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Rebuild America Program - Community Partnerships for Energy Efficiency

Learn how Rebuild America is helping communities nationwide improve the local economy, create jobs, and save energy through energy-efficient technologies and partnerships. Join the movement today!

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Rebuild America Program - Community Partnerships for Energy Efficiency

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  1. REBUILD AMERICA Guardco Lighting Specifier Seminar September 1999 Doug Avery Rebuild America Program Representative


  3. Rebuild America Is: • A voluntary U.S. Department of Energy Program • Designed to help communities form local partnerships whose focus is on • Improving the local economy • Enhancing the quality of life • Creating of local jobs • Helping to protect the earth

  4. Rebuild America Is 218 Community Partnerships That Have Actually Saved Energy: • 155 million sq. ft. of building space retrofit • $334 million in energy savings during FY 1998 - $2.15/sq. ft.

  5. Utilizing a variety of energy efficient and environmentally friendly technologies


  7. Rebuild America works with all American Communities, From Rural Alaska to Any Town USA to Major Metropolitan Areas

  8. How Does Rebuild America Help Communities?

  9. City of Reno Department of Public Works 900,000 Square feet of City buildings being retrofitted

  10. City of Reno, Nevada • 900,000 SQ/FT Being Retrofitted • Cost of project= $ 2.5 million • Projected savings: • $ 300,000.00 per year • 2,389,588 kWh per year • 737 kW demand reduction • Financed using an energy services agreement

  11. Performance Contract Review Oak Ridge National Lab staff reviewed the performance contract with the City of Reno and the company providing the services. As a result of this partnership, both the City of Reno and the Contractor feel that they have a better business arrangement.

  12. Energy Audit Walk-throughs, looking at lighting and mechanical systems

  13. Training classes for Maintenance staff John Adams from CES/Way at Reno Doug Avery from Rebuild at Emory University

  14. Little Rock, Arkansas Central High

  15. These 20 high school students volunteered for a five day class on auditing techniques. Rebuild America sponsored the classes and help supervise the audits these students performed

  16. The students prepared a comprehensive report on the school facility They presented the results to the City Council and the Mayor of Little Rock. They identified $57,000 in low-cost/no cost Energy Efficient measures that could easily be instituted at the high school

  17. ROSEBUD SIOUX TRIBESOUTH DAKOTA • First Native American Tribe to voluntarily partner with the Federal Government in the history of the United States. • Became a Rebuild Partnership in May of 1998

  18. Rosebud Sioux Tribal Needs: • Weatherization Program • Energy “tuning” on existing buildings • Renewable Energy generation • Wind • Solar • Hydro • Off-grid electrification • Economic growth on Reservation

  19. Rebuild has facilitated meetings between tribal leadership and private companies to find funding and technical assistance

  20. This Home has no insulation and no running water, and is typical of many homes on the Rosebud Reservation

  21. Classes on Weatherization and Energy Efficient Lighting. South Dakota Energy Office partnered in presenting this course to tribal members.


  23. BECAUSE……. • Implementation of energy efficient technologies is important, both to the environment and to the economy. • Success relies on finding LOCAL champions and building LOCAL resources. • Community partnerships are more effective in implementing and maintaining energy efficient programs. • Energy efficiency + local economic growth = More dollars in the community

  24. How can you participate in the Rebuild America Program?

  25. There are a few ways to play: • Become a Rebuild America Champion • Partner with an existing Rebuild America Partnership • Become a Rebuild America Business Partner • Local • Regional • National

  26. A Champion: • Engages the community • Identifies local projects • Organizes local resources • Implements energy efficient projects • Continues to grow the local Rebuild Program

  27. Partner with an Existing Rebuild America Partnership Aiken, Aiken, Beauchamp and Sheetz Architects Partner to Rebuild Salisbury (NC) Partnership Worked in association with Piedmont Gas (NC) - another partner to the partnership Saved energy in community building for the elderly (116 units) through HVAC retrofits and weatherization

  28. Who Can Become a Rebuild America Business Partner? • Manufacturers • Distributors • Installers • Professional Services • Engineering • Architecture • Design • Performance Contractors • Public Utility Companies • Financial Institutions

  29. Is this just another one of those partnership things that are signed and then forgotten? What’s different or new with the Rebuild America Business Partner Program?

  30. Rebuild America Business Partners Will: • Provide resources to partnerships • Education • Product • Design, financing, implementation • Project management • Promote the installation of energy efficient technology • State of the art • Comprehensive

  31. Rebuild America Business Partners Will Get: • Expanded market share • Broadened distribution • Participation in local, regional, national Rebuild America Peer Exchange • Recognition as a participant - concerned with the overall quality of the project - rather than as just a bidder

  32. A Quality Lighting Project Should: • Improve the visual environment • Provide adequate levels of illumination for the tasks being done • Employ the appropriate technology

  33. Quality Lighting Projects Shouldn’t Look Like These . . .

  34. New lamps and ballasts retrofitted into a fixture that has exceeded useful life

  35. Vet clinic in a trailer retrofitted to 200 fc (sunglasses optional)

  36. Two light strips retrofitted to one light with specular reflector

  37. An example of where the stuff hit the reflector

  38. Ceiling fixture on the wall trying to illuminate a mechanical room Yeah, right.

  39. A horizontally challenged vertical fixture

  40. Your turn - you tell me what’s wrong with this picture

  41. Raising the Bar Higher industry standards mean a level playing field and greater business opportunities.

  42. Join a Winning Team Become a Rebuild America Ally.

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