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Dealing with Resistance to Change PARC Lasallian Institute

Understand the challenges in implementing change in educational institutions, reasons for resistance, effective strategies, and impact on stakeholders. Learn how to lead change successfully using practical tips and psychological insights.

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Dealing with Resistance to Change PARC Lasallian Institute

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  1. Dealing with Resistance to ChangePARC Lasallian Institute Dr. Carmelita I. Quebengco AFSC

  2. “There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things” - Niccalo Machiavelli

  3. “The true proactive process of change is not for the faint of heart or for those who are in need of immediate gratification” - Robert L. Ringel

  4. “To the fearful, it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful, it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident, it is inspiring because the challenges exist to make things better” - King Whitney Jr.

  5. Why people tend to resist change: • Belief that it is only a fad • Belief that management and peers are incompetent • Loss of authority or control • Loss of status or social standing • Perception of lack in ability to learn new skills • Feeling of change overload

  6. Lack of trust in management • Loss of job security • Loss of family/personal time • Feeling that the school is not entitled to extra effort

  7. Common reasons why teachers tend to object to change: • Questions about the need for the school and individuals to change • Philosophical and practical difficulties given old beliefs • Incomplete socialization/exposure of teachers to new practices resulting in resentment when pointed out • Threats to course taught and nature of the job • Political concerns like equity, ownership of change

  8. The emotional drain that teachers experience as they personalize their classroom and deal with opposition to their work • The cumulative effects of an increase in workload of teachers • Disillusion in the thought that change may not succeed or bring more problems

  9. Bridges’ Three Stages of Transition 1/ 1/William Bridges

  10. Determine – who are resisting, why they are resisting, and how Four types of reaction to change: Enthusiasts Objectors Followers Underground objectors

  11. Resisters of Change Drivers for Change Strong support from the President Mistrust among administrators and employees Incentive Program Worn out by constant change Help from consultants/ government Staff reluctance to use new technology D e s i r e d C h a n g e Client demands Union resisters Government requirements Poor communication Low resources Example of a Force Field Analysis on Change

  12. Steps in Managing Transitions • Manage endings by building relationships with opinion leaders who can help others understand the transition better • Permit grievance to run its course • Work to develop agreement on norms and standards that govern people • Appoint, train, and charge a transition team to monitor progress, identify issues, control rumors, provide support, and listen to people

  13. General process in the management of change2/ • Sensitivity to the anxieties which change elicit • Reinforcement for those willing to take reasonable risks • Tolerance for a path of trial and error • Incentives to motivate participants to give up what may be a comfortable status quo 2/Robert L. Ringel

  14. The beginning of change is always a bumpy ride3/ • Things to consider: • Communicate often and openly with stakeholders • Meet resisters face to face • Point out unacceptable behavior without resorting to attacking people • Keep commitments to build trust and respect • Accept bad news; tell people candidly but sensitively • Choose people for key positions with developed interpersonal skills 3/Change Management Principles, Business Performance Pty. Ltd.

  15. Tips on overcoming resistance to change4/ • Listen openly and honestly to what are being said • Allow objections • Ask questions and pose relevant challenges than give answers • Use data to support your claim • Work towards collaboration, not compliance 4/JT Waters and TD Cordell

  16. Be open to change yourself…coach, not dictate • Model what you preach and keep commitments • Use a constructivist process of change to develop a learning organization

  17. Aspects of Change5/ 5/Clive Anderson and Marianne Sheppard

  18. Culture5/ Culture can be transmitted by: • The values of the institution • The mission statement • The criteria for evaluating and rewarding performance, job progression, etc. • The approach to change which is adopted • The way in which leaders act

  19. Culture 5/

  20. How a school can counteract the stresses and conflicts that serious change involve • Teach teamwork – listen, negotiate differences, build consensus • Agree on clear goals…plan backwards • Look for energy – common wants, what ca be agreed on • System of participation – follow clear protocol of joint decision-making in which all those affected will have a say • Keep symbols of stability – ex. grading system, the honors class, etc.

  21. Lessons from a Superintendent of Schools in the U.S.6/ • When it is hard, and it will be hard, it doesn’t matter what you decide, you’re wrong: know what matters, what counts, what is at the core • Listen to people around you, they can keep you from falling flat on your face • The most important thing is to believe in the people we serve 6/Nelson, N.W., June 2007

  22. Things don’t have to be perfect to be successful • When you are in the dark, things look better than they really are • A leader is someone who gets things done to make it better

  23. Question: • Knowing the personnel you will work with and who will implement the change, • what objections do you think will they pose to the change/your project? • How do you propose to address the issues, concerns and objections raised?

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