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Stramenopiles. Photosynthetic Stramenopiles (Ochrophytes). Chrysophyceans (Golden Brown). Synurophyceans (Silica-Scaled Algae). Phaeophyceans (Brown Algae, Kelp, Rockweeds). Tribophyceans (Yellow-Green). Bacillariophyceans (Diatoms). Phaeophyceaen Diversity I. Sporophyte (2n).
Photosynthetic Stramenopiles (Ochrophytes) Chrysophyceans (Golden Brown) Synurophyceans (Silica-Scaled Algae) Phaeophyceans (Brown Algae, Kelp, Rockweeds) Tribophyceans (Yellow-Green) Bacillariophyceans (Diatoms)
Phaeophyceaen Diversity I Sporophyte (2n) Scytosiphon Ectocarpus Gametophyte (n)
Phaeophyceaen Diversity II Sporophyte (2n) Nereocystis Laminaria Sargassum Macrocystis (Kelp) Gametophyte (n)
Phaeophyceaen Diversity III Fucus (Rockweed)
Phaeophyceaen Diversity III Streblonema
Kelp Ecology 10
Kelp Ecology Productivity: Up to 1 kg C / m2 / y (Graham et al. 2008)
KELP, ROCKWEED VIEWING SITES Point Lobos State Preserve, CA (just south of Monterrey CA)
Kelp Organ Differentiation (Holdfast, Stipe, Blade)
Kelp Organ Differentiation (Pneumatocysts= Bladders) Macrocystis Nereocystis Sargassum
Kelp Vegetative Characteristics: Parenchyma
Kelp Growth and Development Patterns: Diffuse (Non-Localized) Growth Fig. 14.19 in Graham et al. 2008
Kelp Growth and Development Patterns: Apical Meristems Figs. 14.17 in Graham et al. 2008
Kelp Growth and Development Patterns: Intercalary Growth (Intercalary Meristem)
Kelp Growth and Development Patterns: Lateral Growth (Meristoderm)
Brown Algae Anatomy Revisited: Epidermis, Cortex and Medulla Figs. 17.15 in Lee 1999
Brown Algae Conducting Cells: (Trumpet Hyphae) Figs. 14.45, 14.46 in Graham et al. 2008
Brown Algae Vegetative Characteristics: Plasmodesma
Brown Algae Herbivore Defenses: Tannins and Terpenes (Physodes) 21
Cell Wall 2 1
Cell Wall Components I: Alginates (and their salts) Mg2+ K+ 4 Ca2+ Na+
Cell Wall Components III: Fucans (Sulfated Polysaccharides)
Commercial Use 13 Alginate 11 12
Brown Algae Plastids (PER) Fig. 12.5 in Graham et al. 2008
Brown Algae Pigments II Beta-Carotene Fucoxanthin 6
Isomorphic Alternation of Generations (Ectocarpus) Gametophyte (n) Sporophyte (2n) Spore (n) Zygote (2n) Gametes (n) Fig. 14.23 in Graham et al. 2008
Gametophyte Unilocular Sporangium 11 Ectocarpus Sporophyte Pleurilocular Gametangium 12
Male Gametangium Female Gametangium Pheremone (= Sex Hormone) (e.g., Ectocarpene)
Ectocarpus Summary Gametophyte (n) Sporophyte (2n)
Heteromorphic Alternation of Generations (Laminaria) Sporophyte (2n) Gametophyte (n) 14 13 Gametes (n) Zygote (2n)
Heteromorphic Alternation of Generations (Laminaria) Sporophyte (2n) Gametophyte (n) Unilocular Sporangium Gametangia
Fucus (Air Bladders, Receptacles) 15
Diplontic (2n) Life Cycle: Fucus Gametes (n) Zygote (2n)
Conceptacles, Ostiole, Female Gametangia, Male Gametangia 16 Fucus 17 Male Gametangia Female Gametangia Gametes (n)
Sporophyte (2n) Gametophyte (n) X
1 http://www.seaweed.ie/uses_ireland/images/irish_128.jpg 2 http://www.divesitedirectory.co.uk/images/desktop_backgrounds/1024_768/ dive_site_directory_kelp_forest.jpg 3 http://silicasecchidisk.conncoll.edu/Pics/Other%20Algae/Other_jpegs/ Synura_Key306.jpg 4 http://users.utu.fi/hlehto/photo/micro/tanska/mikro_394_9484_ochromonas.jpg 5 http://silicasecchidisk.conncoll.edu/Pics/Other%20Algae/Other_jpegs/ Tribonema_Key245.jpg 6 http://www.urbanrivers.org/drawingdiatoms/diatom2.jpg 7 http://www.onr.navy.mil/Focus/ocean/images/habitats/kelpai.jpg
8 http://sbc.lternet.edu/sites/images/Macrocystisdistr485.jpg 9 http://www.birdsasart.com/Sea-Otter-meeting-in-kelp-_J7X0094- Konuji-Island,-Kodiak-AK.jpg 10 http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/pix/sv/mba/KelpForest-m.jpg 11 http://www.tiranti.co.uk/data/Photos/AlginateKit.jpg 12 http://img.products.howstuffworks.com/cctool/PrdImg/images/ pr/177X150/00/02/1f/ef/8b/35647371.JPG 13 http://www.foodprocessing-technology.com/contractor_images/fmc/ 1_cezanne.jpg 14 http://www.ne.jp/asahi/marine/algae/Ectocarpus3.jpg 15 http://www.bio.utexas.edu/research/utex/photogallery/Images/ 2008-Ectocarpus-siliculosus.jpg