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Help Stop Modern Slavery - Join the Fight Today!

Over 20 million people are trapped in bonded labor globally, including children in exploitative conditions. Take a stand against slavery, as prohibited by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Visit www.antislavery.org to make a difference. Together, we can end this suffering.

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Help Stop Modern Slavery - Join the Fight Today!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. United States of America1800

  2. TODAY

  3. FACT: Over 20 million people are held in bonded labor right now

  4. FACT: Tens of millions of children worldwide are forced to work full time in exploitive and dangerous conditions

  5. "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slaveryand the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms."Article 4, UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights

  6. Slavery exists today in dozens of nations worldwide,including the United States

  7. Slavery CAN be stopped


  9. Visit www.antislavery.org To Help Stop the Suffering

  10. Radiahead • exit music for a film

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