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Learn about the CAASPP system, technology requirements, student registration, designated supports, and assessment tools. Understand the transition from STAR to CAASPP and the new role of assessments.
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) 2015–16 CAASPPPretest AdministrationWorkshop January–February 2016 Presented by Educational Testing Service
Purpose By the end of this workshop, attendees will understand: • CAASPP is part of an integrated system with the primary purpose of improving teaching and learning • Appropriate procedures for administration of the CAASPP summative assessments • Technology requirements for the local educational agency (LEA) • Student test registration in the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) • Identifying students that need designated supports and accommodations • The Smarter Balanced Digital Library and Interim Assessments
A New SystemWith a New Purpose Transition from STAR to CAASPP means more than changing standards and testing technology: • THEN (STAR): Administered end of year with accountability solely as the primary purpose • NOW (CAASPP): An integrated year-round system with a primary purpose of improving teaching and learning
A New Role for Assessment:Supporting Teaching and Learning • Rather than aresult, test scores are starting points to identify strengths and needs and help set learning goals. • The Smarter Balanced Digital Library and Interim Assessments are designed to help schools achieve goals for learning, monitor progress, and adjust instruction throughout the year.
Student Participation: General • The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments consist of the following: • English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) and mathematics tests • Includes computer adaptive portion of the test, a classroom activity, ANDa performance task in each content area • The California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) consist of the following: • English Language Arts and mathematics tests for students with significant cognitive disabilities
Student Participation: General • All students in grades 3–8 and grade 11 take the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments with the following exceptions: • Students enrolled in or assigned to grades 3–8 and grade 11 whose IEP team designates the use of the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) for ELA and mathematics • English learners who have been enrolled in a school in the United States less than 12 months (ELA only)
Student Participation: Early Assessment Program • The Early Assessment Program (EAP) uses the high school Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments forELA and mathematics. • Students taking the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments in high school may choose to release their testscoresto the California State University (CSU) and participating California Community Colleges at the end of the computer adaptive tests. • Students who do not authorize the release of their testscoresto CSU and CCC at the time of testing may need to provide a copy of the CAASPP score report to the campus, upon request.
Importance of Informing Parents and Guardians About Testing Pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 852: • Each year the local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to notify parents or guardians of their pupil's participation in the CAASPP tests. • In addition, LEAs are required to inform parents of their right to exempt their child from taking the CAASPP tests. • Parents must annually submit a written request specifying the tests to be exempted.
Importance of Informing Parents and Guardians About Testing • Inform parents and guardians about testing to: • Seek input on designated supports that the student may need during testing. • Coordinate with the student’s IEP team to determine the most appropriate test for the student. • Provide an opportunity for the parent/guardian to submit a testing exemption. • Communicate any schedule changes to the normal school schedule. • Obtain updates to student demographic information that may impact testing or score reporting.
Smarter BalancedSummative Assessments Computer adaptive test (CAT): • Students complete the CAT portion of the assessment for both ELA and mathematics. • The CAT includes a wide variety of question types. • As a student progresses, the difficulty of questions is adjusted on the basis of the student’s responses. • A student who answers a question correctly will receive a more challenging question • An incorrect answer will generate an easier question
Smarter BalancedSummative Assessments Classroom Activity for ELA and mathematics: • Educators from across the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium conducted a review of the classroom activity. • To determine if the Smarter Balanced performance tasks (PT) in English Language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics contained sufficient explanation and context to stand on their own without the administration of a classroom activity.
Smarter BalancedSummative Assessments Classroom Activity for ELA and mathematics: • Smarter Balanced determined that the vast majority of performance tasks contain sufficient explanation and context to be administered without requiring the classroom activity. • Based on this result, Smarter Balanced provided states with the flexibility to either continue requiring the administration of the classroom activity, make the administration of the classroom activity optional, or discontinue the administration the classroom activity. • Any Performance Task that was identified as not containing sufficient explanation and context to be administered without a classroom activity has been removed from the 2015–16 Smarter Balanced tests.
Smarter BalancedSummative Assessments Classroom Activity for ELA and mathematics: • California will utilize the 2015–16 year as a transition year and will continue to assign classroom activities in ELA and mathematics. • In 2015–16, failure to administer the classroom activity is not considered a testing incident. • The CDE will not require LEAs to report failure to administer the classroom activity in the Security and Test Administration Incident Reporting System (STAIRS).
Smarter BalancedSummative Assessments Performance Task: • Students complete a performance task for both ELA and mathematics. • The Performance Task is designed to provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to apply their knowledge and higher-order thinking skills to explore and analyze a complex, real-world scenario.
What’s New for 2015–16 • User roles • Secure browser used for administration of CAAs • Validation of selected test administration window • Validation rules for CAAs, IEP indicator, and accommodations • Process for requesting unlisted resources (previously called “individualized aids”) • Enrollment grade cutoff date • No accountability consequence for classroom activity not given to students
What’s New for 2015–16 • Security and Test Administration Incident Reporting System (STAIRS) • Deadline for condition codes and Appeals • Demographic snapshot • Assessment Target Reports • Faster initial Student Score Reports • Student Score Reports available in Spanish • Notification e-mails for scoring and reporting
What’s New for 2015–16 Changes to http://www.caaspp.org
What’s New for 2015–16 Changes to http://www.caaspp.org
What’s New for 2015–16 Changes to http://www.caaspp.org
2015–16 User Roles Available User Roles: New for 2015–16 View-only roles
LEA CAASPP CoordinatorResponsibilities • LEA CAASPP coordinators must add all users to the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) to enable the designated users to administer, monitor, and manage the online summative and interim assessments. • Adhere to local policies for protecting student information when assigning user roles. • Once test site coordinators are added by their LEA CAASPP coordinator and receive access to TOMS, they will have the ability to add test administrators, test examiners, and other user roles for their assigned site. • Ensure that each user assigned either a Test Examiner or Test Administrator & Test Examiner role is a credentialed or licensed employee. • Ensure that all staff receive necessary training.
Test Site CoordinatorResponsibilities • Identify test administrators and test examiners and ensure that they have submitted signed CAASPP Test Security Affidavits. • Assign site staff test administrators and test examiners roles in TOMS. • Adhere to local policies for protecting student information when assigning user roles. • Ensure that test administrators and test examiners are properly trained so they can administer the assessments. • Ensure that test examiners view the test administration tutorial and collect the certificate of completion and/or attend a training provided by the LEA.
Test Site CoordinatorResponsibilities • Enter and/or verify student test assignments and test settings in TOMS. • Create or approve testing schedules and procedures for the school site. • Work with technology staff to ensure that necessary secure browsers and supported operating systems are installed and any other technical issues are resolved. • Provide student login information on cards (i.e., login tickets) to assist test administrators with student login. • New: Login tickets can include any information as long as they are consider secure test materials and securely destroyed.
Test Site CoordinatorResponsibilities • Monitor testing progress and ensure that all eligible students participate. • Address testing problems that arise at the school site. • Mitigate and report all test security incidents to the LEA CAASPP coordinator. • Oversee CAASPP administration activities in the school. • Collect any print-on-demand questions and other secure testing materials (e.g., student login information and Directions for Administration[DFAs] for CAAs) following testing and securely destroy them.
Test AdministratorResponsibilities • Read and sign the CAASPP Test Security Affidavit. • Complete training and review all Smarter Balanced policy and administration documents prior to administering any Smarter Balanced assessments. • Review student information prior to testing to ensure that the correct student receives the proper test with the appropriate supports and test settings. • Administer the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments. • Report all potential test security incidents to the test site coordinator and LEA CAASPP coordinator in a manner consistent with LEA and state policies.
Test ExaminerResponsibilities • Are trained by the LEA and/or view the test administration tutorial, print the certificate, and submit it to the LEA. • Read and sign a CAASPP Test Security Affidavit and submit it to the test site coordinator. • Review and/or assign accessibility supports in TOMS for each student being tested. • Note: Test site coordinators may assign the accessibility supports or the LEA CAASPP coordinator may provide test examiners with temporary CAASPP test site coordinator-level access to TOMS. • Download and read the DFAsbefore testing.
Other UserResponsibilities • The “Test Examiner & Test Administrator” role has the responsibilities of both individual roles. • “Interim Assessment Only,” “Educator—District,” “Educator—Site,” and “Educator—Roster” roles also have general security responsibilities for protecting student personally identifiable information (PII). • It is a local decision whether to require a CAASPP Test Security Affidavit for these roles.
Technology CoordinatorResponsibilities • Assist LEAs in setting up and overseeing technology infrastructure. • Support each school site. • Work closely with the LEA CAASPP coordinator to ensure that network and testing devices are properly prepared by installing the most current secure browser based upon device operating system. • Help troubleshoot during testing.
CALPADS AdministratorResponsibilities • Work closely with the LEA CAASPP coordinator. • Ensure that student demographic, enrollment, and program participation data are correct in CALPADS. • New:Embedded and non-embedded accommodations are available in TOMS only to students that have an Education Program designation of “101” for a Section 504 plan or “144” for special education with a valid primary disability category in CALPADS. • New: Students cannot be registered for CAAs in TOMS without an Education Program designation “144” for special education with a valid primary disability category in CALPADS.
User Resources • TOMS User Roles and Definitions http://www.caaspp.org/administration/toms/toms-users.html • Instructions for Adding Users http://www.caaspp.org/administration/toms/toms-upload-users.html • 2015–16 User Role Guidance http://www.caaspp.org/administration/toms/index.html
User Resources • Guides & Templates • http://www.caaspp.org/administration/toms/index.html • 2015–16 Adding and Managing Users Guide • User template for batch upload • User file specifications for batch upload • TOMS Test Administration and User Setup Webcast • http://www.caaspp.org/rsc/videos/archived-webcast_102015.html
Technology Infrastructure Prior to test administration, LEA CAASPP coordinators with technology coordinators should: • Check for a stable, high-speed, Internet connection (wired or wireless) because the Test Delivery System (TDS) administers tests via the Internet. • Check that testing devices are working. • Ensure that secure browsers are properly installed a minimum of two weeks prior to testing. • Make sure the necessary hardware is available and working (i.e., headphones, external keyboards, printers). • Configure filters, firewalls, and proxy servers.
High-level Technology Overview State-hosted test delivery servers Internet Test administrator using standard Web browser Student using Smarter Balanced California Secure Browser software application
Secure Browsers • Secure browsers are specifically designed for California to provide secure access. • New: Secure browsers for all supported operating systems now update annually; no need to reinstall every year. • Secure browsers prevent students from accessing other hardware and software functions while testing. • Secure Browser 8.0 must be installed on all computers/devices used to administer CAASPP tests. Note: Test administrator computers may use a standard Web browser.
Secure Browsers • Students must use the secure browser to log on to take any CAASPP online test, including summative assessments, interim assessments, and the CAAs. • Prior to testing, test administrators and test examiners should verify that: • External user applications are closed. • The secure browser will not work if the computer detects that a forbidden application is running. • Testing does not occur on computers with dual monitors • Mirror mode can be used in the case of a read aloud but cannot be used otherwise.
Operating Systems New: iOS 9.2 Operating System • Users of iOS 8.3, 8.4, 9.0 and 9.1 will be required to update to iOS 9.2 prior to administering Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments or CAAs. • Once the summative assessments have been launched, iOS 9.2 will be the only supported operating system for accessing both interim and summative assessments on iPad devices running on version 9.x.
Hardware Requirements • Device displays • 10ʺ diagonal display or larger (iPads with 9.5ʺ screens are acceptable.) • 1024 x 768 display resolution or better Note: Check monitor settings and brightness. • On-site printers • Print out test session information. • Print test stimuli or questions for students with the print-on-demand accommodation. • Only the test administrator’s computer should have access to a single local or network printer in the testing room.
Hardware Requirements • Headphones are required for each Smarter Balanced test station. • English languagearts/literacy (ELA) tests • Text-to-speech accommodation • Job Access with Speech (JAWS) • Version 16 supported • Supported headphones: • Wired headphones with a 3.5 mm connector • USB headphones with a wired or wireless connection • Bluetooth headphones: Logitech H800, SoundBot SB270, and ECO Sound ECO-V300 Note: Microphones are not required.
Hardware Requirements • External keyboards are required for tablets. • Mechanical • Manual • Bluetooth-based Note: Avoid keyboards with “shortcut” buttons.
Technology Resources • CAASPP Secure Browsers http://ca.browsers.airast.org/ • Diagnostic testing tool to test school’s bandwidth http://www.caaspp.org/about/testing/index.html • Secure Browser Installation Manual http://www.caaspp.org/rsc/pdfs/CAASPP.secure-browser-manual.2016.pdf • Technology Specifications Manual http://www.caaspp.org/rsc/pdfs/CAASPP.tech-specs-manual.2016.pdf • Preparing Technology for 2015–16 Webcast http://www.caaspp.org/rsc/videos/archived-webcast_111715-2.html
Preparing Students and Staff There are multiple ways to prepare students and staff for the summative assessments: • Smarter Balanced Practice Tests • Smarter Balanced Training Tests • New: CAA Training Tests, coming soon Note: Practice tests for the CAAs are not available for 2015–16.
Important Notes About Practice and Training Tests Practice Tests and Training Tests: • Do not assess all of the standards that will be in the operational tests. • Do not predict or gauge a student’s success on the operational assessments. • Do not produce overall scores.