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Got Skills?. Assessment System. Annually State Summative Assessments. 2-4 Times per year People, Practices & Perceptions. End of Unit Benchmark Common Assessments. 1-4 Times a Month Formative Common Assessments. Daily Formative Classroom Assessments. OAKS Transition. Science OAKS.
Assessment System Annually State Summative Assessments 2-4 Times per year People, Practices & Perceptions End of Unit Benchmark Common Assessments 1-4 Times a Month Formative Common Assessments Daily Formative Classroom Assessments
Science OAKS Current 2009 Oregon Science Standards Assessed through 2014/2015 Next Generation Science Standards Potential adoption early 2014
English Language Arts and Mathematics, Grades 3–8 and High School BEGINNING OF YEAR END OF YEAR INTERIM ASSESSMENT INTERIM ASSESSMENT Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks • PERFORMANCE • TASKS • Reading • Writing • Math END OF YEAR ADAPTIVE ASSESSMENT Smarter Balanced Assessment System Formative Assessments
Smarter Balanced Claims Claim 1 – Concepts and Procedures Apply, Explain and Interpret with Precision and Fluency Claim 2 – Problem Solving Solve Complex Problems Claim 3 – Communicating Reasoning Construct Viable Arguments and Critique the Reasoning of Others Claim 4 – Modeling and Data Analysis Analyze Real World Scenarios and Construct Mathematical Models to Interpret and Solve Problems
Calibrate Smarter Balanced to OAKS Option 1 Set achievement level on Smarter Balanced that represents equivalent rigor on OAKS Option 2 Accept the “meets” level set by Smarter Balanced. Students must receive adequate notice.
Accountability Essential Skills Smarter Balanced Targeting Up Smarter Balanced Testing Opportunities
Calculator Policy Grades 3-5 No Calculator Grades 6-8 Calculator Available and Not Available Four Function Calculator Grade 6 Scientific Calculator Grade 7 and 8 High School Calculator Available and Not Available Graphing Calculator with Scientific and Regression
Assessment System Annually State Summative Assessments 2-4 Times per year People, Practices & Perceptions End of Unit Benchmark Common Assessments 1-4 Times a Month Formative Common Assessments Daily Formative Classroom Assessments
Local Performance Assessment Work Sample for Essential Skills
Work Sample Administration Product of an Individual Student Work Supervised by an Authorized Adult Scored using Official Math Scoring Guide Feedback Raters must be Well Trained
Work Samples to Assess Essential Skills Designing Good Tasks Tied to Standards Tied to Curriculum and Instruction Thought Provoking Not Immediately Solvable Clearly Worded Scored on all Dimensions of the Scoring Guide
Mr. Gerard’s Oil Tank Mr. Gerard bought a house that contained an empty heating oil tank with the dimensions shown in the drawing. The left and right arcs of the tank are perfect semi-circles. If heating oil costs $3.50 per gallon, how much would it cost Mr. Gerard to fill this tank? (There are 231 cubic inches in a gallon.)
Designing Tasks I am sitting on my boat reviewing state math problems and I really need a break! I decide to go paddle boarding. After I am 30 meters from the boat, I turn on my wrist GPS unit to track my progress so I can log it in my exercise journal when I am done. After 3 minutes of steady paddling (no falling in the water, stopping to admire the pretty fish or having a speed boat go by and knock me over with its wake) I am 69 meters from the boat. At this rate, how far will I be from the boat in 15 minutes?
Designing Tasks Read through and refine I AM SITTING ON MY BOAT REVIEWING STATE MATH PROBLEMS AND I REALLY NEED A BREAK! TOO MANY WORDS… Not important to the task – not something kids (or you) can relate to
More Concise Wording I decide to go paddle boarding. Joan is paddle boarding. She is 30 meters from the shore. After I am 30 meters from the boat, I decide to turn on my wrist GPS unit. AFTER 3 MORE MINUTES OF STEADY PADDLING,( NO FALLING IN THE WATER OR STOPPING TO ADMIRE THE PRETTY FISHES) I AMJOAN IS A TOTAL OF69 METERS FROM SHORE
Clarify the Question How far will Joan be from shore after 15 more minutesof paddling?
Refine the Problem Find the Solution Tied to grade level standards Are there multiple possible approaches or entry points to the problem? Rich task to elicit scores in all process dimensions Could you use different numbers? Ask colleagues to work the problem
Pony Rides Ben and Sarah own lots of ponies and often take them to fairs and other gatherings and sell pony rides. They have found that when they charge $6.00 per ride, they average 310 riders a day. Ben has been perfectly satisfied traveling around the countryside and bringing in that daily average revenue of $1860.00. Sarah, however, wants to bring in more money. She says that if they charge $12 per ride, their daily revenue will be $3720.00. Ben doesn’t agree. He says…
Design and Collaboration State ESD District Building Level Teams Classroom Teachers
Assessment System Annually State Summative Assessments 2-4 Times per year People, Practices & Perceptions End of Unit Benchmark Common Assessments 1-4 Times a Month Formative Common Assessments Daily Formative Classroom Assessments
MP Standards
As my colleague Jason Zimba likes to say, you don’t teach standards you teach mathematics. Bill McCallum
Mathematical Practices Hunt Institute Video http://youtu.be/m1rxkW8ucAI
Mathematical Practices • Making sense of problems and persevering in solving them • Reason abstractly and quantitatively • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others • Model with mathematics • Use appropriate tools strategically • Attend to precision • Look for and make use of structure • Looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning
Construct Viable Arguments Economics Teacher http://youtu.be/dxPVyieptwA
Construct Viable Arguments Never Say Anything a Kid Can Say! My definition of a good teacher has changed from “one who explains things so well that students understand” to “one who gets the students to explain things so well that they can be understood.”
Critique the Reasoning of Others Success at the Core Video http://successatthecore.com/teacher-development/featured-video.aspx?v=40