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Computer Logging and Logbook of the World (LOTW) (an update)

Federal Way Amateur Radio Club April 2009 Presented by Dan Camp, AF7O. Computer Logging and Logbook of the World (LOTW) (an update). Computer Logging. Contest Logging Logging Incidental to Specialized Software Day To Day Logging. Contest Logging Software. Real Time Scoring

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Computer Logging and Logbook of the World (LOTW) (an update)

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  1. Federal Way Amateur Radio Club April 2009 Presented by Dan Camp, AF7O Computer Logging and Logbook of the World (LOTW)(an update)

  2. Computer Logging • Contest Logging • Logging Incidental to Specialized Software • Day To Day Logging

  3. Contest Logging Software • Real Time Scoring • Even in a Multi-User Environment! • Help with Rules Compliance • Multiplier Tracking • Real Time Dupe Checking • Easy Log Submission via Cabrillo files • Standard contest data format • Recognized by LOTW Software • Memory Keyer/Voice Keyer • Rig Control • Packet Spotting: “Assisted Mode”

  4. November Sweepstakes Log

  5. Graphical Progress Reports

  6. Specialty Logging • Net Control Op • Specialty Operations • 10-10 • Lighthouse Chasing • “Exotic” modes—Logging often built in • SSTV • Satellite/Meteor • PSK31

  7. SSTV Software with Logging

  8. General Purpose Logging • Keep track of your day-to-day contacts • Replaces the paper log • Import data from contest & specialty logs • Keep track of award progress • Upload LOTW and e-QSL data • Rig control • DX-Cluster support • Info from previous QSOs, QRZ address and “Etc., Etc. and So Forth!”

  9. General Purpose Logging

  10. LOTW—Logbook of the World • ARRL's Logbook of the World • You do NOT have to be and ARRL member to use LOTW • Hosted/Supported by ARRL HQ Staff on ARRL servers for the benefit of amateurs worldwide

  11. What LOTW Isn't • Not an online QSL Card exchange • For card images, try e-QSL • Not a Buro • Not a bulletin board for QSO info • Not a replacement for “collecting wallpaper” • Also • Not unsupported • Not all that hard to use!

  12. What LOTW Is • Secure means of matching QSL information submitted by two stations to confirm QSOs • Designed with INTEGRETY in mind • Open Source & Peer Reviewed code base • Safeguards for operator verification • As of 9 April, 2009 • 26,000+ users • 40,000 Certificates • 218,000,000 QSO Records • 20,000,000 QSL Records

  13. Requirements • Current address in the FCC database • If address is not current it must be updated before proceeding • Other mailing requirements apply for non-US Hams • Computer • Windows, Mac & Linux/Unix all Supported • Copy of TQSL installation file for your OS • Download from the ARRL website • Logging Software HIGHLY RECOMMENDED • Hand entry possible, but unnecessarily complex.

  14. TQSL 101 • TQSL comprised of two modules • TQSLCert—manages your certificates • TQSL—manages your QSO Data • Both install from the same installer package

  15. TQSL 102 • Certificate • Electronic “ID Card” stating that you are who you say you are • Issued by a “Certifying Authority” • ARRL only authority currently issuing certificates • System is designed to allow other entities to participate • RAC? • RSGB? • FWARC? • Used by TQSL to mark QSO data as genuinely from you

  16. “Sign Me Up” • Download/Install TQSL Package • Run TQSLCert • Enter Pertinent Data • Call Sign • Date of Issue • Generate Certificate Request • Creates *.tq5 file • Email .tq5 file to lotw-logs@arrl.org • “Stop, oh yes, wait a minute, Mr. Postman”

  17. “It Came, It Came!” • Enter password from postcard on LOTW website • *.tq6 file emailed overnight • Open .tq6 file • YOU ARE NOW CERTIFIED! • BACK IT UP! • Create *.p12 file • Keep it on another machine—or offsite

  18. Now What? • Import QSO data • From logging software • ADIF Format • Cabrillo Format • Individual QSO's can entered in TQSL's data entry tool • Sign the data with your certificate. • Email signed data to LOTW

  19. LOTW Does the Matching

  20. Matching Criteria • Same Calls • Same Band • Same Mode • Same Date/Time in UTC • Allowance made for small clock errors • If it all matches, It's a QSL!

  21. The LOTW Website

  22. LOTW-Aware Logging Software

  23. Awards • DXCC & 5BDXC • WAS • “Triple Play” Award • Other awards can be added to the system • Not limited to ARRL based awards • Awards based on QSL Records • Paid for with “Payment Credits” • $.15-$.25/QSL

  24. GO FOR IT! Any Questions?

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