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29. 28. Stramenopiles. 32. 33. 31. 30. Heterokont Flagellae. Stramenopile Phylogeny. Fig. 12.4 in Graham et al. 2008. Aureochrome (Blue-Light Receptor). Diatoms. 1. 2. 3. Marine, Freshwater. Pelagic. Benthic. 8. 7. Plankton. Periphyton. 24. Epiphytic. 9. Epizoic. Endozoic.

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  1. 29 28 Stramenopiles 32 33 31 30

  2. Heterokont Flagellae

  3. Stramenopile Phylogeny Fig. 12.4 in Graham et al. 2008 Aureochrome (Blue-Light Receptor)

  4. Diatoms 1 2 3

  5. Marine, Freshwater

  6. Pelagic Benthic 8 7

  7. Plankton Periphyton 24

  8. Epiphytic 9 Epizoic Endozoic Endophytic Epilithic 11 (Foraminfera)

  9. Ocean Sediments 14

  10. Primary Productivity: 20% of Global Carbon Fixation 13

  11. Diatomaceous Earth 26 27

  12. Amnesiac Shellfish Poisoning (Domoic Acid) 15 Pseudo-nitzschia

  13. Frustule

  14. Silica (SiO2, Silicon Dioxide) 18 19 • Abundant in Water • Inert to Enzymatic Attack • pH buffer; maintains Carbonic Anhydrase Activity

  15. Frustule Components

  16. Valves, Connecting Bands Girdle = Cingulum Fig. 12-16 in Graham and Wilcox 2007

  17. Girdle View Valve View 20 22

  18. Areolae Fig. 12-19 in Graham and Wilcox 2007

  19. Loculate and Poroid Areolae (and Velum) Fig. 12-18 in Graham and Wilcox 2007

  20. STRIAE Fig. 12-20 in Graham and Wilcox 2000

  21. Ocellus: Mucilage Secretion Figs. 12-21, 12-22 in Graham and Wilcox 2007

  22. Tubes: Labiate Processes Fig. 12-14 in Graham and Wilcox 2000

  23. Tubes: Strutted Processes Figs. 12-14, 12-23 in Graham and Wilcox 2007

  24. Forms of Extracellular Mucilage Fig. 13.10 in Lee 1999

  25. Raphe, Central Nodule, Polar Nodules Fig. 13.1 in Lee 1998 Fig. 13.3 in Lee 1999 Fig. 12-25 in Graham and Wilcox 2000

  26. Raphe System Valve View Girdle View Figs. 12-24, 12-26 in Graham and Wilcox 2000


  28. Diatom Phylgoeny Fig. 12.14 in Graham et al. 2008

  29. MOTILITY • Shuffling (Mucilage) • Coordinated Movement (Raphe, Polysaccharide Rods, • Mictotubules, Kinesin, Dynein) 39 40

  30. NUTRITION 20

  31. Regulation of Mixotrophy Fig. 12.31 in Graham et al. 2008

  32. Obligate Heterotroph Leucoplast 38 36 Nitzschia alba

  33. Chlorophyll a Fig. 12.5 in Graham et al. 2008 27

  34. Chloroplast Origin 34

  35. Cell Division (Ploidy Level) Silica Deposition Vesicle Fig. 12.23 in Graham et al. 2008 Fig. 12.20 in Graham et al. 2008

  36. Multicellular or Colonial? 41 40 44 Asteroniella Melosira Chaetoceros 45 43 Licmophora Tabellaria Skeletonema 42

  37. Cell Division: McDonald Pfitzer Rule Fig. 12.24 in Graham et al. 2008

  38. Centric Sex (Meiosis, Oogamy, Egg, Sperm, Flagella, Auxospore) Fig. 12.25 in Graham et al. 2008

  39. Pennate Sex (Meiosis, Isogamy, Active Gamete, Passive Gamete, Auxospore) Fig. 12.26 in Graham et al. 2008

  40. Initiation of Sex • Achievement of Minimal Size • Environmental Cues

  41. Sexual Behavior • Synchronous (Favorable) • Synchronous (Unfavorable Conditions) • 3) Asynchronous (Favorable) • 4) Asynchronous (Unfavorable)

  42. Dormancy (Resting Cell, Rejuvenated Cells) Fig. 12.29 in Graham et al. 2008

  43. Licmophora

  44. 1 http://www.daviddarling.info/images/diatoms.jpg 2 http://www.bhikku.net/archives/03/img/diatoms.JPG 3 http://www.zarzora.com/albums/Great-Sand-Sea/silica.jpg 4 http://mynasadata.larc.nasa.gov/images/upwelling.gif 5 http://library.thinkquest.org/5194/picts/ocean%20map.JPEG 6 http://www.islandnet.com/~see/weather/graphics/photos0506/ laketurnover.gif 7 http://www.mholmer.biology.sdu.dk/grafik/snapshot/Pelagic% 20trap.JPG 8 http://dept.bio.unipd.it/~casellato/research/foto/benthic1.jpg

  45. 9 http://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/fishlab/Dhaku/epizoic%20diatom/Falcula %20hyalina/1st%20ante%20em.jpg 11 http://fce.lternet.edu/publications/presentations/FCEslides/images/Slide17.jpg 12 http://www.epa.vic.gov.au/water/coasts/contentpix/shore.jpg 13 http://www.fbs.leeds.ac.uk/gradschool/BCMSc/graphics/wifs.gif 14 http://hjs.geol.uib.no/marinemicro/maps/0-0-2-map-sediments-facies.jpg 15 http://www.arpa.emr.it/daphne/progetto_mare/images/im_ Pseudo_nitzschia_seriata.jpg 16 http://www.astrographics.com/GalleryPrints/Display/GP2131.jpg 17 http://www.ualg.pt/adiac/intro/frustule.GIF 18 http://www.microscope-microscope.org/applications/sand/LakePowell3.jpg

  46. 19 http://wwwdelivery.superstock.com/WI/223/1597/PreviewComp/ SuperStock_1597-27246.jpg 20 http://www.astrographics.com/GalleryPrints/Display/GP2131.jpg 21 http://www.priweb.org/ed/pgws/systems/images/diatom.jpg 22 http://www.priweb.org/ed/pgws/systems/images/diatom.jpg 23 http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/imgapr02/db2sa.jpg 24 http://www-biol.paisley.ac.uk/bioref/Chromista/Vaucheria_epiphytes.jpg 25 http://www.scienceprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/plankton_591.jpg 26 http://courses.bio.psu.edu/fall2005/biol110/tutorials/tutorial30_files/ diatomaceous_earth.jpg 27 http://www.holocaust-history.org/auschwitz/zyklonb/Sample3-diatomaceousearth.jpg 28 http://www.carolina.com/images/en_US//local/products/altview_large/152940_lp.jpg 29 http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/seagrant/GLWL/Protozoa/Ochromonas2.jpg

  47. 31 http://www.marlin.ac.uk/imgs/Species/Chromophycota/ o_lamhyp.jpg 32 http://herbarium.biosci.ohio-state.edu/Diatom.jpg 33 http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/toms_fungi/images/saprolegnia.jpg 34 http://myweb.dal.ca/jmarchib/pic.secondary-endo.jpg 35 http://www.gpmatthews.nildram.co.uk/microscopes/diatom1x400.JPG 36 http://www.keweenawalgae.mtu.edu/ALGAL_IMAGES/bacillariophyceans/ Nitzschia_jason3_hcp1_402.jpg 37 http://ww1.prweb.com/prfiles/2008/02/18/278946/MeetFucoPolaroid.jpg 38 http://www.21food.com/userImages/qingdaopengyuan/qingdaopengyuan $928171531.jpg 39 http://www.grs.sund.ac.uk/bsrg_website/staffdet.cfm?Staff=8 40 http://arch.ced.berkeley.edu/kap2/php/Hidden_Ecologies/wp-content/uploads/ 2006/08/hh_060822%20newsite-1%20melosira_vg%20056-txt-s.JPG

  48. 41 http://www.hsu.edu/uploadedImages/Biology/asterionella.jpg 43 http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/seagrant/GLWL/Algae/Diatoms/Images/ MTUTabellaria_fenestrata.jpg 44 http://www.hib.no/avd_al/naturfag/plankton/english/plankton/plankton-algae/ diatoms/chaetoceros_concavicornis_300.jpg 45 http://www.dnr.state.md.us/bay/cblife/algae/diatom/skeletonema_costatum _large.jpg

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