinestotacklethirdpartyviolence- European socialdialogue • Result- orientedapproach • Practicalsteps- based on exchangeofgoodpractice • Joint approach (employerandemployee) tohealthandsafetyismoresuccessful • Signatories: healthcare, localand regional government, private security, educationsector • TPV issufficientlydistinctfromviolenceandharrassment (amongcolleagues) towarrant a distinctiveapproach

  9. Aims • Mitigationofconsequences • Practicalmeasuresto • Increaseawarenessandunderstandingofemployers, workers, theirrepresentativesandotherpublicauthorities • Demonstratecommittmentofsocialpartners • Provideemployers, workersandtheirrepresentatives at all levelwith Guidelines toindentify, prevent manage andtackleproblemsofworkrelatedharassmentandviolenceprovokedbythirdparties

  10. Policy Framework • Consistencyofapproach • Information, consultation, cleardefinition, riskassessment, training, monitoring, investigateallegations, requirementsforreporting, filingcomplaints • Transparencyandeffectiveprocedureforrecordingfactsandfigures • Policyframeworkhastobecommunicated

  11. Signatories • EPSU • ETUCE • UNI-Europa • CEMR/CCRE • CoESS • Eurocommerce • HOSPEEM • EFFEE

  12. Next Steps • BG, NL, CZ, EN, HU, LTH, RO, SL, GE , IT, PO, RU, ES, DA, EST, GR, LTV, PT, SVK, SV • http://www.eurocommerce.be/content.aspx?PageId=42217 • 2012 Progress Report • SocialDialogue Work Programmes • Final Joint Evaluation in 2013

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