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VLSI Arithmetic Lecture 4: Variable Block Adder Implementation

This lecture discusses the implementation and delay calculation for a 32-bit Variable Block Adder, comparing it to other adder architectures. Various optimization techniques and logic implementations are explored.

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VLSI Arithmetic Lecture 4: Variable Block Adder Implementation

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  1. VLSI ArithmeticLecture 4 Prof. Vojin G. Oklobdzija University of California http://www.ece.ucdavis.edu/acsel

  2. Review Lecture 3

  3. Variable Block Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes: IBM 1985) Computer Arithmetic

  4. Carry-chain of a 32-bit Variable Block Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes: IBM 1985) Computer Arithmetic

  5. Carry-chain of a 32-bit Variable Block Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes: IBM 1985) 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 D=9 1 1 Any-point-to-any-point delay = 9 D as compared to 12 D for CSKA Computer Arithmetic

  6. Carry-chain block size determination for a 32-bit Variable Block Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes: IBM 1985) Computer Arithmetic

  7. Delay Calculation for Variable Block Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes: IBM 1985) Delay model: Computer Arithmetic

  8. Variable Block Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes: IBM 1985) Variable Group Length Oklobdzija, Barnes, Arith’85 Computer Arithmetic

  9. Carry-chain of a 32-bit Variable Block Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes: IBM 1985) Variable Block Lengths • No closed form solution for delay • It is a dynamic programming problem Computer Arithmetic

  10. Delay Comparison: Variable Block Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes: IBM 1985) Computer Arithmetic

  11. Delay Comparison: Variable Block Adder Square Root Dependency VBA Log Dependency CLA VBA- Multi-Level Computer Arithmetic

  12. Circuit Issues • Adder speed can not be estimated based on: • logic gates in the critical path • number of transistors in the path • logic levels in the path • Estimating Adders speed is much more complex and many of the “fast” schemes may be misleading you. Computer Arithmetic

  13. Fan-Out Dependency Computer Arithmetic

  14. Fan-In Dependency This looks like “Logical Effort” (1985) Computer Arithmetic

  15. Delay Comparison: Variable Block Adder(Oklobdzija, Barnes: IBM 1985) Computer Arithmetic

  16. Computer Arithmetic

  17. Carry-Lookahead Adder(Weinberger and Smith, 1958) ARITH-13: Presenting Achievement Award to Arnold Weinberger of IBM (who invented CLA adder in 1958) Ref: A. Weinberger and J. L. Smith, “A Logic for High-Speed Addition”, National Bureau of Standards, Circ. 591, p.3-12, 1958. Computer Arithmetic

  18. CLA Definitions: One-bit adder Computer Arithmetic

  19. CLA Definitions: 4-bit Adder Computer Arithmetic

  20. Carry-Lookahead Adder: 4-bits Gj Pj Computer Arithmetic

  21. Carry-Lookahead Adder One gate delay D to calculate p, g One D to calculate P and two for G Three gate delays To calculate C4(j+1) Compare that to 8 D in RCA ! Computer Arithmetic

  22. Carry-Lookahead Adder(Weinberger and Smith) Additional two gate delays C16 will take a total of 5D vs. 32D for RCA ! Computer Arithmetic

  23. 32-bit Carry Lookahead Adder Computer Arithmetic

  24. Carry-Lookahead Adder(Weinberger and Smith: original derivation, 1958 ) Computer Arithmetic

  25. Carry-Lookahead Adder(Weinberger and Smith: original derivation ) Computer Arithmetic

  26. Carry-Lookahead Adder (Weinberger and Smith)please notice the similarity with Parallel-Prefix Adders ! Computer Arithmetic

  27. Carry-Lookahead Adder (Weinberger and Smith)please notice the similarity with Parallel-Prefix Adders ! Computer Arithmetic

  28. Motorola: CLA Implementation Example A. Naini, D. Bearden and W. Anderson, “A 4.5nS 96b CMOS Adder Design”, Proceedings of the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, May 3-6, 1992.

  29. Critical path in Motorola's 64-bit CLA 4.8nS 1.05nS 1.7nS 3.75nS 2.7nS 2.0nS 2.35nS Computer Arithmetic

  30. Motorola's 64-bit CLAconventional PG Block no better situation here ! carry ripples locally 5-transistors in the path Basically, this is MCC performance with Carry-Skip. One should not expect any better results than VBA. Computer Arithmetic

  31. Motorola's 64-bit CLAModified PG Block Intermediate propagate signals Pi:0 are generated to speed-up C3 still critical path resembles MCC Computer Arithmetic

  32. Motorola's 64-bit CLA 3.9nS 1.8nS 2.2nS 3.55nS 2.9nS 3.2nS Computer Arithmetic

  33. 3.9nS 4.8nS 1.8nS 1.05nS 2.2nS 1.7nS 3.55nS 3.75nS 2.9nS 3.2nS 2.7nS 2.0nS 2.35nS Computer Arithmetic

  34. Delay Optimized CLA B. Lee, V. G. Oklobdzija Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Vol.3, No.4, October 1991

  35. Delay Optimized CLA: Lee-Oklobdzija ‘91 (a.) Fixed groups and levels (b.) variable-sized groups, fixed levels (c.) variable-sized groups and fixed levels (d.) variable-sized groups and levels Computer Arithmetic

  36. Two-Levels of Logic Implementation of the Carry Block Computer Arithmetic

  37. Two-Levels of Logic Implementation of the Carry-Lookahead Block Computer Arithmetic

  38. Three-Levels of Logic Implementation of the Carry Block (restricted fan-in) Computer Arithmetic

  39. Three-Levels of Logic Implementation of the Carry Lookahead (restricted fan-in) Computer Arithmetic

  40. Delay Optimized CLA: Lee-Oklobdzija ‘91 Delay: Three-level BCLA Delay: Two-level BCLA Computer Arithmetic

  41. Delay Optimized CLA: Lee-Oklobdzija ‘91 (a.) 2-level BCLA D=8.5nS (b.) 3-level BCLA D=8.9nS Computer Arithmetic

  42. Ling’s Adder Huey Ling, “High-Speed Binary Adder” IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol.5, No.3, 1981. Used in: IBM 3033, IBM 168, Amdahl V6, HP etc.

  43. Ling’s Derivations ai bi ci+1 ci si define: gi implies Ci+1 which implies Hi+1 , thus: gi= gi Hi+1 Computer Arithmetic

  44. Ling’s Derivations From: and because: fundamental expansion Now we need to derive Sum equation Computer Arithmetic

  45. Ling Adder Ling’s equations: Variation of CLA: Ling, IBM J. Res. Dev, 5/81 Computer Arithmetic

  46. Ling Adder Ling’s equation: Variation of CLA: Ling uses different transfer function. Four of those functions have desired properties (Ling’s is one of them) see: Doran, IEEE Trans on Comp. Vol 37, No.9 Sept. 1988. Computer Arithmetic

  47. Ling Adder Conventional: Fan-in of 5 Ling: Fan-in of 4 Computer Arithmetic

  48. Advantages of Ling’s Adder • Uniform loading in fan-in and fan-out • H16 contains 8 terms as compared to G16 that contains 15. • H16 can be implemented with one level of logic (in ECL), while G16 can not. (Ling’s adder takes full advantage of wired-OR, of special importance when ECL technology is used) Computer Arithmetic

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