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EO 001.05 Hazmat Handling (Dari)

EO 001.05 Hazmat Handling (Dari). Modified Presentation from Chennai Government Hospital For Thoracic Medicine . 01/09/2013. Learning Objectives .

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EO 001.05 Hazmat Handling (Dari)

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  1. EO 001.05 Hazmat Handling(Dari) Modified Presentation from Chennai Government Hospital For Thoracic Medicine 01/09/2013

  2. Learning Objectives • Understand that most hospital waste materials are not more dangerous than household waste, but keeping used sharps and needles from staff and public access is a priority • Learn ways to minimize waste • Know the criteria for safe management of sharps • Insert Dari Modified Presentation from Chennai Government Hospital For Thoracic Medicine Insert Dari

  3. Overview EO 001.05(Dari) • Biohazardous materials • Handling • Storage • Disposal • Hospital Grade Gases • Handling • Storage • Lesson Review • Scenarios (not graded) • Insert Dari AFAMS

  4. Part I: Health Care Waste Overview Modified Presentation from Chennai Government Hospital For Thoracic Medicine Insert Dari

  5. Definitions of Waste Health care waste • All types of waste from all health care activities Hazardous health care waste • Waste that presents a health hazard of some kind • Note: Most health care waste is no more hazardous than household waste • Insert Dari

  6. Types of Hazards to Consider Flammable Toxic - mutagenic, cytotoxic, teratogenic, etc Reactive Allergen, contact sensitizer Explosive Infectious Radioactive Corrosive Caustic Isopropyl alcohol Cancer chemotherapy, tar-based products Sulphuric acid, chlorine powder Glutaraldehyde Picric acid, fertiliser, ammonia TB cultures Barium enema, X-rays Bleach Lye

  7. Hazardous Health Care Waste Infectious hazard: Anatomic waste Laboratory cultures Sharps Live viruses Corrosive, teratogenic, reproductive hazard: Heavy metals Pesticides Cleaning products Pressurisedcontainers Mercury Cancer therapy

  8. Is Health Care Waste an Important Source of Infectious Disease? Yes! IF needles and syringes are scavenged and re-used, then many diseases can be spread Keep used sharps and syringes out of public access No! Most medical waste does not have more germs than household waste It causes visual pollution, generates fear, but unless re-use of sharps occurs, medical waste causes little disease

  9. Then Why does this Waste Matter? • Sharps injuries may harm workers and communities • Medical waste potentially impacts patients, workers, community, and economy because of the volume and permanence of waste • Insert Dari

  10. Health Care Institutions Generate about 3.5 kg of Waste per Bed per Day Health care waste may: • Contain infectious organisms, including drug resistant ones • Place cancer causing agents into air or ground water • Cause radiation-related illnesses • Contribute to global warming harm atmosphere (CFC containing refrigerant gas) • Cause injury (sharps, explosion) • Cause congenital defects or stillbirth, prematurity, infertility • Insert Dari

  11. How to Safely Dispose of Infectious Sharps • Do not recap sharps before disposal • Dispose of sharps at the point of use in a leak proof puncture proof container • Avoid handling, emptying or transferring used sharps between containers • Autoclave highly infectious waste before disposal • Control public access to syringes and medical equipment • Shred, encapsulate and bury according to national legislation • Insert Dari

  12. For Non-Infectious Hazardous Waste, the Risks Depend on: • Severity of acute or chronic exposure • Duration of exposure • Frequency of exposure • Concentration agent (1% versus 50%) • Individual vulnerability including pregnancy, weight • Route of exposure (skin, respiratory, oral, etc.) • Steps taken to protect (PPE, relieved from immediate contact etc.) • Insert Dari

  13. Who is at Risk? • Doctors - anesthesiologists, pathologists • Nurses - oncology nurses, OT, ER • Hospital support staff - X-ray assistants, pharmacy, morgue, and lab staff • Cleaning staff - those cleaning sewage lines • General public - those using sharps found in the waste • Insert Dari

  14. Common Hazards Anesthetic gases Glutaraldehyde Formaldehyde/formalin Cancer therapeutic agents Ethylene Oxide Radiation Asbestos Blood contaminated sharps Bleach Solvents (xylene, toluene, acetone, ethanol) Pesticides, fungicides Heavy metals (mercury, chronium, cobalt, cadmium, arsenic, lead) Latex Strychnine and cyanide

  15. 12 Steps to Manage Hazardous Wastes before Disposal • Know what hazards you have. 2. Purchase smallest quantity needed, and don’t purchase hazardous materials if safe alternative exists. **Use mercury-free thermometers

  16. 12 Steps to Manage Hazardous Wastes (cont’d) 3. Limit use and access to trained persons with personal protective gear

  17. 4. Use Engineering Controls such as Ventilation, Hoods for Select Hazards

  18. 5. Get Rid of Unnecessary Stuff • Don’t accumulate unneeded products • Don’t let peroxides and oxidising agents turn into bombs Photo of bomb robot called into hospital to dispose of picric acid.

  19. 6. Label with Agent, Concentration and Hazard Warnings • Examples of hazard labels: Corrosive Dari Compressed Gas Dari Flammable Dari Poisonous Dari Reactive Dari Accumulating Toxic Dari Oxidizing Agent Dari Biohazardous Dari

  20. 7. Communicate about Workplace Hazards • Job descriptions • Posters on doors • Labels on hazards • Give feedback on use of PPE and disposal in evaluation • Role model safe use and disposal • Contact point who is responsible

  21. 8. Recycle Products When Possible

  22. 9. Segregate Hazards at the Source • Separate sharps and infectious waste where they are used • This prevents injuries that can occur when people sort the trash after it is disposed • Janitors can reinforce separation of sharps waste disposal by reporting sharps in garbage to Hospital Infection Control Committee members • Insert Dari

  23. 10. Have Written Policies on Waste Disposal • Sharps and infectious waste • Chemotherapy (cancer) • Heavy metals (batteries) • Chemicals Post brief, colorful instructions on walls to remind workers • Insert Dari

  24. 11. Minimise the Handling of Wastes • Try to eliminate steps that require hazardous wastes to be touched, sorted, transferred from containers, or handled directly • Insert Dari

  25. 12. Conduct Walk-Around Interviews • Ask about the hazardous substances staff work with, how they dispose of them, and what they need to be able to dispose of them properly • Have a no-blame philosophy that strives to solve problems, NOT to assign blame • Insert Dari

  26. Part II: Waste Management Methods Modified Presentation from Chennai Government Hospital For Thoracic Medicine Insert Dari

  27. Options for Specific Types of Waste • Pharmaceutical • Cytotoxic • Other chemical wastes • Heavy metals • Pressurised containers • Radiation • Infectious • Insert Dari

  28. Pharmaceutical Waste Small amounts: • Disperse in landfill sites, encapsulate or bury on site • Discharge to sewer • Incinerate Large amounts • Incinerate at high temperatures or encapsulate • LANDFILL IS NOT RECOMMENDED • Insert Dari

  29. Cytotoxic Waste • NEVER LANDFILL or DISPOSE TO SEWER Disposal Options: • Return to supplier • Incinerate at high temperature • Chemical degradation • Insert Dari

  30. Chemical Waste - Further Recommendations • Keep different hazardous chemicals separate • Do not dispose into the sewers or street • Do not encapsulate large amounts of disinfectants as they are corrosive and flammable • Do not bury large amounts of chemicals • Insert Dari

  31. Wastes with Heavy Metals • Wastes with mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, strychnine, are poisonous (e.g., thermometers, batteries, lead paints, dyes) • Never incinerate or burn • Never dispose of in municipal landfills Best solution: Avoid purchase OR • Recycle in specialised cottage industry or export to countries with specialised facilities • Encapsulation • Insert Dari

  32. Pressurised Gas Containers • NEVER INCINERATE • Return undamaged gas cylinders and cartridges to the manufacturer for reuse • Damaged containers: empty completely and crush, landfill • Insert Dari

  33. Radioactive Waste Use requires a national strategy including: • Appropriate legislation • A competent regulatory organisation • Trained radiation protection officer to monitor exposures • Return to the manufacturer Safe handling and disposal of radioactive waste requires a rigorous and relatively complex management scheme • Insert Dari

  34. Simple Chemical Disinfection • Requires shredding of waste • May introduce strong chemicals into the environment (chorine bleach turns into dioxin when burned) • Efficiency varies • Only the surface is disinfected • Does not disinfect human tissue • Special disposal required to avoid pollution • Insert Dari

  35. Waste Disposal Options Include • Disinfection – Autoclaving/ Microwaving, treatment, shredding • Land Disposal • Burial • Encapsulation • Incineration • Inertisation • Managed Land-fill • On-site disposal • Insert Dari

  36. Infectious Waste: Autoclaving • Pressure and temperature • Holding time • Sterility indicators • Type of waste • Followed by shredding / burial / recycled • Insert Dari

  37. Burying Inside Hospital Premises Apply the following rules: • Access to the site restricted and controlled If waste is retained on site, ensure rapid burial to isolate from animal or human contact • Only hazardous HC Waste to be buried Management controls on what is dumped • Each deposit covered with soil • Site lined with low permeable material-concrete • Groundwater pollution must be avoided Not recommended for untreated hazardous waste

  38. Disposal to Land by Encapsulation • Fill metal or plastic containers to 3/4, add: • plastic foam • bituminous sand • cement mortar • clay material • When dry, label and seal containers and landfill • May be used for sharps, chemicals, drugs etc. • Insert Dari

  39. Incineration Combustible waste turned to ash at temps >800 C • Reduces volume and weight • Residues are transferred to final disposal site • Treatment efficiency depends on incineration temperature and type of incinerator • Not all wastes can be incinerated • Costs vary greatly according to type of incinerator • Produces combustion gases

  40. Do not Incinerate Do not incinerate the following: • Plastics especially halogenated plastics (e.g. PVC) • Pressurised gas containers • Large amounts of reactive chemical waste • Radioactive waste • Silver salts or radiographic waste • Mercury or cadmium • Ampoules of heavy metals

  41. Advantages of Incineration of HC Waste: • Good disinfection efficiency • Drastic reduction of weight and volume • Good for chemical + pharmaceutical waste • Insert Dari

  42. Disadvantages of Incineration of HC Waste: • Doesn’t destroy chemical waste at lower temperature for rotary kiln • Toxic air emissions if no control devices in place • Maintaining temperature levels (and efficiency) in field incinerators is difficult, need to balance loads with non-hazardous materials • High costs for high temperature incineration • Insert Dari

  43. Land-fill in Municipal Landfills If hazardous health-care waste cannot be treated or disposed elsewhere: • Designate a site for hazardous HC Waste • Limit access to this place • Bury the waste rapidly to avoid human or animal contact • Investigate more suitable treatment methods • Insert Dari

  44. Because no Disposal Method is Easy or Completely Safe… Prevention is best! • Eliminate purchase by buying safer alternatives • Recycle • Use smallest quantities possible, use with engineering controls and Personal Protective Equipment • Segregate hazards into separate waste streams at source • Supervise disposal using best available ecologic option

  45. Questions?Insert Dari

  46. NMH Chemical Storage RequirementsInsert Dari

  47. Storage of Chemicals in Pharmacy(Dari) • Insert Dari • Flammable materials should be stored in an approved, dedicated, flammable materials storage cabinet or room if the volume exceeds ten (10) gallons. • Liquids must be stored in unbreakable or double-contained packaging, or the storage cabinet should have the capacity to hold the contents if the container breaks. • The pharmacy will not store chemicals on the floor. • Chemicals should be stored no higher than eye level and never on the top shelf of a storage unit. • Shelf assemblies should be firmly secured to the walls. • Store acids in a dedicated acid cabinet. • Store severe poisons in a dedicated poison cabinet (e.g. insecticides). • All chemicals should be labeled and dated AFAMS

  48. Storage of Chemicals in Pharmacy(Dari) • Insert Dari Chemical storage areas should be monitored for unusual conditions, such as: • improper storage of chemicals • leaking or deteriorating containers • spilled chemicals • temperature extremes (too hot or cold in storage area) • lack of or low lighting levels • blocked exits or aisles doors blocked open • lack of security • trash accumulation • smoking or open lights or matches • fire equipment blocked, broken or missing • lack of information or warning signs ("No Smoking", "Flammable Liquids", "Acids", "Corrosives", "Poisons", Chemical Storage") AFAMS

  49. Pharmacy Incompatible MaterialsInsert Dari

  50. Pharmacy Incompatible MaterialsInsert Dari

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