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Marriage. Divorce. Monogamy. Cohabitation. Functionalist view of the family. Familial ideology. Warm bath theory. New Right. Complete the gap fill to give a summary of the New Right view of the family. What do the statistics show is happening to marriage trends?
Complete the gap fill to give a summary of the New Right view of the family
What do the statistics show is happening to marriage trends? What reasons are there for these changes? Marriage & Marital breakdown
Six Main Trends/Changes to family What do you think these are? • Marriage • Divorce • Family size • Lone parent families • Cohabitation • Single person households
Six Main Trends/Changes to family • Read through your handout out lining each of these recent trends • Highlight the key statistics (using these in essays gets you top marks)
Main Causes for changes • 7 main causes for the changing trends in the family • In pairs match the term to its definition • Check your answers on the handout
SECULARISATION • The weakening of traditional religious beliefs and practices, mainly concerning sexual morality, especially in communities that were previously Christian
RELATIVISM • The view that different types of people are entitled to lead different lifestyles, instead of following a prescribed pattern upheld as absolutely right.
INDIVIDUALISM • People are encouraged to seek personal happiness; obligations to please wider kin are less pressing than in the past
GLOBALISATION • Increased immigration from beyond Europe since the Second World War, bringing distinctive family patterns and moral attitudes
DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGES • People live longer, healthier lives, feminisation of the workforce, increased age that women have children at, ageing population.
EXTENDED EDUCATION • Experienced by more young people, prolonging their financial dependence on parents
LIBERATION MOVEMENTS • Women, homosexuals, youths and the elderly have campaigned for enhanced rights and dignity
Create your poster • In groups create a poster explaining how the issue you pick explains as many changes in family structure as possible • Each group will present this back to the rest of the class • Eg Liberation Movements
Plenary • Multiple choice quiz • Complete your handout
Homework DUE!! • A number of people owe me a number of pieces of work • These need to be completed • Mandatory lunch time sessions for every student who owes me any piece of work until all have been completed.
Trends in families & households Complete your handout • At least 6 trends (changes) e.g. decline of nuclear family • At least 7 causes e.g. – liberation movements Try to use as much terminology as possible If you were absent from yesterday’s lesson you will still be able to complete this task
A brief history of divorce law • Read through your handout
Key sociological studies • Revision cards
News Reports! • Now create a short news report explaining what your shocking trend is • Include causes, evidence and policy surrounding it • Remember it’s a news report, so think of a catchy headline!!
News Reports • Present your news report to the class • The rest of the class take notes - a new work sheet for each news report
Family Trends Pictionary Design a front cover for your trends handbook
Backs to the board • One person will sit with their back to the board • The rest of the team will try to explain the word on the board behind them • They have to say the word to get a point for their team
Homework – MLT 3 • Using your notes & • The sociological factsheet create a mastery learning test on the changing trends in families & households • At least 10 questions state the marks available DUE WEDNESDAY