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Mark 9:30-50 Intro: -Quick themes to watch for, 1. Suffering Servant 2. King of this world 3. Son of God -Vs . 30 They begin to travel, Jesus teaches his disciples. I. Jesus again tells of his death and Resurrection –vs. 31-32 A. The disciples don’t understand vs. 32
Mark 9:30-50 • Intro: • -Quick themes to watch for, 1. Suffering Servant 2. King of this world 3. Son of God • -Vs. 30 They begin to travel, Jesus teaches his disciples. • I. Jesus again tells of his death and Resurrection –vs. 31-32 • A. The disciples don’t understand vs. 32 • 1. Luke 9:45 “It was concealed from them that they should not perceive it.” • B. Jesus knows he will die and then he will rise again vs. 31 • 1. Jesus knows he is God, -Prediction of His own future and stating that he will have power over death. –
II. How to be great in the kingdom. Vs. 33-41 • -Capernaum: • A. Jesus questions the disciples vs. 33 • 1. Luke 9:47 “but when Jesus perceived the thought of their heart.” • 2. They are silent • B. Jesus calls his disciples to hearts of humility and service (35-36) • 1 He calls them all to sit. • 2 The first shall be last… and servant of all. Vs. 35 • 3 Puts a child in front of these men who are acting like children • -Jesus takes the child in his arms and begins to teach them. • -Matthew 18:3-4 offer some more insight that gives us a fuller picture. (Harmony of the gospels) • - vs. 4 humble yourself before Jesus • 4. Whoever receives one child like this in My name receives Me. Vs. 37 • - Psalm 68:4-5 “A Father to the fatherless” • C. John's interruption vs. 38 Jesus response vs. 39-41
III. The Seriousness of sin and our response to it. Vs 42-50 • A. Jesus continues his thoughts after John’s interruption. • 1. Causing the little ones to stumble vs. 42 • -millstones and sinking. (would you rather game) • - Matthew 18:7 • B. Amputations and the seriousness of sin. Vs. 43-48 • C. Mark 9:49-50