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Notes. Use any of the advice in any form you wish print out and hang directly where most useful print in A4, or A5 or smaller transfer to stickers or other materials include in your web-site Adopt and change layout (e.g. to use corperate design)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Notes • Use any of the advice in any form you wish • print out and hang directly where most useful • print in A4, or A5 or smaller • transfer to stickers or other materials • include in your web-site • Adopt and change layout (e.g. to use corperate design) • If you have ideas and layouts, please share with info@edi-net.eu Add link to your council‘s forum or the forum for the building • Add a QR-Code andenable your staff to directly visit the forum • You can direct to a specific topic addressed to responsible building manager • There are many free QR-Code generator services online Curated by

  2. Cooling Always Keep doors closed Keep windows closed • Open windows fully for 5 minutes In summer Optional xxxQR-CODE TO Building forum tilt the window at night If the weather is fine andyour office is not prone to intrusion (e.g. 3rd floor and above) created by Danil Polshin, by Claudio Troisemme from the “thenounproject.com”

  3. Heating v Always • Keep radiators as free as possible • Keep doors closed • Keep windows closed • Consider turning down temperature • Turn down thermostat when you leave v If radiators are full of air Optional xxxQR-CODE TO Building forum ventilateor tell energy professional created by Sergey Demushkin , by Michael Thompson from the “thenounproject.com”

  4. Lift Always Try always to use stairs Consider of many 100kg have to travel to you and with you Optional xxxQR-CODE TO Building forum created by Dávid Gladiš, by Lazar Nikolic from the “thenounproject.com”

  5. z Desk / Office z z z Always z • Do not use screen savers • Use hibernate mode • Turn-off if only used occasionally • Don’t charge your mobile phone all day z z z If possible Optional xxxQR-CODE TO Building forum Point desk so you receive natural light created by Danil Polshin, by Setyo Ari Wibowo, by Madeleine Bennett , by Liam Mitchell, by Oliviu Stoian from the “thenounproject.com”

  6. Light bulb Always • Turn off light when sufficient day light • Turn off light in unused rooms • Turn off light in halls, public areas If broken, ask Energy Manager whether Optional xxxQR-CODE TO Building forum bulbs can be replaced with LED created by HLD, by Danil Polshin , by Seona Kim, by Alex Podolsky , by Simon Mettler from “thenounproject.com”

  7. Plants Always Make sure pots stand on “saucer” Water plants in the evening or morning Reuse water from washing vegetables to water plants Ifitrains Optional xxxQR-CODE TO Building forum Collect rain to water your plants created by Danil Polshin , by Ashley van Dyck, by Cynthia Garcia, by Linseed Studio, by IYIKON, by Pelin Kahraman, by B Barrett from “thenounproject.com”

  8. Fridge Always Don’t leave the fridge open while you decideand make sure it is always properly closed Check the fridge temperature: 4-6°C is sufficient Cover liquids and wrap foods Store raw meat on the bottom shelf Cooked dishes meat As needed: Defrosting (>8mm of ice) (organise that it will happen by putting up a note) Defrosting Optional xxxQR-CODE TO Building forum all food in freezer will be thrown awayby created by Danil Polshin, by Gan Khoon Lay, by H Alberto Grongora, by Fabio Nucatolo, by Royyan Wijaya, by Cono Studio Milano, by Dorian Dawance, by Fuat şanlı from “thenounproject.com”

  9. Cooking Always Use a kettle instead of pots to heat water Use pots of same size as your hub/stove Cover the pots while cooking Look for blue flames in natural gas appliances Do not peel potatoes under running water As needed: Optional xxxQR-CODE TO Building forum Keep range-top burners and reflectors clean created by Álvaro Yuste , by lastspark, by Vectors Market, by Cynthia Garcia from “thenounproject.com”

  10. Dishwasher Always Use devices with eco-modeWash full loads Scrape, don't rinse, off food piece Use a short program for mugs & glasses Buying a newmachine: Optional xxxQR-CODE TO Building forum Buy best (A+++) energy label created by Susan B., by Blake Thompson,by Sylvain Amatoury, by Cynthia Garcia , by Danil Polshin, by Mourad Mokrane from “thenounproject.com”

  11. Faucet & Kettle Always When using small amounts of water:Place the faucet lever in the cold position Use water already in kettle Only add water you need Close lid Created by lastpark, by Cynthia Garcia from “thenounproject.com” Quarterly Optional xxxQR-CODE TO Building forum Remove chalky deposit

  12. Toilet & Sink Always Use Eco-button on toilet Use cold water for final rinsing Report any leak immediately If water is permanently too hot: Optional xxxQR-CODE TO Building forum Call energy professional created by Danil Polshin, by Oliviu Stoian, by Cynthia Garcia from “thenounproject.com”

  13. Washingmachine Always Use devices with eco-mode Wash your clothes in cold water Wash and dry full loads Buying a newmachine: Optional xxxQR-CODE TO Building forum Buy best (A+++) energy label created by Danil Polshin,by Blake Thompson,by Sylvain Amatoury, by Yazmin Alanis, by Creative Mania from “thenounproject.com”

  14. Dryer Always Use devices with eco-mode Dry towels and heavier cottons in a separate load Don't over-dry clothes Use the cool-down cycle Periodically: Optional xxxQR-CODE TO Building forum Clean the lint screen Inspect dryer vent created by Alexander Skowalsky, by Blake Thompson,by Sylvain Amatoury, by Creative Mania from “thenounproject.com”

  15. Food Always Avoid purchasing excessamounts of food that would go to waste Buy crops that are in season If possible, add one more meat-free-day per week When buying meat Optional xxxQR-CODE TO Building forum Buy meat from animals that were raised on grass created by Danil Polshin , by GRACE Communications Foundation and Mother Jones, by Oliviu Stoian, by Yair Cohen, by Jarem Frye from “thenounproject.com”

  16. designed by Nikita Geller

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