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Functional MRI Research. Gary H. Glover, Ph.D. Director, Radiological Sciences Laboratory. Center for Advanced MR Technology* rsl.stanford.edu/research/camrt.html Stanford University School of Medicine Department of Radiology. *. fMRI research in my lab.
Functional MRI Research Gary H. Glover, Ph.D. Director, Radiological Sciences Laboratory Center for Advanced MR Technology* rsl.stanford.edu/research/camrt.html Stanford University School of Medicine Department of Radiology *
fMRI research in my lab Methodology of fMRI acquisition, analysis, exp. design Neuro, breast
SNR Spiral vs. EPI EPI Spiral
Activation 1.5T 3.0T 0.25 ≤ cc ≤ 0.70
Brain Noise at 3T Thermal noise 0 Phys. noise B Phys. noise NB Krueger (MRM 2001) Single-shot spiral: 64x64, TR 3000, TE 30
Resting State 0.35 ≤ r ≤ 0.7, p<.0.0005 p/q18944.12110704
Default-Mode Network in AD healthy aging (A) AD (B) Greicius et al., PNAS, 2004
Mt SPIRAL OUT Susceptibility Effects TE RF SPIRAL OUT Gx RF SPIRAL IN Gx C. Law, 2002
Novel vs. Repeated Pictures Out In-Out A. Preston, 7/02
Verbal Working Memory Task sprl-out sprl in-out 3T M. Thomason
sparse temporal (STS) stim scan Sparse Temporal Sampling stim event related scan . . . . stim clustered scan Nadine Gaab
Pitch Memory 1 scan, 1 sec frames -5s to 5s p = 0.0003 Nadine Gaab
rtfMRI System GE Signa 3T Spiral Recon 1 vol./TR 16 slc/s Postprocessing response physio monitor stimuli gen TCP/IP HR, resp. GSR, EMG Visual/audio stimuli Response devices
A) Pre-Training B) Post-Training R L R L Average Average 2 .6 2 .6 .4 .4 % signal 1 1 % signal Δ .2 .2 -1 -1 0 0 -2 -2 1 EMG, mV 0 -1 rtfMRI TRAINING SINGLE SUBJECT RESULTS deCharms et al, NI (2004)
C5-C6 Mid-C5 C4-C5 fMRI Results – Noxious Thermal Stimulation Anterior Cingulate Somatosensory Cortex Mackey, et al, (2004)
Effect of training (INCREASE – DECREASE) last run VS. (INCREASE – DECREASE) first training run L
0.6 * † 0.5 0.4 rACC activation (BOLD) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Training run 1 Training run 2 Training run 3 Final test run 4 50 * * † 40 30 Pain intensity rating (% difference) 20 10 0 -10 Training run 1 Training run 2 Training run 3 Final test run 4 Pain vs. activation in rostral anterior cingulate
7T 230m x 230m x1000m Courtesy Tie-Qian Li, NIH, 2005
500 m, 7T Josef Pfeuffer, et al CMRR, UMN 7T 900 m, 7T Josef Pfeuffer, et al CMRR, UMN
fMRI research in my lab Methodology of fMRI acquisition, analysis, exp. design • some projects not shown: - BH challenge - fetal fMRI - TMS/fMRI - high res. fMRI - EEG/fMRI - localized shimming - 3D fMRI - Breast BOLD contrast • collaborations with many on campus • opportunities for rotation projects
My kids 7/2005
fMRI studies at Lucas • ~25 PI’s in Psychology, Psychiatry, Neuroradiology, Neurosurgery, Neurobiology, Neurosciences • Currently ~110 students/postdocs, others • 220 members of fmri-group@lists.stanford.edu