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Welcome. Opening Prayer Sharing of colleague observations or lesson plans. The SIOP Model of Sheltered Instruction. Lesson Preparation. Review and Assessment. Building Background. Lesson Delivery. Compre-hensible Input. Practice and Application. Strategies. Interaction.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome • Opening Prayer • Sharing of colleague observations or lesson plans

  2. The SIOP Model of Sheltered Instruction Lesson Preparation Review and Assessment Building Background Lesson Delivery Compre-hensibleInput Practice and Application Strategies Interaction

  3. Content Objectives: • I will identify techniques for presenting content information in ways that students can understand. • I will review various ways to model and provide directions for academic tasks. • Language Objectives: • I will discuss modifications to teacher speech that can increase student understanding. • I will write the steps needed for students to perform an academic task.

  4. SIOP Chapter 4 You can do some things to help make sure they do… Does every student know what you are saying?

  5. F10: Appropriate speech:HOW you speak • Rate, Enunciation, and Support: Adjust your rate of speech and enunciation for the students’ level of proficiency. • Speak in a natural rhythm; more slowly for beginning learners of English. • Enunciate your English clearly. • Repeat important language several times. • Use gestures to support your language if possible. • As you model the task you expect students to do, describe each step very clearly.

  6. F10: Appropriate speech: WHATyou say • Complexity of Speech • Avoid idioms (less of a problem for you!). • Monitor vocabulary and sentence structure. • Use straightforward and clear speech, and support it with pictures and realia as much as possible. • Turn and Talk • What are some modifications to your own speech that you can make to increase student understanding?

  7. F11: clear Explanation of academic tasks • Present instructions in a step-by-step manner. • Oral directions should always be accompanied by written instructions. • Show the students an example of the finished product so they understand the expectations.

  8. LO: I will write the steps needed for students to perform an academic task. Text pg. 87: As Mr. Lew gave the instructions orally, he wrote the instructions on the board, and modeled each step. Get into your assigned groups and prepare to perform the role that has been assigned to you. Make shapes out of aluminum foil and try to get them to float. Calculate the object’s volume and write it on the worksheet. Calculate the mass/volume ratio and write all of these numbers on the worksheet.

  9. Component 2: Building Background Assignment • Write a Lesson Plan that includes: • Activity(ies) that link students past learning to new concepts. • Activity(ies) that teach Tier 2 and Tier 3 Vocabulary words(25 points) • Write a reflection paragraph describing (10 points) • What went well in the lesson • How did the students respond • Would you do something differently next time? If so, what and why • Attach the paragraph to the lesson plan and turn in.

  10. F12: A Variety of Techniques Used to make content concepts Clear • Use gestures, body language, pictures, and objects • Provide a model of the process, task, or assignment. • Preview materials for optimal learning • Allow alternative forms for expressing understanding, e.g. drawing • Use multimedia e.g. power points • Provide repeated exposure to words, concepts, skills • Use sentence strips to show language , key vocabulary, and sequence.

  11. F12: A Variety of Techniques Used to make content concepts Clear • Adapt content to students’ proficiency level • Highlight key vocabulary • Use graphic organizers • Use scaffolding techniques • Provide activities that allow students to apply newly acquired content and language knowledge. • Model, model, model.

  12. Component 3: Comprehensible input assignment Choose an academic task you want the students to perform, e.g. Group work, experiment, reading/writing assignment, etc. Write the steps to the academic task you want the students to perform. Turn in the written steps to Sister Rasmussen Due: Thurs. May30, 20 points

  13. Component 3: Comprehensible input assignment (example) Get into your assigned groups and prepare to perform the role that has been assigned to you. Make shapes out of aluminum foil and try to get them to float. Calculate the object’s volume and write it on the worksheet. Calculate the mass/volume ratio and write all of these numbers on the worksheet.

  14. Content Objectives: • I will identify techniques for presenting content information in ways that students can understand. • I will review various ways to model and provide directions for academic tasks. • Language Objectives: • I will discuss modifications to teacher speech that can increase student understanding. • I will write the steps needed for students to perform an academic task.

  15. Learning Strategies • Presentation assignment for next week, May 30 • Read and discuss the strategy during a department meeting. • Assign one person to share the strategy with the class on Thur. May 30. Share an example of the strategy being used, if you have one. • Keep it short: 2-3 minutes

  16. Review of Previous Assignments

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