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Resources for Successful Career Guidance Programs June 25, 2014 Counselor Summer Institute

Resources for Successful Career Guidance Programs June 25, 2014 Counselor Summer Institute. Marina Parr WA Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board Communications Director Danise Ackelson Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Supervisor, Guidance & Counseling.

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Resources for Successful Career Guidance Programs June 25, 2014 Counselor Summer Institute

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  1. Resources for Successful Career Guidance ProgramsJune 25, 2014Counselor Summer Institute Marina Parr WA Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board Communications Director Danise Ackelson Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Supervisor, Guidance & Counseling

  2. What is Career Guidance?Who are you? Where are you from?Why are you here today?

  3. What is the connection? Career Guidance with Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Career Guidance is designed to prepare all students for their future with support from a school counselor and/or educator/advisors, curriculum, and tools for their High School and Beyond Plan.

  4. Partnerships .

  5. Career Guidance Foundations in WA RCW 28A.600.045 Comprehensive guidance and planning programs for students Enacted in 2006 Legislative Intent: There are specific skills and a body of knowledge that each student needs to chart a course through middle school, high school, and post-high school options. Each student needs active involvement from parents and at least one supportive adult in the school who knows and cares about the student's progress and future. Students, parents, and teachers need the benefit of immediate feedback and accurate diagnosis of students' academic strengths and weaknesses to inform the students' short-term and long-term plans. Empower and motivate all students and parents to take a greater role in charting the students' own educational experiences, the legislature intends to strengthen schools' guidance and planning programs.

  6. Common Core & Career Guidance • The Common Core Standards • Do not address full range of career ready practices Common Core State Standards define the knowledge and skills students should have within their K-12 education careers so that they will graduate high school able to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing academic college courses and in workforce training programs.

  7. Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Tools for School Counselors http://www.counseling.org/docs/resources---school-counselors/common-core-state-standards.pdf?sfvrsn=2 http://www.scribd.com/embeds/117270141/content?start_page=1&view_mode=scroll&access_key=key-2c65rgfvppgmrt3kvr2d

  8. Career Guidance at OSPI • We are in the processof consolidating, updating and refining career guidance to better meet the needs of our students in WA state. • Navigation 101 to Career Guidance WA • All guidance resources and lessons on OSPI website • Technical Assistance • Monthly Webinars • Flexibility for schools to utilize career guidance resources and lessons • Counseling classroom activities • Career centers • Homeroom/Advisory programs (Navigation 101 model) • CTE classes • All lessons aligned with Common Core State Standards and ASCA

  9. 2006 - 2013 which has evolved into 2013 - present

  10. http://www.k12.wa.us/SecondaryEducation/CareerCollegeReadiness/default.aspxLessons are located on OSPI website.Consolidation lessons posted in August 2014

  11. Every Student Needs a Plan “My High School and Beyond Plan” starts in middle school and includes: • Evidence of career & college readiness knowledge • Career interest inventory results and student reflection • High School 4-year plan • Postsecondary options • Multi-year plan for success • Evidence of student progress to date • Student career and college goals • Student reflections/ plan for next year • Connection to registration for course selection • Resume building State Board of Education’s Personalized Pathway Requirement for the 24-credit career- and college-ready diploma

  12. How do we teach career guidance? - for “My High School & Beyond Plan”?- for “My Middle School & Beyond Plan”? • Themes • Career and College Development • Ownership of Learning • Transition Skills • Learning Techniques • Metacognitive Skills • Academic Preparation and Eligibility • High School and Beyond Plan • Portfolio/Plan can be paper or electronic • Content of plan are organized by three areas: • Academic Development • Career Development • Personal/Social Development • School-wide/Systems Approach • Designated time during school day • Advisory / Homeroom • Counselors deliver in classes • Career counselors in career center • Counselors in one-to-one meetings • Designated class instructional unit • Leadership from administration, counseling, and teachers • Professional development provided

  13. Career Guidance WA Lesson format: Grades 6-12 • Lesson plans for each level • Each includes: • Lesson goals • Alignment with standards • Materials needed • Core, enrichment, exploration activities • List of Washington resources • Student worksheet, family handout • Many are packaged with PowerPoint presentations http://www.k12.wa.us/SecondaryEducation/CareerCollegeReadiness/default.aspx

  14. What do the lessons address? assessments of students' academic strengths and weaknesses; use of results in developing students' short-term and long-term plans; assessments of student interests and aptitude; strengthening goal-setting skills; planning for high school course selection; independent living / student success skills; exploration of CTE options and opportunities at secondary and postsecondary level; exploration of opportunities in emerging and high-demand programs including apprenticeships; and knowledge on how to access postsecondary options and financial aid

  15. 24-credit career- and college-ready diplomaSB 6552

  16. Career Guidance supports HSBP elements • Advisory/Career Center • Providing individualized support for all students directed to HSBP development and progress through advisories /mentoring • Relationships built in process • Career & College readiness curriculum • A scoped and sequenced curriculum that addresses SBE HSBP components • School wide implementation • HSBP tools and templates • Individual planning portfolio • Student ownership and organization of Career & College eligibility and readiness knowledge within HSBP • Student-led conference • Students present their HSBP • Parent opportunity to connect to student HSBP • Student-informed scheduling • School response to student HSBP needs • Connects HSBP to registration process • Evaluation • Use data to inform student and program impacts and needed adjustments • Evidence-based practices lead • Program management • Supports improvement plan and distributive leadership • Consists of principal, counselor, and teachers • Integration within a comprehensive guidance & counseling program • Foundational for HSBP process sustainability school-wide • Vertical teaming between MS and HS for seamless transition

  17. High School & Beyond Plan starts in Middle SchoolEXAMPLE • Identify goals for high school • High school graduation requirements • Make a four-year plan for high school • Develop a high school Personalized Pathway • Explore interests and careers • Explore postsecondary options • Postsecondary admission expectations • College Bound Scholarship information • Learn how to pay for postsecondary options • Required tests • Presentation at student-led conference

  18. High School & Beyond Plan for 10th GradeEXAMPLE • Four-year course plan with Personalized Pathway • High school graduation requirements with career- and college-ready diploma • Career Interest Inventory • Identify goals for career and college • Research postsecondary options • College and scholarship search • Postsecondary admission expectations • Learn about financial aid • Build a resume/activity log • Identify and take required assessments and entrance exams • Presentation at student-led conference

  19. High School & Beyond Plan for 12th GradeEXAMPLE • Finalize four-year course plan with Personalized Pathway • High school graduation requirements and rigor • Career Interest Inventory • Identify goals for career and college • Apply to at least four postsecondary options • Apply for financial aid • Explore and apply for scholarships • Complete resume/activity log • Complete college/scholarship essay • Visit postsecondary institutions • Take required tests and entrance exams • Presentation and reflection

  20. Career Guidance program bring results (2008-2013) • College-Ready Transcripts Increases • 17% to 31% for Native American Students • 31% to 47% for African American Students • Similar increases in Dual Credit course participation (AP) (2010-2012) • 21.5% increase in CRI Schools • Increase in college persistence (4 years) • 9.4% • Course taking patterns • MS Algebra 22% – 27% • Adv Math in HS 61% -75% • Chemistry 33% - 58% • Parent participation rates • 40% – 79% • Graduation rates • 60%-69% (18 points higher than comparison schools)

  21. Where can you find data? • OSPI Website • School Report Card • Grad rates, assessment, dual credit, demographics • K-12 Data Reports • Achievement Index – State Board of Education https://eds.ospi.k12.wa.us/WAI/IndexReport • ERDC http://www.erdcdata.wa.gov • https://eds.ospi.k12.wa.us/WAI/IndexReport

  22. Online Tools • Focus seems to be on career and college planning, transitions • Career planning • Career/interest assessments • Next steps: education, extracurriculars • College applications and planning • Entrance requirements • Financial aid • Application assistance • Clearinghouse of information about schools in state • A few tools have high school course planning capability

  23. Career BridgeCareer Interest Inventorywww.careerbridge.wa.gov/

  24. How do kids learn about work? Parents & Friends Teachers & Counselors Media & Movies Employers

  25. Changes coming to Career Bridge

  26. Coming soon: Career Connected Learning website We are working on developing a shared website (blog) so that the education community, employers and workforce development professionals can discuss ideas and opportunities in work-integrated learning. Career-connected learning ties classroom learning to real work experiences and can range from an industry professional speaking to a class to job shadowing and workplace tours to internships and apprenticeships. To be sure you hear about it, sign up for our newsletter. Sign up for the Washington State Workforce Development Newsletter!

  27. More Resources!

  28. OSPI Graduation Toolkit

  29. State Board of EducationGraduation 2013-17 Charthttp://www.sbe.wa.gov/documents/GradRequirements/GradReq2012-2017_Dec2013.pdf

  30. The WashBoard.org “Counselor Toolkit” includes handouts and PowerPoint about scholarship resources http://www.thewashboard.org/login.aspx

  31. Dropout Prevention, Intervention and Reengagementhttp://www.k12.wa.us/GATE/default.aspx • Inventory of Reengagement programs • Open Doors 1418 Youth Reengagement Programs • Building Bridges grants for data driven dropout programs • Data Coaching (ESD’s) • Early Warning Systems (DEWIS) • Jobs for WA Graduates (JWG) Program • Data Portal • Contact: Dixie Grunenfelder at OSPI

  32. . http://www.wsac.wa.gov/ College and Career Readiness Resources Statewide plan College and career planning College admissions (http://www.wsac.wa.gov/sites/default/files/MCAS-Overview-StudentsParents.pdf) Scholarships Financial Aid C

  33. CheckOutACollege.com

  34. OSComprehensive Guidance and Counseling NEWSLETTER .

  35. College and Career Readiness Program RecognitionCareer Guidance Award of Excellence • Anacortes High School • Blaine High School • Bremerton High School • Bremerton Mountain View Middle School • Bridgeport Middle and High School • Creston High School • Franklin Pierce Keithley Middle School • Franklin Pierce Washington High School • Goldendale High School • Grandview High School • Grandview Middle School • Grandview Compass High School • Omak High School • Republic High School • Spokane John Rogers High School • Spokane Shaw Middle School • Tacoma Lincoln High School • Toppenish High School • Toppenish Middle School • Tukwila Foster High School • Tukwila Showalter Middle School • Woodland High School • Woodland Middle School Applications will be accepted next school year. http://www.k12.wa.us/SecondaryEducation/CareerCollegeReadiness/default.aspx

  36. Career Guidance Fall Regional WorkshopsRegistration in Augusthttp://www.k12.wa.us/SecondaryEducation/CareerCollegeReadiness/default.aspx. • September 30 ESD 189 Anacortes • October 2 ESD 121 Renton • October 10 ESD 112 Vancouver • October 16 ESD 114 Bremerton • October 20 ESD 123 Pasco • October 21 ESD 105 Yakima • October 23 ESD 171 Wenatchee • November 12 ESD 113 Olympia • November 14 ESD 101 Spokane

  37. Let’s hear from you!What are your “VICTORIES”?What is working and why?

  38. Thank You! Marina Parr Danise Ackelson

  39. ActivityWhat are you already doing with CCSS and College and Career Readiness?What other visions do you have for the future? Ideas… • RTI models – Tier 2 and 3 interventions; Tier 1 for all • PBIS model for achievement, attendance, behavior, barriers, support • Monitor student progress to ID students off-track for dropout and CCR • PD – Book study, Habits of Mind, Conley CCR, Career Ready outcomes, … • Connect assessment with interventions; use data and evidence-based practices • Systems and structures Guidance curriculum deliver to all • HSBP and Program of Study • Open access to AP; rigor; dual credit • Outreach to underrepresented • Visuals in classrooms, counseling center, and hallways • Rituals and practices for honoring students • School culture, beliefs, and expectations

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