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Journal - Wednesday, September 5, 2013

Journal - Wednesday, September 5, 2013. Standard: 3.a. Students know the structure of the atom. Independent Practice: “ Dissecting The Periodic Table Worksheet ”. Question: Write the element shorthand for the element with the following subatomic particles. Protons: 15 Neutrons: 16

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Journal - Wednesday, September 5, 2013

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  1. Journal - Wednesday, September 5, 2013 • Standard: 3.a. Students know the structure of the atom. • Independent Practice: “Dissecting The Periodic Table Worksheet” • Question: Write the element shorthand for the element with the following subatomic particles. • Protons: 15 • Neutrons: 16 • Electrons: 18

  2. Housekeeping • Unit 1 Examination • Blocks 1 and 3: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 • Blocks 2 and 4: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 • This will also be our first Journal check (not accepted late)! • Unit 1 Examination Topics: • The History of the Atom • Determining the Number of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons. • Groups and Periods of the Periodic Table • Periodic Trends

  3. The Periodic Table

  4. Notes • A group is a vertical column on the periodic table. • This is also known as a family. • A period is a horizontal row on the periodic table.

  5. Standards Atomic and Molecular Structure • The periodic table displays the elements in increasing atomic number and shows how periodicity of the physical and chemical properties of the elements relates to atomic structure. As a basis for understanding this concept: • b. Students know how to use the periodic table to identify metals, semimetals, nonmetals and halogens. • c. Students know how to use the periodic table to identify alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, and transition metals. • f. Students know how to use the periodic table to identify the lanthanide and actinide. ESLR • Open yourself to allow for effective collaboration.

  6. Overview You will work as your assigned role in your assigned group to complete the following task: Dissect, describe, and illustrate the periodic table into groups.

  7. The ROLES • Facilitator – Organizes the project and ensures all students in the group are on task. • Harmonizer – Works with the Facilitator to ensure students are working together positively and cooperatively. • Recorder – Writes the material necessary on the poster board. • Materials Manager – Ensures all materials are accounted for. Note: time is a resource!

  8. Our Focus Role • Today we will be focusing on the role of FACILITATOR.

  9. Materials Required • Chapter 4: The Organization of the Periodic Table: The Families of Elements Resource Guide. • Periodic Table • Poster Board • Scissors • Glue • Markers • Crayons • Ruler • Eraser

  10. Task to Be Completed: • Read Chapter 4: The Organization of the Periodic Table: The Families of Elements Resource Guide. • Identify five main distinguishing facts for each family. • Cut out the family from the provided periodic table, glue it onto the poster. Label the group and identify the column numbers (if applicable). Write the five representative facts for the group. • Color the metals in the families yellow. Color the non-metals blue. Color the metalloids green. • Illustrate two uses of elements in the group. • Repeat the process for all eight groups you are given information on (the alkali metal family, the alkaline earth metals, the transition metals, the BCNO family, the halogen family, the noble gases, the lanthanide series, and the actinide series.

  11. Grades • You will have four grades associated with today’s task: • 1. O: Collaboration (Individual) • 2. 1: Poster (Group) • 3. 1: Presentation (Group) • 4. 1: Independent Practice Worksheet (Individual)

  12. Assessment Details:

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