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This project aims to better understand work-related stress and its consequences, including moral harassment and violence at work. It highlights the importance of fighting work-related stress through appropriate measures and identifies stress factors and good practices. The project also focuses on disseminating the joint position and implementing the agenda, including the creation of a steering group and publication of a handbook.
Better understanding work-related stress phenomenon and its consequences State of the play • Psychosocial risks: new phenomenon with under estimated consequences for the organisations: work-related stress, moral harassment, violence at work, suicide… • Cost of work-related stress for indivuals and organisations • An intersectoral framework agreement at the European level signed by the social partners on 2004
A sustained action of EUPAN and TUNED December 2008 Social Dialogue Group June 2009 Social Dialogue Group December 2009 Social Dialogue Group Validation of a joint document of principles to fight work-related stress in central administrations Identification of stress factors and detection of good practices Dissemination of the results and assessment of the process
Reminder of work Process Preliminary draft by the Presidency and TUNEDSec. Discussion of the preliminary draft during the 4th SD group meeting Synthesis of proposals by the French Pres. and approval by the members Validation by EUPAN (Troïka DG) and TUNED board Signature of the joint position during the meeting of the DGs and TUNED representatives on Dec 19
Joint position of EUPAN and TUNED On work-related stress in central government administrations In the framework of the social dialogue test-phase 2008-2009
This document • Recognizes the necessity of fighting work-related stress in central administrations • Affirms the possibility of eliminating or at least reducing the effects of work-related stress through appropriate measures • Initiates the step at the European level, of identifying the stress factors in our sector and detecting good practices
Perspectives: implementation • Dissemination of the joint position within our public administrations • Pursuing the agenda of the Presidential Trio: • Creation of an steering group • Identification of stress factors and good practices • Publication of an handbook • Completion of an implementation project and financing request to the EC
SOCIAL DIALOGUE EUPAN – TUNED EU-funded project: Improving trust in central government administrations through effective social dialogue Progress report
BACKGROUND • 1st EU-funded EUPAN/TUNED project • January 2008 - September 2009 • €190.800, Social Dialogue budget • Integral part of the Social Dialogue Test Phase • Balanced • Trust and anticipation of change • Social dialogue, workers’ rights, quality change • Inclusive: EU-27 & candidate country (Croatia) • Participatory: steering group (Trio) + working groups + final conference • Research-based
Research project • Role of social dialogue in anticipating and managing change -reactive and proactive roles • Working Lives Research Institute (London University) • EUPAN/TUNED steering group • Comparative analysis on the basis of 15 country reports • Key changes: triggers and responses • Role, level and organisation of social dialogue • 3 main themes • information, consultation rights and transparency • Training and competence development • Equality and diversity • Good practices and recommendations • Final report for March 2009, translations in ENG, FR and DE + summary in DU, SP, Cz and Swe
15 countries covered by study on role of social dialogue in anticipating change (on white)
1stproject meeting 13-11-08 • Objective: to examine role of social dialogue - management of social consequences of change and shaping change • 50 TUNED/EUPAN participants (24 countries), European Commission (DG EMPL); CEEP; academics • Triggers of changes mentioned: • Financialisation of the economy • Information and communication technologies • Legislation both at national and EU level • Equality and diversity (both trigger and response) • Limited influence of employees, trade unions and citizens (CEEP project) • Budgetary constraints • Demographic challenge • Main changes: • HRM: New public management (public sector → private sector) • service delivery e.g. outsourcing, public/private partnerships • Decentralisation (HRM, collective bargaining and territorial) • E.government • Equality and diversity
Main issues discussed • Reform and restructuring in public sector underestimated compared to other sectors; • Impact of the economy, politics and legislation (national and EU) • NPM and effects on employees and citizens’ trust and public service ethos; • coordination of management, change and stability of employment relations, quality of services; • EU legal framework on workers’ rights to information and consultation: timing, frequency, type of information; • social dialogue often limited to accompanying change rather than shaping it; • Definition, organisation and level of social dialogue (local, regional, national and EU): coherence between different levels; • Change may be unavoidable but not its orientation and the way it is brought about; • Early involvement of staff and trade union reps key to improve trust and anticipate change; • Good practices towards social dialogue on change.
Project outcomes • Comparative study, March 2009 • Conference 29 - 30 April 2009, Praha • Common position or conclusions on role of social dialogue in anticipating and managing change (June 2009) • Survey on implementation in state sector of EU directive on workers’ information and consultation rights (2002) • Longer term effects: • Better profiling of public administrations in relation to changes and restructuring at EU level • Better knowledge of role and added value of social dialogue, workers’ information/consultation rights, as key instrument of modern governance • Strengthen social dialogue at national and EU level and links between both levels • Closer cooperation with CEEP
Social Dialogue Test Phase for Central Public Administrations Mid-Term Evaluation 19 DEC 2008, PARIS DG and TUNED Meeting Social Dialogue DG AND TUNED MEETING 19th December 2008
Structure • Background Information • Terms of Reference Questions • Evaluation Components: • Change • Quality of Relations • Appropriateness of Structures • Evaluation Methods • Main Findings • Short-term Recommendations DG AND TUNED MEETING 19th December 2008
DG AND TUNED MEETING 19th December 2008 SociaI Dialogue: on EUPAN’s agenda for almost 20 years In 2008, launch of a Social Dialogue Test Phase (2 years) Assessment of the Test Phase in order to evaluate the efficiency of the process EIPA commissioned to conduct the Mid-Term Evaluation during the Slovenian and French Presidencies Commissioned by France (DGAFP) Steering Committee (FR, SE) Background information
DG AND TUNED MEETING 19th December 2008 Does the change in structuring of the Social Dialogue (SD) for European Central Government Administrations significantly improve the exchanges between employers (EUPAN) and trade unions (TUNED)? Three sub-topics: Terms of Reference Questions Changesbrought about by introducing the “enhanced form of SD” for European Central Public Administrations? Quality of relationsbetween the actors (among EUPAN and TUNED; with the European Commission, with others)? Appropriateness of the structuresfor achieving the partners’ objectives and improve efficiency?
DG AND TUNED MEETING 19th December 2008 Mixed method research design; i.e. three-fold methodological approach, including qualitative, quantitative and benchmarking methods. Tools : Non-participatory observation of all 22 meeting levels 66 interviews 2 surveys of all stakeholders consisting of 38 questions Benchmarking: 3 sectors engaged in Sectoral European SD (local government, rail sector, electricity) Text and literature analysis Exchange with wise men Evaluation Methods
DG AND TUNED MEETING 19th December 2008 For the first time since the early 1990s, SD has been brought again on the top of the agenda facilitating regular meetings at different working levels between EUPAN and TUNED delegations. Successful launch of the Test Phase under the Slovenian and the French Presidencies. Changes within the first year : Experimenting with new forms of relations between stakeholders, Exploring practices of formal Social Dialogue, Exploring topics of formal Social Dialogue Common outputs (Joint position on stress at work, Joint project on Trust financed by the European Commission Notwithstanding this progress, there is room for continued improvement. Areas include communication, the interaction with EU and national level stakeholders, continuity, follow-up activities and monitoring. Main findings
DG AND TUNED MEETING 19th December 2008 The initial objectives are reached: First systematic discussions between stakeholders Two tangible outputs (Joint position text on stress at work, and “Trust” project financed by the European Commission) Better information on European Social Dialogue Work forms and organisational arrangements : Four important documents were adopted: Rules of procedure, Joint work programme, evaluation criteria, and the Trio Presidential programme Four new entities were created: DG plenary on SD, the SD Steering Group, the SDWG, and Ad-hoc WG Challenges: The expected increase in workload did not negatively affect the attendance rate. 97% of EUPAN members were present, while TUNED could steadily improve its numbers (except for new Member States). EUPAN members specialise. 1st question: Changes
DG AND TUNED MEETING 19th December 2008 Real progress in improving the quality of relationships 81% state that the relations have improved over the last twelve months between EUPAN and TUNED members. intensification of contacts (>60%) improvement in trust (>80%) adoption of joint initiatives by broad consensus “Open discussion mode” (EUPAN) vs. “ negotiation mode” Contacts and quality of relations with the European Commission have intensified (>30%) Intensified contacts with other actors: with national counterparts (>60%) EUPAN strengthened contacts with CEEP (38%) TUNED with other Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees (32%) 2nd question: Quality of relations
DG AND TUNED MEETING 19th December 2008 Has the quality of relationships between the stakeholders improved since the start of the evaluation?
3rd question: Appropriateness of structures • Organisation of Test Phase has been adequate: • Rules of procedure follow the good practice of other Sectoral Social Committees; • An adequate Joint work programme; • An operational Trio Presidential programme linked to the Joint work programme and relevant activities at European and national level. • EUPAN and TUNED have • increased their knowledge and interest in European SD and their European and national counterparts • have learnt about European social policy legislation DG AND TUNED MEETING 19th December 2008
DG AND TUNED MEETING 19th December 2008 Are you satisfied with the themes chosen in the Trio Presidential work programme?
DG AND TUNED MEETING 19th December 2008
DG AND TUNED MEETING 19th December 2008 Structures of the Social Dialogue Test Phase have proven productive and efficient compared to the output generated before the Test Phase and to other Sectoral Social Dialogues. Two outputs within a limited period of time: - Application for a Joint EU Project on ‘Improving Trust’ - Joint position on Work-related stress Efficient governance structure: - scheduling of SD meetings after HR activities - DG Troika functions as ‘clearing house’ Sector specificities need to be identified to have high-quality output. Imprecise and less specific topics water down the boundaries between other policy areas discussed within EUPAN (such as Human Resource) Efficiency of structures
DG AND TUNED MEETING 19th December 2008 Continued use of efficient working methods Continued and enhanced cooperation with other stakeholders: CEEP, sectoral committees, Eurofound … Continued emphasis on building trust Specific training needs Continuity of closer cooperation with the European Commission Concentrate on key Social Dialogue topics Interaction with the national level More ‘structured informal dialogue’ and preparatory meetings to clarify national policies and EUPAN mandate More national experience in Social Dialogue Insure the continuity of the work, as f.ex. realized by the Presidential Trio Developing indicators to measure impact Short-term Recommendations