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“‘For the woman who has a husband is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives. But if the husband dies, she is released from the law of her husband.” Romans 7:2. Marriage. Re marriage?. Questions And Consequences. Who can marry? [a scriptural right].
“‘For the woman who has a husband is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives. But if the husband dies, she is released from the law of her husband.” Romans 7:2
Marriage Remarriage?
Questions And Consequences • Who can marry? [a scriptural right] • Who cannot marry? [no scriptural right] • What are “sexual immorality” and “adultery”? • Does “not under bondage” mean “free to marry”? • Can the “innocent party” remarry if “guilty” does? • This position is usually called “Mental Divorce” Married or Bound?
Can the “innocent party” remarry? • The basic position stated: • “Innocent” person is put away “for just any reason” • unbeliever “departs” from believer [1 Cor. 7:15] OR… • “no longer in love”, “burns dinner”, “is a slob”; etc. • fornication is not the issue; therefore, not “scriptural” “Mental Divorce?”
Can the “innocent party” remarry? • The basic position stated: • “Innocent” person is put away “for just any reason” • The “unscriptural divorce” is not “acceptedbyGod”, • only by the “law of the land” [Mt 19:6] • God only “accepts divorce” in cases of fornication, so • He does not “break the bond” here [Mt 19:9; Rm 7:2-3] • “They’re not divorced in God’s eyes”, only in man’s • “divorce” is used accommodatively, as civil law uses it • “innocent” person did not want divorce; fought publicly • “innocent” person stays chaste; desires reconciliation • “innocent” person has not sinned; abides in God’s law “Mental Divorce?”
Can the “innocent party” remarry? • The basic position stated: • “Innocent” person is put away “for just any reason” • The “unscriptural divorce” is not “acceptedbyGod”, • only by the “law of the land” [Mt 19:6] • “Guilty” person eventually “marries” someone else by • “the law of the land”, which allows for such actions • since God did not “accept the divorce” nor “break the • bond”, “guilty” is now inadultery [Mt 19:9] • “innocent” now mentallydivorces“guilty” “fornicator” • involves a public declaration before “the church” • necessary: “law of land” says they’re already divorced! • “innocent” has “put away a fornicator”; now can marry “Mental Divorce?”
Can the “innocent party” remarry? • The basic position stated: • “Innocent” person is put away “for just any reason” • The “unscriptural divorce” is not “acceptedbyGod”, • only by the “law of the land” [Mt 19:6] • “Guilty” person eventually “marries” someone else by • “the law of the land”, which allows for such actions • This position must be true, or else: • “innocent” person who has not sinned must suffer life • of chastity while the “guilty” person lives “Scott free” • “law of land” nullifies God’s law: “innocent” is barred • from obtaining a “scriptural” divorce because civil law • says they’re already divorced [but not “in God’s eyes”]! “Mental Divorce?”
Mental Divorce? Begin with a normal marriage HUSBAND WIFE “bound by God” “…what God has joinedtogether, let not man separate” [Mt 19:6]
Mental Divorce? “Innocent” person is put away; not for fornication “INNOCENT” HUSBAND “GUILTY” WIFE “Just any reason” “bound by God” “…what God has joinedtogether, let not man separate” [Mt 19:6] “And I say to you, whoever divorces . . . , except for sexualimmorality” [Mt 19:9] Thus, an “unscriptural divorce” not accepted by God
Mental Divorce? “Guilty” person eventually “marries”; is in adultery! Adultery “INNOCENT” “GUILTY” “still bound by God” Another “…what God has joinedtogether, let not man separate” [Mt 19:6] “whoever divorces…except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commitsadultery” [Mt 19:9] “if, while her husband lives, she marries… she will be called an adulteress” [Rm 7:3] Married to another while still bound to first!
Mental Divorce? NOW “Innocent” puts away “guilty” for “fornication” Adultery “INNOCENT” Another “GUILTY” “bound by God” “still bound by God” Another “scriptural”, REAL divorce; NOW the bond is broken “put away in God’seyes for fornication” “whoever divorces…exceptforsexualimmorality, and marries another, commitsadultery” [Mt 19:9] Therefore, “Innocent” is free to marry!
Questions And Consequences • Who can marry? [a scriptural right] • Who cannot marry? [no scriptural right] • What are “sexual immorality” and “adultery”? • Does “not under bondage” mean “free to marry”? • Can the “innocent party” remarry if “guilty” does? • This position is usually called “Mental Divorce” • Appears to be “reasonable”, “fair”, “scriptural” • Very compelling argument, but WRONG, sinful! Married or Bound?
Questions And Consequences • Argument appeals to sense of “reason”, “fairness” • Argument appears to be “backed up” by scripture • Argument has already been answered in our study! • We labored through the basics in order to meet • the complications of false doctrines with truth! • Our study “Who cannot marry?” already dealt with this A closer examination of Mental Divorce
Questions And Consequences • Who can marry? [a scriptural right] • Who cannot marry? [no scriptural right] • Someone who has been “put away” • Matthew 5:32; 19:9; Luke 16:18 !CommitsAdultery! • “Put away” clarifies “is divorced” [passive] • No consideration of motive behind the divorce • if put away for fornication, certainly adultery • if put away for anyother reason, still adultery Married or Bound?
Who Cannot Marry? Unbeliever “departs” [1 Cor. 7:15] “Whoever marries her who is divorced…” “Fell out of love” Was “Put Away” For: “Burned the dinner” “Irreconcilable Differences” One Who Has Been “Put Away” Mate divorced to marry other “SEXUAL IMMORALITY” Anyotherreason… “…commitsadultery”
Questions And Consequences • Argument appeals to sense of “reason”, “fairness” • Argument appears to be “backed up” by scripture However, we must also correct false counter-issues! • Argument has already been answered in our study! • We labored through the basics in order to meet • the complications of false doctrines with truth! • Our study “Who cannot marry?” already dealt with this • anyone who has received a divorce – for any reason at • all – cannot marry; is the case of the “innocent” here • this is the most simple refutation of the argument, and • it uses the very scriptures that “support” it A closer examination of Mental Divorce
Counter-issues And Counter-arguments • The “unscriptural divorce” argument • attempts to establish that not all divorces seen as • “REAL”, “accepted”, “scriptural”, “in God’s eyes” • a divorce NOT for fornication is called “unscriptural” • argument is made that it is not a “REAL” divorce, but • only a divorce in the legal sense by MAN’s law • being under GOD’s law, one put away “unscripturally” • still has the right to a “scriptural” or REAL divorce in • certaincircumstances; can marry again without sin • is this taught by the scriptures on marriage & divorce? A closer examination of Mental Divorce
N.T. Marriage and Divorce Scripture • Matthew 5:31-32 [cp. context: God’s righteousness] “Furthermore, it has been said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificateofdivorce.’” “But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except sexual immorality causesher tocommitadultery; and whoevermarries a woman whoisdivorcedcommitsadultery.” What they were taught A closer examination of Mental Divorce
N.T. Marriage and Divorce Scripture • Matthew 5:31-32 [cp. context: God’s righteousness] “Furthermore, it has been said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificateofdivorce.’” What the results were “But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except sexual immorality causesher tocommitadultery; and whoevermarries a woman whoisdivorcedcommitsadultery.” Their abuse of God’slawresulted in adultery A closer examination of Mental Divorce
N.T. Marriage and Divorce Scripture No question here of “God’s law” v. “Man’s law”; a clarification of God’sownlaw!!! • Matthew 5:31-32 [cp. context: God’s righteousness] Misuse of Deut. 24:1-4 Divorce, except in cases of fornication, causes adultery! “Furthermore, it has been said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificateofdivorce.’” “But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except sexual immorality causesher tocommitadultery; and whoevermarries a woman whoisdivorcedcommitsadultery.” Whoevermarries one whowasdivorced commits adultery! God’slaw, as taught by Jesus in Sermon on the Mount A closer examination of Mental Divorce
N.T. Marriage and Divorce Scripture Again, no question of “God’s law” v. “Man’s law”; merely a clarification of God’sownlaw!!! • Matthew 19:8-9 [“is it lawful?” (God’s law)] Divorce and remarriage, except in cases of fornication, is adultery! “Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorceyour wives, but from the beginning it was not so.” Reason for Deut. 24:1-4 Whoevermarries one whowasdivorced commits adultery! “And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, exceptfor sexual immorality, and marries another,commitsadultery; and whoevermarries her whoisdivorcedcommitsadultery.” God’slaw, as taught by Jesus correcting the Pharisees A closer examination of Mental Divorce
N.T. Marriage and Divorce Scripture Again, no question of “God’s law” v. “Man’s law”; merely a clarification of God’sownlaw!!! • Mark 10:11-12 [“is it lawful?” (God’s law)] God’s Law, in general: Divorce and remarriage is adultery! “So He said to them, ‘Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commitsadultery against her.’” “And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commitsadultery.” God’slaw, as taught by Jesus correcting the Pharisees A closer examination of Mental Divorce
N.T. Marriage and Divorce Scripture • Luke 16:18 [self-justified vs. God-justified (v. 14-18)] They “rest on (God’s) law” [Rom. 2:17-24], however… “And He said to them, ‘You are those who justifyyourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination inthesightofGod.’” “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commitsadultery; and whoever marriesher who is divorced from her husband commitsadultery.” What was “highly esteemed among men” Their self-righteousness looked like “good religion” cp. Lk 18:9-14; Mt 5:20; 6:1-4; 6:5, 7; Rm 2:22; etc. God’slaw, as taught by Jesus correcting the Pharisees A closer examination of Mental Divorce
N.T. Marriage and Divorce Scripture Again, no question of “God’s law” v. “Man’s law”; merely a clarification of God’sownlaw!!! God’s Law, in general: Divorce and remarriage is adultery! God’s Law, in general: Marrying a divorced person isadultery! • Luke 16:18 [self-justified vs. God-justified (v. 14-18)] “And He said to them, ‘You are those who justifyyourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination inthesightofGod.’” Their abuse of God’s laws “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commitsadultery; and whoever marriesher who is divorced from her husband commitsadultery.” God’slaw, as taught by Jesus correcting the Pharisees A closer examination of Mental Divorce
N.T. Marriage and Divorce Scripture • Romans 7:2-3 [“to those who know the law” – v. 1] In Lesson 8, we studied “Which law?” “…the woman who has a husband is bound bythelaw to her husband as long as he lives. But if the husband dies, she is releasedfromthelaw of her husband.” “…if, while her husband lives, she marries another …she will be called an adulteress; …if her husband dies, she is free from thatlaw, so that she is noadulteress, though she has married another…” A closer examination of Mental Divorce
WhichLaw? Law of MosesisNOT under consideration! “when she…goes and becomesanother man’s wife” [Dt 24:2] 1st husband stillalive, yet not called adulteress Adulterers were stoned; she was not CivilLaw of GentilesisNOT under consideration! “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife” [Mk 6:18] Philip stillalive; Herodias not called adulteress according to civillaw: onlyJohn even said it was wrong! God’sLawofMarriageisunder consideration! “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” [Gn 2:24] This is “the lawof the husband”; binds the two cp. Matt 19:6 “Therefore what God has joined together”
N.T. Marriage and Divorce Scripture Again, no question of “God’s law” v. “Man’s law”; merely a clarification of God’sownlaw!!! • Romans 7:2-3 [“to those who know the law” – v. 1] God’s Law, in general: Remarriagewhile first spouse is still alive is adultery! “…the woman who has a husband is bound bythelaw to her husband as long as he lives. But if the husband dies, she is releasedfromthelaw of her husband.” God’slaw, as taught in example by Paul “…if, while her husband lives, she marries another …she will be called an adulteress; …if her husband dies, she is free from thatlaw, so that she is noadulteress, though she has married another…” A closer examination of Mental Divorce
N.T. Marriage and Divorce Scripture In Lesson 12, we saw that both “depart” and “divorce” are Greek word “divorce” • 1 Cor. 7 [The Lord’s command (God’s law) v. 10] “A wife is not to departfrom her husband” [v. 10] “…if she does depart, let her remain unmarriedor be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to departfrom his wife.” [v. 11] “…if any brother has a wife who does not believe, …let him [her] not divorceher [him]” [v. 12-13] “…if the unbeliever departs, lethimdepart” [v. 15] “…but if her husband dies, she is at liberty to be married to whom she wishes…in the Lord” [v. 39] A closer examination of Mental Divorce
N.T. Marriage and Divorce Scripture • 1 Cor. 7 [The Lord’s command (God’s law) v. 10] “A wife is not to departfrom her husband” [v. 10] “…if she does depart, let her remain unmarriedor “Departing” results in being “unmarried”: is “divorce”! be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to departfrom his wife.” [v. 11] “…if any brother has a wife who does not believe, …let him [her] not divorceher [him]” [v. 12-13] “…if the unbeliever departs, let him depart” [v. 15] “…but if her husband dies, she is at liberty to be married to whom she wishes…in the Lord” [v. 39] A closer examination of Mental Divorce
N.T. Marriage and Divorce Scripture • 1 Cor. 7 [The Lord’s command (God’s law) v. 10] “A wife is not to departfrom her husband” [v. 10] “…if she does depart, let her remain unmarriedor be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not God’s Law, in general: “not to depart” to departfrom his wife.” [v. 11] “…if any brother has a wife who does not believe, …let him [her] not divorceher [him]” [v. 12-13] “…if the unbeliever departs, let him depart” [v. 15] “…but if her husband dies, she is at liberty to be married to whom she wishes…in the Lord” [v. 39] A closer examination of Mental Divorce
N.T. Marriage and Divorce Scripture Not“God’s law” versus“Man’s law”; rather, God’slawclarified and believer even told (by God!) “let him divorce” • 1 Cor. 7 [The Lord’s command (God’s law) v. 10] “A wife is not to departfrom her husband” [v. 10] “…if she does depart, let her remain unmarriedor However, “if the unbelieverdeparts”: be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to departfrom his wife.” [v. 11] “…if any brother has a wife who does not believe, …let him [her] not divorceher [him]” [v. 12-13] Is this a REAL divorce, or not? “…if the unbeliever departs, let him depart” [v. 15] “…but if her husband dies, she is at liberty to be married to whom she wishes…in the Lord” [v. 39] A closer examination of Mental Divorce
Counter-issues And Counter-arguments • The “unscriptural divorce” argument • attempts to establish that not all divorces seen as • “REAL”, “accepted”, “scriptural”, “in God’s eyes” • a divorce NOT for fornication is called “unscriptural” The scriptures make nosuchdistinction! • argument is made that it is not a “REAL” divorce, but • only a divorce in the legal sense by MAN’s law • being under GOD’s law, one put away “unscripturally” • still has the right to a “scriptural” or REAL divorce in • certaincircumstances; can marry again without sin The “unscriptural divorce” argument BEGINS with supposition rather than with scripture – is this taught by the scriptures on marriage & divorce? • is this taught by the scriptures on marriage & divorce? A closer examination of Mental Divorce
Next time: Other counter-arguments that seek to “prove” Mental Divorce and consequences of the doctrine
Can the “innocent party” remarry? • The basic position stated: • “Innocent” person is put away “for just any reason” • The “unscriptural divorce” is notrecognizedbyGod, • only by the “law of the land” • “Guilty” person eventually marries someone else by • “the law of the land”, which allows for such actions • This position must be true, or else: • “innocent” person who has not sinned must suffer life • of chastity while the “guilty” person lives “Scott free” • “law of land” nullifies God’s law: “innocent” is barred • from obtaining a “scriptural” divorce because civil law • says they’re already divorced [but not “in God’s eyes”]! “Mental Divorce”