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Green Office Automation Task Force. Charlie Johnson Patti Neuhold Denise Smith Cheryl Steele Cynthia E. Rolfe. Assigned Tasks. Task Group #2 – Office Activities Task Group #4 – Electronic, Copiers, Printing. Printing. Behavioral. Computing. Communication. Automated Services. Other.
Green Office Automation Task Force Charlie Johnson Patti Neuhold Denise Smith Cheryl Steele Cynthia E. Rolfe
Assigned Tasks • Task Group #2 – Office Activities • Task Group #4 – Electronic, Copiers, Printing Printing Behavioral Computing Communication Automated Services Other Electrical
Task Force Charge • Create a draft plan for implementing the assigned task • A plan to measure the change over the year so that we can point with pride to certifiable success • Requests for resources that will be needed to reach success
Our Process • Categorize tasks • Assign “Accountability Managers” or “Owners” • Write a Challenge Statement and Recommendation • Develop a High Level Plan • Action Plan Title • Accountability Manager • Estimated Time Line (Start and Target Completion) • Resources Needed (Capital, Physical, Human) • Action Description • Milestone Activities with Target Completion Dates
General Recommendations • Kick off month to show this is a university-wide initiative • “Allow” us to hold each other accountable • Test and benchmark initiatives • New ideas are exciting but may end up costing us more than the “old” way of doing things
Initial Survey • Survey our community to benchmark awareness\behavior. Use Likert Scale: • don’t know/don’t care • sort of aware but that’s for tree huggers • on the train but where’s my seat? • need to know more • I’m with ya’ll!
Printing (Challenge) The University of Central Oklahoma is aware that we spend thousands of dollars a month on printing related costs. Hard costs include, in addition to printers, paper, toner, electricity, maintenance, and recycling. Soft costs of personnel time for purchasing, ordering, and troubleshooting problems have not been considered seriously, until now
Printing – Action Statement The Office Automation Green Task Force will coordinate an analysis of all printing and related costs on campus. This analysis will include all printers, copiers, fax machines, and print machines throughout the campus, from desk tops, to all-in-one, to the print shop. Should the analysis yield a compelling report for policy, procedural, and behavioral changes, the Office Automation Green Task Force will then recommend a three-to-five year implementation plan for attaining stated goals.
Printing - Action Plan • Printing Action Plan
Behavioral (Challenge) To get University of Central Oklahoma faculty and staff to automatically take a “green” approach to daily office activities with the goal of saving energy and cutting costs.
Behavioral – Action Statement The success of UCO’s energy and cost saving initiative depends largely on the willingness of students, faculty and staff to participate in activities aimed at accomplishing our goals. Thus, in many cases, student, faculty and staff behavior must be modified. For the purpose of this committee, we will concentrate on faculty and staff behavior. This is accomplished through (1) Communication; (2) Achieving “Buy-In”; (3) Creating Green Team Leaders
Computing (Challenge) Much has been written about Green Data Centers and Green Computing. The Office of Information Technology has been exploring green data center concepts for quite some time. Virtual computing in both the data center and at the desk top is becoming a popular hardware downsizing environment
Computing - Action • Virtual Computing – Servers (started) • Virtual Computing – Desktop • Power Down Desktop Computers at Night (already available) • Printers and monitors in sleep mode use minimal power
Communication In order to successfully encourage faculty and staff to change the way they do certain things with the goal of saving energy and the associated costs, we must first communicate effectively. We must be open and honest about our goals and why we are trying to attain them. We must not sugarcoat the fact that the economy is having an adverse effect on the university’s budget and that faculty and staff can, and should, play an important role in cutting costs and, ultimately, saving jobs at UCO.
Communication - Action • Special Centralities from President Webb • Kick off with Green Month in March • Facilitate forums for discussion • Create Bronze, Blue, and Green documentary
Achieve Buy-In • We must communicate in ways that, themselves, are energy efficient and save costs. For example, we can use web-based communications for the lion’s share of our messaging. However, it will be equally important for us to reach out, face-to-face, to communicate the importance of this initiative, to get “buy-in” from the campus community, to educate, and to help create enthusiasm about the initiative.
Achieve Buy-In - Action • Training: Awareness Training; Sustainability Opportunities • Include the Entire Campus • Generate more ideas: Bronze, Blue, and Green Wiki
Create Green Team We will need “champions” of the initiative in every corner of the university. We will need interested people—“Green Team” leaders—in every office/area to help their colleagues through the education process, and to continue to track the progress and success of their efforts and to document them.
Green Team - Action • Green Team Council meets once a month to share ideas and activities that have come from their departments/areas • Competition - Consider creating an ongoing, campus-wide office competition for the best new energy-saving ideas, and reward them. This will be challenging, due in large part to the great diversity of office sizes and functions.
Automated [Electronic] Services Jim Collins taught the non-IT world that technology is an accelerator. We believe technology also is an enabler. What better way to move our green initiative forward than appropriate use of automated and/or electronic services? Many of the suggestions that have already come forward have a technology enhanced solution.
Automated Services - Action • Create on-line versions of common forms • Use resources already available, e.g. • Blackboard WebCT to post course materials • Wiki for collaboration and ideas • File shares for departmental / area storage and retrieval • Sharepoint for departmental document sharing (currently under way – available soon) • Unified Communications
Automated Services • First in the state to use Idea Paint
Other • Provide filtered water to each building with a fun UCO refillable water bottle • Encourage "bring lunch to work" or "eat on campus" days to minimize off campus driving at lunch. • More efficient utilization of property and equipment before it is transferred to surplus. • Encourage employee carpooling in addition to student ride share program. • Consolidate freezer use in food services during Summer and Intersession. • Cut spending earlier at the end of the fiscal year; scrutinize end-of-year-spending
Electrical The GOA determined these items should fall under the auspice of another task force (Technical Automation) Some of the electrical related ideas were behavioral and will therefore fall into the training category.