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The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research UCAR an overview. UCAR as the Management Entity for NCAR. Provides a streamlined, effective business & legal framework in which NCAR flourishes.
The University Corporation for Atmospheric ResearchUCARan overview
UCAR as the Management Entity for NCAR • Provides a streamlined, effective business & legal framework in which NCAR flourishes. • Engages the best of the academic community in providing advice and high-level strategic & managerial decision making. • Conducts managerial practices that develop human capital, reward achievement, & value diversity. • Complements and supports NCAR programs with excellent companion efforts in: • Education – Community service • Government affairs – Technology advancement • Public-private partnerships
Walter Orr Roberts “I have a very strong feeling that science exists to serve human welfare. It’s wonderful to have the opportunity given us by society to do basic research, but in return, we have a very important moral responsibility to apply that research to benefiting humanity.” Walter Orr Roberts
NCAR Mesa Lab in Boulder, Colorado Architect I.M. Peimodeled the laboratory after the cliff dwellingsof Mesa Verde.
UCAR a non-profit corporation formed in 1959 to serve the atmospheric and related science and education community The UCAR mission to support, enhance, and extend the capabilities of the university community, nationally and internationally; to understand the behavior of the atmosphere and related systems and the global environment; and to foster the transfer of knowledge and technology for the betterment of life on earth.
UCAR’s Six Goal Areas • Advocacy, public policy, and communication--in cooperation with other institutions, play a strong role in developing enhanced and more effective methods of communication among scientists, policymakers, and the public in order to foster the use of science in the service of humankind • Technology transfer--in conjunction with the UCAR Foundation, transfer appropriate UCAR technology to the public and private sectors • Research and operational partnerships--strengthen the relationship between the operational and research communities • Science--foster a broad scientific program of highest quality to address present and future needs of society • Research facilities--develop and acquire state-of-the-art scientific research facilities • Education and training--devote significant attention to education and training, with emphasis on women and minorities
Integrity Excellence Fairness Hard work Service Risk taking Teamwork Diversity Flexibility Innovation Creativity Leadership Accomplishment Employee development UCAR Values
UCAR Governance • Membership: 66 member North American universities with appropriate doctorate program; 19 Academic Affiliates • Governance: 132 Member Representatives, Board of Trustees and associated committees • Guidance: advisory committees and review panels and significant university involvement in every UCAR program • Peer Review: 5-year review by NSF and UCAR Scientific Programs Evaluation Committee
University of Alabama in Huntsville University of Alaska University at Albany, State University of New York University of Arizona Arizona State University California Institute of Technology University of California, Davis University of California, Irvine University of California, Los Angeles University of Chicago Colorado State University University of Colorado at Boulder Cornell University University of Denver Drexel University Florida State University Georgia Institute of Technology Harvard University University of Hawaii Howard University University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Iowa Iowa State University The Johns Hopkins University University of Maryland Massachusetts Institute of Technology UCARMembers McGill University University of Miami University of Michigan-Ann Arbor University of Minnesota University of Missouri Naval Postgraduate School University of Nebraska, Lincoln University and Community College System of Nevada University of New Hampshire, Durham New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology New York University North Carolina State University The Ohio State University University of Oklahoma Old Dominion University Oregon State University Pennsylvania State University Princeton University Purdue University University of Rhode Island Rice University Rutgers University Saint Louis University Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UCSD Stanford University Texas A & M University University of Texas at Austin Texas Tech University University of Toronto Utah State University University of Utah University of Virginia University of Washington Washington State University University of Wisconsin- Madison University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution University of Wyoming Yale University York University
UCAR Board of Trustees Otis Brown, University of Miami, Chairman* Richard Anthes, UCAR President Leo Donner, Princeton University Kelvin Droegemeier, University of Oklahoma Barbara Feiner, Washington University at St. Louis Eugenia Kalnay, University of Maryland Charles Kennel, Scripps Institution of Oceanography* Ron McPherson, American Meteorological Society Neal Lane, Rice University Mary Jo Richardson, Texas A&M University Paola Rizzoli, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Soroosh Sorooshian, University of Arizona David Skaggs, Center for Democracy and Citizenship Ronald Smith, Yale University* Orlando Taylor, Howard University Gabor Vali, University of Wyoming *term expires in February 2003 Term begins 2003: Eric Barron, The Pennsylvania State University Len Pietrafesa, North Carolina State University Lynne Talley, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Atmospheric Chemistry Division (ACD) Atmospheric Technology Division (ATD) Advanced Study Program (ASP) Climate & Global Dynamics Division (CGD) Daniel McKenna David Carlson Al Cooper Maurice Blackmon Member Institutions Board of Trustees UCAR President Richard Anthes Corporate Affairs Jack Fellows, VP Finance & Administration Katy Schmoll, VP UCAR Programs Jack Fellows, Director Kathryn Strand, Manager, Budget and Administration NCAR Tim Killeen, Director Steve Dickson, Associate Director Education and Outreach Roberta Johnson Cooperative Program for Optional Meteorology Education and Training (COMET) Constellation Observing System for Meteorology Ionosphere Climate (COSMIC) Digital Library for Earth System Science (DLESE) Timothy Spangler Bill Kuo Mary Marlino High Altitude Observatory (HAO) Environmental & Societal Impacts Group (ESIG) Scientific Computing Division (SCD) Mesoscale & Microscale Meteorological Division (MMM) GPS Science & Technology Program (GST) Nat’l SMETE Digital Library (NSDL) Research Applications Programs (RAP) Unidata Visiting Scientists Programs (VSP) Joint Office for Science Support (JOSS) David Fulker Robert Harriss Randolph Ware David Fulker Meg Austin Robert Gall Michael Knölker Karyn Sawyer Brant Foote Al Kellie Denotes President’s Office 10/01
Science Facilities Education and Outreach Advocacy, Public Policy and Communication Technology Transfer Research and Operational Partnerships Highlights
ACE-Asia 15 March-5 May 2001 Participation by 130 scientists from 12 countries; 22 universities and 12 other research institutions. NCAR ATD and UOP Joint Office for Science Support (JOSS) provided research aircraft, support for field ops planning, implementation, logistics/administration, documentation, and ongoing access to ACE-Asia data worldwide.
Aerosol Assimilation Model for ACE-Asia Courtesy Phil Rasch (http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/pjr)
Science Facilities Education and Outreach Advocacy, Public Policy and Communication Technology Transfer Research and Operational Partnerships Highlights
Facility Enhancements • Advanced Research Computing System • High-Performance Instrumented Airborne Platform for Environmental Research
High-Resolution Global Modeling Animation courtesy of NCAR SCD Visualization and Enabling Technologies Section
Science Facilities Education and Outreach Advocacy, Public Policy and Communication Technology Transfer Research and Operational Partnerships Highlights
Education and Outreach Strategic Plan In partnership with the university community, UCAR promotes scientific literacy and advances all levels of education and training in subjects related to Earth’s atmosphere. www.ucar.edu_outreach/stratplan.html
Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS) Tom Windham, Director Goal: Significantly increase the number of underrepresented groups in the atmospheric and related sciences. • 4-year program for ~20 protégés • ~60 UCAR-NCAR-UOP staff participate as mentors • Nominated for 2001 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring • Sponsors: NSF, DOE, NOAA, NASA Class of 1996 Class of 2001
Science Facilities Education and Outreach Advocacy, Public Policy, Communication Technology Transfer Research and Operational Partnerships Highlights
UCAR Office of Government Affairs Web Page www.ucar.edu/oga/ • Latest information on Federal budget process • Summary of UCAR’s activities on behalf of the community through Action Alerts, Appropriations and other Testimony, Letters to Congress, Hill science briefings • Lists of Members of Congress and leadership of key committees • Links to all Congressional Office web sites, all key agencies and partner organizations
Testimony Submitted annually on the following budgets: NSF NASA NOAA DOE FAA USGS Rick Anthes testifying before the House VA HUD Sub. on FY02 Budget
Hill Briefings • Purpose to relay to Members and staff current research results based on societal applications • Expert panelists drawn from throughout the community • Always hosted by a congressional office or committee and often cosponsored with the American Meteorological Society and the Congressional Natural Hazards Caucus • Recent examples include: “Hurricanes: The Danger, The Impacts, The Outlook” “Energy Policy and Weather Information”
Transition Documents for newAdministration and Congress A National Priority: Building Resilience to Natural Hazards Produced by UCAR, AMS, and Congressional Natural Hazards Working Group Produced by AMS and UCAR The time has come for a new national approach to natural hazards
Produced for the community following September 11th attacks Sent to the Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the State Department, the Office of Homeland Security, and agencies
Participation in Hill events Breakfast Honoring House Science Committee ChairSherwood Boehlert Coalition for National Science Funding Exhibit/Reception for Members of Congress and Staff Representative Vern Ehlers and Tim Killeen
Science Facilities Education and Outreach Advocacy, Public Policy and Communication Technology Transfer Research and Operational Partnerships Highlights
Science Facilities Education and Outreach Advocacy, Public Policy and Communication Technology Transfer Research and Operational Partnerships Highlights
Weather Support to Deicing Decision Making Operational system to support ground icing Research for FAA Real-time nowcasting of snowfall rate, temperature, humidity, wind. Based on science that won UCAR publication prize in 2000
Community Input to UCAR • Overview.For the past three years, the UCAR Members' Meeting has focused on how the UCAR community should position itself to meet the opportunities and challenges of the next several decades. • 1999 Forum. Considered these challenges as framed in the 1998 BASC Report and the NSF Geosciences Beyond 2000 report. The issues raised formed the basis for a UCAR survey of the community in 2000. • 2000 Forum. Areas of interest identified in the Community Survey • Observational Facilities, Instrumentation, and Field Program Support • Computing Facilities/Community Models • Real-time and Archived Data, Data Sets, Data Streams • Education and Training • Recruiting Graduate Students • 2001 Forum. Focused on NCAR and E&O Strategic Plans and how we can increase the NCAR/UCAR-community collaboration in a broad range of areas. • 2002 Forum.Will focus on academic-private sector relationships.
UCAR Community Survey • Web-based survey sent to 2048 people in 2000 • 599 responses (29%) • Fall UCAR Quarterly President’s Corner article http://www.ucar.edu/communications/quarterly/fall00/president.html
Discipline Number of responses 1 2 3 Atmospheric sci/meteor 305 76 25 Atmospheric chemistry 25 39 20 Climatology 32 92 37 Oceanography 61 23 17 Astronomy/solar phys 30 16 10 Solar-terrestrial 35 24 10 Biological sciences 5 8 10 Computer science 22 23 35 Social sciences 2 0 0 Engineering 17 22 11 Physics 25 34 27 Hydrology 4 20 23 Geology/geophysics 24 15 12 Other 20 19 14
Relationship with UCAR past 10 yr Collaborator 235 Visitor 241 User of community model 177 User of data set or data stream 274 User of obs facility (e.g. aircraft..) 84 User of computational facility 153 User of UCAR software (e.g. NCAR graphics..) 187 User of educational facility or product (e.g. COMET, Skymath….) 111 Member of adv panel, committee 130 Participation in advocacy activities 72 Participation in SOARS 9 Sponsor of a UCAR program 24
What additional or increased areas of service to the community should UCAR consider? Observational facilities 149 Computational facilities 139 Instrumentation 155 Community models 155 Data sets or data streams 221 Educational/training matls 204 Support for field programs (planning, logistics, ops and data mgmnt) 112 Advocacy on behalf of community 135 Provide RT data to univ 166 Community workshops 180 Help with recruiting grad students 158 Other 17 None of above 7
UCAR and NCAR 1960-2000 Celebrating 40 years of successful partnership with the universities, NSF and other agencies UCAR 40 forty
Highlights 2002 http://www.ucar.edu/communications/highlights/2002/highlights.pdf