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Eco- labels in Croatia. Zvonimir Vukić IDOP. Introduction.
Eco-labelsin Croatia Zvonimir Vukić IDOP
Introduction • Every product has a negative impact on the environment in one way or another, which is reflected in all stages of the so-called life-cycle of the product: from manufacturing, packaging, distribution to consumption, use anddisposal after use. • Ecolabellingawardscheme in Croatia was established in 1993. • It was modelled after the German system which has existed since 1977 and is the forerunner of all ecolabeling schemes which are in existence today.
"Organic Productof Croatia” • According to the 2010 Act on OrganicProductionandLabellingofOrganicProducts this eco-labelcanbeused for labelling, advertising and presentation ofproducts • The products havingthis label are either described or marked withterms "organic", “natural” or withabbreviations "bio" or "eco" • Eco certificate in Croatia is awarded by the Ministry of Environment and Energy.
“EnvironmentallyFriendly” • Thelabel "EnvironmentallyFriendly" on productsindicates to theconsumerthattheproduct is infactlessharmful to theenvironment • Thistypeoflabel is awarded on thebasisofpre-establishedcriteria, withtheparticipationofexpertsand general public, following a preciselydefined procedure. • Theawardofthelabel is notthereforeintended as a prize or a rewardintermsofcompetition, but is insteaddirected to thedevelopmentof a recognizableproductqualityfromthestandpointofenvironmentalprotection
“CroatianCreation” • Label “CroatianCreation”is awarded to theproductsandservicesofoutstandingquality, ifthey are manufacturedintheRepublicof Croatia and are theresultofCroatiantradition. • It is awardedbytheCroatianChamberofEconomy. • Rigorous testing of goods and services is required, since only the best Croatian products and services can carry the label.
“Croatianquality” • Theright to use the “CroatianQuality” mark is awarded to goodsofabove-averagequalitywhich are madewithintheCroatianterritory. • For theright to use themark, theCroatianChamberofCommerceandtheuserwillsign a three-yearcontract for use ofthemark, based on thebrandingprotocol.
Recycling • Thissymbolindicatesthatthepackaging is recyclable or hasalreadybeenrecycledduringthereproduction. It generallyrefers to paperandcardboard. • Recyclingsymbol, which is internationallystandardized as ISO symbol 7000-1135, is usedinthe EU, the US, Canada, Australia andothercountries.
EU Ecolabel • EU Ecolabel is theofficialvoluntary eco-labelschemeoftheEuropean Union establishedbytheEuropeanCommission, for theproductsandserviceswithfeweradverseenvironmentalimpactsthroughoutthe life cycle, compared to the same or similarproductsandservicesfromthe same group ofproducts. • The EU Ecolabel on one handgivescompaniesconfirmationthattheirproductsandservicesmeethighenvironmentalstandardsand on anotherhand, providesinformation to consumersandretailers how to chosethoseproductsandserviceswichhavelessofanimpact on theenvironmentand are the more green choice.
Plastics • At thebottomofeveryplasticpackage, look for the triangle withthree "chasingarrows" and a numberinthemiddle. Thatnumberindicates how dangerousyourplasticreally is. • As for disposableplasticbottles, there is considerableevidencethat some toxicchemicalswillleachoutoftheplastic, such as heavymetalsandcompoundswhichinterferewith hormone functionsand are suspected human carcinogens.
WhichPlastics Are Safe? • 2 – HDPE ’good’ plastic • 3 – PVC ( or 3V ) – this plastic is known to leachtwodangerouscompounds, bothofwhichintereferewith hormone functions • 4 – LDPE – typeofplasticwhich is notknown to leachchemicalsinthewater
Exampleofgoodpractice • CompanyEcology 108 Ltd. obtainedtheEuropeanEcolabelcertificateinSeptemberof 2016 • Ecolabelwasawarded to laundrydetergentEcoBianco • DetergentEcoBiancohaspassedtheindependentverificationprocessincompliancewith EU standardsinthecategory ‘LaundryDetergents’, whichhasconfirmedthattheproductcontainssmalleramountofchemicalsandhazardoussubstances, hasincreasedbiodegradabilityanddiminishedthe negative impact on theenvironmentwhileremaininghighlyeffective.
Conclusion • Eco-labels are voluntaryenvironmentalprotection instruments intendedprimarily for themarketandtheconsumers • Eco-labels are important for raisingenvironmentalawarenessamongthepopulationandpromotingsustainableproductionandconsumption • Everyday more andmorecountrieshavebeenintroducingthe use of eco-labelsandotherkindsofenvironmentalpolicies • Croatia hasalsojoinedthoseefforts as evidencedbyitstwo eco-labels