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This guide provides an overview of the different styles of sonnets, including the Petrarchan, Spenserian, and Shakespearean sonnets. It also explains the use of iambic pentameter and various literary devices. Students are assigned to write three love sonnets, exploring themes of true love, lost love, and obsessive love, and will present one of their poems in class.
The Art of writing SONNETS
sonnet • A 14 line lyric poem with a single theme • Usually written in Iambic Pentameter • Usually sonnets are written as a series • Sometimes 100 or more sonnets are linked by theme or to whom it is addressed
The Petrarchan Sonnet • Divided into an 8 line octave • Followed by a 6 line sestet • The octave presents a problem • The sestet provides the solution • The prescribed rhyme scheme is shown at right. Problem Solution
Rhyme Scheme • Ex. Petrarchan • …… night (A) • …......sweet (B) • …….greet (B) • …… light (A) • …….fight (A) • …….treat (B) • …… neat (B) • ……;flight (A) • ….. heart (C) • ….. long (D) • …..never (E) • ….. start (C) • ….. strong (D) • ….. Forever € • Rhyme scheme for sonnets is based on the last sound in the line. • Every time a new sound is introduced, it gets a new letter.
Spenserian • Divided into two quatrains • Followed by one sestet • Follow the prescribed rhyme scheme shown at right.
Shakespearean sonnet • Shakespeare uses a variation of the sonnet form. • It still contains 14 lines and uses iambic pentameter. • Its structure contains three quatrains and a couplet. • The quatrains are usually mysterious, presenting some issue, complaint, or problem. • The solution or twist is given in the final couplet.
Iambic pentameter • Iamb = unstressed ˘stressed / • Pent = 5 • Meter = feet • Iambic Pentameter = • ˘ / ˘ / ˘ / ˘ / ˘/ • “But soft /what light/ through yon/der win/dow breaks • It is /the east / and Ju/liet /the sun.” Romeo and Juliet • Each section is two syllables. • This rule will be hard and fast in your sonnet writing.
sample This sonnet from Elizabeth Barrett Browning is not from the same time period, but follows the same strategies. Analyze this poem as a class and look for examples that match the guidelines you’ve been given. For examaple – do you see iambic pentameter? What is the rhyme scheme? Is it a traditional 14 line sonnet. This is a good example of how the writers of the Renaissance influenced writers after their time. • How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.I love thee to the depth and breadth and heightMy soul can reach, when feeling out of sightFor the ends of Being and ideal Grace.I love thee to the level of everyday'sMost quiet need, by sun and candle-light.I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.I love thee with a passion put to useIn my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.I love thee with a love I seemed to loseWith my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,I shall but love thee better after death.
Assignment • You will be writing 3 love sonnets. • You will use all three styles. • Your topics will be: • True Love • Lost Love/Heart Break • Obsessive Love • You will decide which style will be used for each topic. • You will perform one of these poems out loud in front of the class. • You need to submit all 3 in hardcopy and a digital copy to tii.com by the assigned due date.
Rubric • _____ Form (15) • _____ Meter (15) • _____ Simile or Metaphor (9) • _____ Alliteration (9) • _____ Elevated Language (9) • _____ Personification (9) • _____ Imagery (9) • _____ Presentation (25) • Comments on tii.com for your review • _____ Final Grade/100 Your poems must include the following criterion. If you are unclear about any of these literary devices – ask – don’t assume. You must color code your hardcopy and include a key at the bottom of your poetry. Refer to the example before you submit your final assignment.