By Jonathan Aguirre Good Bye Berwyn Heights SixthGrade was really fun because you get really good teachers that do fun stuff and ounce in a year you get to get to get on a really cool trip that is Northbay because when you get there you get to do a lot of fun stuff like going on a giant swing , the zip-line they were both fun and when you get on the zip-line it’s really really high but when you get on it you don’t have to worry! The sixth grade and all the grades I've been in had have great teacher’s my sixth grade teachers were really fun and Mr. Buzzered is a good teacher and he knows a lot about math and he has thought me a lot and Ms. Williams is a good teacher and teaches me a lot in reading , Ms. Orbeso is a good teacher she was a good teacher in science and she was my homeroom teacher and I really enjoyed doing the experiments, These teachers showed me a lot what there going to teach me in middle school, These teacher Have thought me a lot!