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Football Assignment. Umema Khan 8C Mrs. Turriago. Where did Football originate ?.
Football Assignment Umema Khan 8C Mrs. Turriago
Where did Football originate? It was originated in England in the 1800s. The very first international match was played against England and Scotland. At first the nobles played it and since it didn’t require a whole lot of money to play it came in to the ordinary people as well.
Who made up the first organized set of rules for Football? Why did they do this? In 1815, Eton College made a set of rules, which other schools, colleges and Universities began to use. Later, these were standardized and a version, known as the Cambridge Rules, was adopted by most of England's Universities and Colleges in 1848, and later the whole world. They did this because when people played against each other they all had their own rules and it was much more easier to get injured, so the college created their own set of rules that everyone would follow so that the game is fair and square.
How many countries play Football as their national sport? Soccer is the national sport for over 60 places, Globally this is the people who do • Most of South America • Western Europe (Everyplace from Norway to Greece) • South East Asia ( Places from Indonesia to Thailand and Cambodia) they are not the best but the sport is really important to them. • All the Middle East Countries • Almost every single African Nation taking out South Africa their national sport is cricket.
Why do you think Football has become so popular around the world? I think that football has become really popular because of the fact that football is popular because it brings excitement. It gives us an adrenalin rush and it makes our emotions run wild. Also because it doesn’t even matter if you are poor or rich everyone can have fun when playing. Also about watching it, it is popular because it is so fun watching the talents of those players.
Do you think there are different ways of playing, or styles, of Football in different areas around the world? No, because in the World Cups and all of the major football tournaments all the teams have to play by the same exact rules, like if the referee holds up a yellow or a red card up to a player then they know exactly what to do and just walk off the pitch. Also everyone knows what you have to do to be awarded a penalty kick, and also all the people on the team know that the goalie or the goalkeeper has to save the ball, and the team has to try to score in the goal in which the other team’s goalie is.
Bibliography: • Answers.com - How Many Countries Is Football a National Game." WikiAnswers - The Q&A Wiki. Web. 05 Dec. 2010. <http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_countries_is_football_a_national_game#ixzz17Fo9h2xX>. • "Where Did Soccer Originate?" EzineArticles Submission - Submit Your Best Quality Original Articles For Massive Exposure, Ezine Publishers Get 25 Free Article Reprints. Web. 05 Dec. 2010. <http://ezinearticles.com/?Where-Did-Soccer-Originate?&id=1300056>.
Bibliography (Continued) • "The History of Soccer." Soccer for Parents - Educating Soccer Parents about the Great Game. Web. 05 Dec. 2010. <http://www.soccer-for-parents.com/history-of-soccer.html>. • Pillai, Maya. "Where Did Soccer Originate." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. Web. 05 Dec. 2010. <http://www.buzzle.com/articles/where-did-soccer-originate.html>. • "Where Did Soccer Originate From??? - Yahoo! Answers." Yahoo! Answers - Home. Web. 05 Dec. 2010. <http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061004135305AAD6M8m>.