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Graduation Project I I Behavior of Composite Flexural Elements

Industrial Training and Graduation Projects Unit. Graduation Project I I Behavior of Composite Flexural Elements. Group Members Vasila Al Khaldi 200540350 Afra Al Dhaheri 200502416 Muna Al Azizi 200503453. Examination Committee: Dr. Ali Al- Marzouqi

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Graduation Project I I Behavior of Composite Flexural Elements

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  1. Industrial Training and Graduation Projects Unit Graduation Project I IBehavior of Composite Flexural Elements • Group Members • Vasila Al Khaldi 200540350 • Afra Al Dhaheri 200502416 • Muna Al Azizi 200503453 • Examination Committee: • Dr. Ali Al-Marzouqi • Prof. Abdel Mohsen Mohamed • Dr. Ahmed Bushlaibi • Project Advisors: • Prof. Amr El Dieb • Dr. Amr Sweedan Second Semester 2010/2011

  2. Table of Contents 2

  3. Project Description 3

  4. Project Objectives • Learning New Information. • Using Experimental Methodology. • Applying Design Methodology. • Implementing Cost and • Environmental Impact Analysis. 4

  5. Summary of GPI 5

  6. Awareness of universals is called conceiving, and a universal of which we are aware is called a concept. Summary of GPI…. Conceptual Alternatives 6

  7. Gantt Chart GPII 7

  8. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Sections…. Control Steel Beam • Steel Beam Details & Function 8

  9. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Sections…. Control Steel Beam • Steel Beam Details & Function 9

  10. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Sections…. Bracing System • Bracing System Details & Function 10

  11. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Sections…. Bracing System • Bracing System Details & Function 11

  12. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Sections…. Steel Beam • Steel Beam Details & Function 12

  13. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Sections…. Steel Beam • Steel Beam Details & Function 13

  14. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Sections…. Shear Connectors • Shear Connectors Details & Function 14

  15. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Sections…. Composite Beams • Composite Beams 15

  16. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Sections…. Concrete Mixes • Concrete Mixes Details & Function 16

  17. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Results…. Control Steel Beams Results 1 3 4 2 17

  18. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Results…. Control Steel Beams Results 1 3 4 2 18

  19. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Results…. Composite Beams Results 19

  20. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Results…. Composite Beams Results 1 20

  21. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Results…. Composite Beams Results 21

  22. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Results…. Composite Beams Results 22

  23. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Results…. Composite Beams Results 23

  24. A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory. Experimental Results…. Composite Beams Results 24

  25. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated Design Procedure of Composite Beams 25

  26. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated Design Procedure of Composite Beams • Step 1: Effective Slab Width (be): 26

  27. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated Design Procedure of Composite Beams • Step 2: Location of Plastic Neutral Axis (PNA): • Maximum compression in slab: • Maximum tension in steel section: • If Cc > Ts PNA falls in the concrete slab • If Cc < Ts PNA falls in the steel section 27

  28. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated Design Procedure of Composite Beams • Case(1) :PNA inside the Concrete Slab: • (Slab Adequate System  Steel Yielding Mode) 28

  29. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated Design Procedure of Composite Beams • Case(2) :PNA inside the Steel Section: • (Slab Inadequate System  Concrete Crushing Mode) • If C > T PNA falls inside the flange • If C < T  PNA falls inside the web 29

  30. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated Design Procedure of Composite Beams • Step 3: Number of Shear Studs: • Where The number of shear studs between the point of maximum moment to the point of zero moment The smaller of the concrete compression (C) and the steel tension (T) calculated in the previous steps. The nominal shear strength of one stud as provided in Table 3-21 in AISC Manual. 30

  31. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated Design Procedure of Composite Beams • Step 4: Check the Specifications and Limitations: • Maximum stud diameter = 2.5tf • Minimum longitudinal spacing = 6x stud diameter • Minimum transverse spacing = 4x stud diameter • Maximum longitudinal spacing = smaller of (8tsor36″) • Minimum lateral concrete cover = 1″ 31

  32. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated Design Alternatives of Typical Floor Section • Alternative # 1 (Existing) • Hollow Core Slab • RC Beams • Alternative # 2 • (First Proposed System) • One Way Solid Slab • Internal Steel Beams • External Steel Girders • Alternative #3 • (Second Proposed System) • One Way Solid Slab • Composite Beams • External Steel Girders 32

  33. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated Design Alternatives Outcomes • Reinforced Concrete Slab • Internal Steel Beams • Steel Girder 33

  34. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated As main -ve As main +ve As min Design Outcomes… Alternative #2….Solid Slab A A 34

  35. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated Design Outcomes… Alternative #2….Internal Beam W 18 X97 35

  36. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated Design Outcomes… Alternative #2….External Beam W 21 X62 36

  37. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated Design Outcomes… Alternative #3….Internal Beam W 16 x31 37

  38. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated Design Outcomes… Alternative #3….External Beam W 21 X44 38

  39. Cost Estimations 39

  40. Conclusions • Conclusions 40

  41. Recommendations • Way Forward (Recommendations) • More in depth study of composite section design. • Research oriented projects should be performed in order to understand the behavior of the composite sections. • Engineer should be more familiar with this construction technique and its applications. • To open more cooperation channels with consultants, investors and construction stakeholders throughout the UAE. 41

  42. References • American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). “ANSI/AISC 360-05 Specification for Structural Buildings”, 13th edition”, Chicago, USA, 2005. • American Society of Civil Engineers (Code of ethics ). Available at: http://www.asce.org/uploadedFiles/Ethic-New/Code%20of%20Ethics%20October%202010.pdf • (Accessed 7th October, 2010). • Buildings (Concrete vs. Steel). Available at: • http://www.buildings.com/ArticleDetails/tabid/3321/ArticleID/2511/Default.aspx • (Accessed 7th October, 2010). • C. Dale Bucker and Ivan M. Viest (Eds.). (1987). Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers. • El-Dieb, Amr. Lecture Notes. Concrete Technology. UAE University, Al–Ain, UAE. 4th November, 2009. 42

  43. References • Environmental Stewardship Initiative (Sustainability). Available at: • http://www.p2pays.org/ref/38/37967.pdf • (Accessed 20th April,2010). • Griffis, L. G. 1992. ‘‘Composite frame construction.’’ Construction steel design: An international guide, P. J. Dowling, J. E. Harding, and R. Bjorhovde, eds., Elsevier, New York, 523–553. • J.C.McCormac, “Structural Steel Design, 4th edition” Pearson Prentice Hall,2008. • Maddawy, Tamer. Lecture Notes. Reinforced Concrete Design I. UAE University, Al–Ain, UAE. 6th November, 2009. 43

  44. References • Sweedan, Amr. Lecture Notes. Structural Steel Design. UAE University, Al–Ain, UAE. 29th December, 2009. • Spacone and El Tawilm, E.S. .(2004) Nonlinear Analysis of Steel-Concrete Composite Structures: State of Art. Journal of Structural Engineering. 130 (2), 159-168. • Abu-Dhabi Precast, Precast unit price quotations, personal communication. • Al Fara’a General Contracting Company, Concrete and steel prices personal communication. 44

  45. Thank You for Your Attention We Will Be More Than Glad To Answer Your Questions 45

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