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Organizing the People’s Voices on Political Controversies

Organizing the People’s Voices on Political Controversies . Politicians have opinions (but none of us can remember them). Lots of issues, stake - holders, opinions Great to have an “opinion-base” which tells us who stands where. An opinion-base. Opinion Network. Illegal_Immigration.

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Organizing the People’s Voices on Political Controversies

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  1. Organizing the People’s Voices on Political Controversies

  2. Politicians have opinions(but none of us can remember them) Lots of issues, stake-holders, opinions Great to have an “opinion-base” which tells us who stands where
  3. An opinion-base
  4. Opinion Network Illegal_Immigration Topic Hierarchy Libyan_Civil_War_2011 War_Crimes_in_Libya Facets Gaddafi’s_Response_to_Civil_War Military_Action_in_Libya No-fly_Zone S S O S O Entities Barack_Obama UN_Security_Council Angela_Merkel
  5. OpinioNetIt
  6. Candidate Opinion- Snippets Acquiring Snippets “Web” Newspapers: AlJazeera, CNN, BBC Wikipedia Seed phrases as queries “he supports”, “she supports” “he voted for”, “he voted against” Republican Senator Jon Kyl is a supporter of the Arizona immigration law Robert Gates, the US defence secretary, has acknowledged that projections that are based on proposed military timelines may not be accurate, but stressed that the Pentagon is not exempt from belt-tightening because of its charge of defending the country. Prime Minister David Cameron met Mr Gates in Downing Street on Monday and restated his support for American strategy in Afghanistan.
  7. Candidate Opinion- Snippets Entity and facet Parse sentence to extract entity and facet Dependency parsing used: look for subject and object Lots of heuristics Expected parsing to be easy It was easier, not easy Entity and facet extraction Republican Senator Jon Kyl is a supporter of the Arizona immigration law Robert Gates, the US defence secretary, has acknowledged that projections that are based on proposed military timelines may not be accurate, but stressed that the Pentagon is not exempt from belt-tightening because of its charge of defending the country. Prime Minister David Cameron met Mr Gates in Downing Street on Monday and restated his support for American strategy in Afghanistan.
  8. Candidate Opinion- Snippets Raw facets and entities Lots of entities “Gaddaffi”, “Qaddaffi” “Obama”, “U.S. President” Lots of raw facets “UN mandate against Libya” “use of force against Libyan civilians” “military air strikes on Libyan cities” “coalition air strikes on Libya” Entity and facet extraction Canonical forms for entities and facets
  9. Candidate Opinion- Snippets Canonical names Canonical names derived from YAGO Entity and facet extraction preferred meaning Canonical forms for entities and facets means means
  10. Candidate Opinion- Snippets Canonical facets (1/3) Wikipedia Good source for labels Topics not always controversial Debatepedia Lots of debates Debates mean controversial topics Map to Debatepedia, then to Wikipedia Entity and facet extraction Canonical forms for entities and facets
  11. Candidate Opinion- Snippets Canonical facets (2/3) Debatepedia Articles TOPIC Tn TOPIC T1 Entity and facet extraction Article title D1k Article title Article title Article title Article title Article title Dnj ARTICLETEXT ARTICLETEXT ARTICLETEXT ARTICLETEXT ARTICLETEXT ARTICLETEXT ARTICLETEXT ARTICLETEXT … Canonical forms for entities and facets Category 1, 2,… Category 1, 2,… Category 1, 2,… Category 1, 2,… Category 1, 2,… Category 1, 2,… Category 1, 2,… Category 1, 2,…
  12. Candidate Opinion- Snippets Canonical facets (3/3) Topic T, Document Di Entity and facet extraction Article title ARTICLETEXT Canonical forms for entities and facets Category 1, 2,… Raw facet, f Used for ranking debates Scores of top-10 results used to discard “useless” facets Title of top debate used for canonical name
  13. Candidate Opinion- Snippets Topic Hierarchy Top 3 Wikipedia articles Debatepedia to Wikipedia Entity and facet extraction Article title Article title Article title Article title Canonical facet name + document ARTICLETEXT ARTICLETEXT ARTICLETEXT ARTICLETEXT ARTICLETEXT Canonical forms for entities and facets Category 1, 2,… Category 1, 2,… Category 1, 2,… Category 1, 2,… Organization of topic hierarchy Candidate categories Top 3 Wikipedia categories
  14. Candidate Opinion- Snippets Constructing the hierarchy Iraq War Iran’s weapons Entity and facet extraction Iran-Iraq War Iran’s nuclear program Bilateral relations of Israel Iran’s politics Canonical forms for entities and facets Iran’s nuclear energy Israel’s weapons of mass destruction Israeli-Palestinian conflict 10 Organization of topic hierarchy 4 Israeli Nuclear Energy Depends on no. of common subcategories Depends on no. of raw facets mapped to it
  15. Candidate Opinion- Snippets Constructing the hierarchy Graph coarsening algorithm to cluster leads to a hypergraph Entity and facet extraction Iraq War Iran’s weapons Iran-Iraq War Canonical forms for entities and facets Iran’s nuclear program Iran’s politics Bilateral relations of Israel Israel’s weapons of mass destruction Iran’s nuclear energy Organization of topic hierarchy Israeli-Palestinian conflict Israeli Nuclear Energy
  16. Candidate Opinion- Snippets Building a lexicon Unsupervised Query Google with <entity, facet> pairs Supervised (details in the paper) n-grams mutual information synonyms and antonyms Entity and facet extraction Lexicon of Support/Oppose phrases Canonical forms for entities and facets Organization of topic hierarchy
  17. Lexicon of support/oppose phrases Unsupervised
  18. Evaluation End-to-end experiments (Metric: Precision) Random sample Focused sample Ground truth set Quality of topic hierarchy Quality of support/oppose lexicon
  19. End-to-end experiments 2000 randomly selected opinions were evaluated Errors in extraction Attributing the opinion to the incorrect entity (45%) Facet extraction (45%) Seeds were incorrect (9%)
  20. Candidate Opinion- Snippets Thank youTime to express your opinions! Entity and facet extraction Lexicon of Support/Oppose phrases Canonical forms for entities and facets Organization of topic hierarchy
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