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The perfect tense. With avoir verbs. The perfect tense or passé composé is a past tense. We use this tense to mention what you have done in the past. Ex: Hier j’ai joué au foot. Some words that can introduce the perfect tense: Hier (yesterday) Le week-end passé (last week-end)
The perfect tense With avoir verbs An Gulinck
The perfect tense or passé composé is a past tense. We use this tense to mention what you have done in the past. Ex: Hierj’aijouéau foot. An Gulinck
Some words that can introduce the perfect tense: Hier (yesterday) Le week-end passé (last week-end) La semainedernière(last week) L’annéedernière(last year) Il y a deuxmois(two months ago) An Gulinck
The two main components To make the perfect tense, you need two important parts: A form of AVOIR The PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb you want to put in the past An Gulinck
Avoir Remember the AVOIR song? • J’ai • Tu as • Il/elle/on a • Nous avons • Vousavez • Ils/ellesont An Gulinck
Past participles The second element is a ‘past participle’. Ex: I have ran 5 km ; He has swum in the Olympics. How do we make them? • Take the infinitives of the verbs • Change their endings An Gulinck
Some examples TO PLAY= Jouer TO FINISH=Finir To sell= Vendre J’aijoué Tu as fini Nousavonsvendu An Gulinck
Exercises • Hier j’………………………………………..au foot (jouer) • Le week-end dernier nous………………… notrevoiture (vendre) • Il y a deuxmoisil……………………………..ce film (regarder) • Cematin j’……………………………….un croissant (manger) • Hierils………………………………leurs devoirs (rendre) • Vous…………………………………combien de semaines en France? (passer) • Elle………………………………une belle chanson (écouter) An Gulinck
No rules without exceptions... An Gulinck
CONCLUSION • J’ai • Tu as • Il/elle/on a • Nous avons • Vous avez • Ils/elles ont The passé composé with avoir An Gulinck