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p a p e r t i g e r s o f t w a r e. p a p e r t i g e r s o f t w a r e. Sheds light. on Customer Complaints so you can tackle problems before they tackle you!. ...Things are a lot scarier in the dark. T I G E R. P A P E R. S O F T W A R E L T D.
p a p e rt i g e rs o f t w a r e p a p e r t i g e r s o f t w a r e Shedslight on Customer Complaints so you can tackle problems before they tackle you! ...Things are a lot scarier in the dark .
T I G E R P A P E R S O F T W A R E L T D CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS P O Box 93 202 - Parnell - Auckland - New Zealand WEBSITE www.papertigerxt.com EMAIL tiger@papertigerxt.com
DEMONSTRATION INSTRUCTIONS 1 To move to the NEXT slide - click anywhere on the screen with your mouse cursor 2 To move to the PREVIOUS slide - press ‘P’ twice (not operational if you are running demo over the web) 3 To QUIT the presentation - press the ‘ESC’ key (or the Back key if you are running demo over the web) This sign will appear at the bottom right hand corner of each slide to show when it is COMPLETE.
CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS - GOOD FOR BUSINESS?? Customer complaints are a critical part of any business. Many organisations capture and action complaints adequately -but forget to keep the customer in the information loop and to record, classify and analyze complaints to avoid similar problems in the future. Complaints have a short shelf life. If actioned quickly a complaint can act as a positive force and help to retain a customer. Act slowly or not at all and the complaint will fester. The Paper Tiger complaints module was designed specifically for a business to business environment to provide a powerful tool that will enable you to effectively manage customer complaints and monitor the cost of complaints to your organisation. The latter is a key component as it provides compelling incentives to permanently ‘fix’ problems. The aim of CCM is to turn something negative I.e the complaint into something of value, I.e retain a customer and improve the offending service or product
THE CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS MODULE The Customer Complaints Module is designed to help you manage incoming complaints QUICKLY... EFFECTIVELY... & EFFICIENTLY SOME BASIC CCM PRINCIPLES i Your FRONT LINE staff have IMMEDIATE access to the Customer Complaints Form via the Front Office - where complaints are entered as they happen. ii Your MANAGEMENT staff have PASSWORD PROTECTED access to the complaint details via the Back Office - where complaints are managed, delegated and continuously monitored. iii PAPER TIGER will prompt you to COMMUNICATE with the COMPLAINANTS, so that they are kept informed about the status of their complaint and any action being taken. iv PAPER TIGERINTERPRETs and PRESENTs information in graphic and tabulated form, to reveal trends and specific problem areas within your organisation.
CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS MANAGEMENT COMPLAINT RECEIVED ... and recorded in CCM. Complaint assigned and a deadline set. Investigation and action taken to remedy the complaint - progress monitored using the Customer Complaint Management screens. Receipt of complaint acknowledgedto the customer using the auto acknowledge letter in CCM, date of acknowledgement recorded in CCM Action taken recorded inCCM, classification of the complaint completed and the complaint closed. Customer notified of outcome and date recorded in CCM. Note that all . complaints are also included in the CRM module and issue management report section - but not vice versa. ! After a set period CCM will retrieve the complaint for an effectiveness of action taken review - e.g was the real problem remedied or just a symptom. Complaints are analyzed in the report section, complaint trends and costs tracked, problem areas pin pointed and at risk customers identified. Actions required to prevent recurrence are taken and the results are monitored.
THE FRONT OFFICE HOW TO ACCESS THE CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS MODULE Each Icon in the Front Office is linked to a DATA ENTRY form. Clicking the CUSTOMERCOMPLAINTSicon ... will take you directly to the Customer Complaints form. Your staff enter the details of each complaint... & Paper Tiger manages the information.
THIS FORM REQUESTS ALL THE INFORMATION NECESSARY TO MANAGE A COMPLAINT Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 1 : Entering a complaint in the Front Office Sydney Bar Area Morton Bay Bistro MBB Data Entry is EASY. 20 Bianca Walker G Black Fields with REDborders are compulsory - and highlight information necessary to manage the complaint. Bottling Plant Manager 25 Jan 2003 PINN Pinot Noir Incorrect Labeling of 7 wine bottles. Labeled Pinot Noir, actually Sauvignon Blanc. Your staff simply fill in the data fields, assisted by DROP DOWN MENUS... Once entered, the information is sent directly to theBACK OFFICE.
Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 2 : Accessing the Back Office To access the Back Office, where complaints are delegated, managed, and updated, simply… Click on the ‘Open Back Office’ button. 1 ****** Enter your password and press ‘enter’. 2 You are now in the Back Office Select the management module that you require. In this case Customer Complaints. 3
COMPLAINT SCREENS Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 2 continued: Navigating The Back Office There are THREEscreens containing information about each complaint ‘COMPLAINT DESCRIPTION’ 1 Where complaint details are recorded. ‘ACTION TAKEN’.. 2 Where information about activity and progress regarding the complaint is recorded. ‘COMMENTS’ 3 Allows entry of internal comments that are not printed in the Customer Complaint reports. ‘TOOLBAR’ ! Gives you access to automated functions.
C C M Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 2 continued : Navigating The Back Office The TOOLBAR gives you access to the other functions that make up the back office - it is split into four main parts. . Go To, Communication, Management screens and Reports. Is a quick way of finding a specific complaint, using the complaint number. Go To Communication The Communication icons generate ready-to-print letters to…. acknowledge receipt of the complaint, inform complainant the complaint has been actioned and closed, Action Request: Inform staff members that responsibility for a complaint has been assigned to them… These icons present in a tabulated form, all complaints where Action hasNot been Initiated... Management Screens and which people require a Acknowledgment or Reply regarding complaints they have raised. which are still Open... which are Overdue... Reports The reports icon opens the reports screen, which allows you to generate customised reports on virtually anything relating to complaints. P A P E R T I G E R P O Box 93 202 - Parnell - Auckland - New Zealand WEBSITE www.papertigerxt.com EMAIL tiger@papertigerxt.com
THE CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS SCREEN Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 3 : Complaint Description Shows description of the customer . , the complainant or staff contact . and the,complaint.. CCM identifies each customer by a unique code... …and identifies which contact you are dealing with. . You can have anynumber of contacts with each customer. ! immediately opens the record of the CUSTOMER involved. CLICKING this icon
THE CURRENT CUSTOMER RECORD SCREEN Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 3 continued : Complaint Description The Customer Record screen has TWOsections The CUSTOMER section . 1 contains details of the customer... and the sales representative responsible.. The CUSTOMER CONTACTS section 2 lists all of the customer contacts associated with the customer and any relevant notes.
C C M Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 3 continued : Complaint Description MANAGING YOUR RESPONSE All of the information needed to manage a complaint is recorded in the Complaint Description screen. CCM shows you WHEN the issue occurred. WHEN the complaint was recorded. WHO lodged the complaint WHO it involves... WHEREthe issue arose... DETAILSof the issue WHO it is assigned to and what the DEADLINE is At a glance, you know if action has been INITIATED and if it has been COMPLETED ! This field provides a hotlink to the folder where supporting documents like reports or photographs are stored. Simply click in the field to open the folder. P O Box 93 202 - Parnell - Auckland - New Zealand WEBSITE www.papertigerxt.com EMAIL tiger@papertigerxt.com P A P E R T I G E R
Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 4 : Assigning Action 223 ASSIGNING ACTION A request for action is generated to inform the person that responsibility for actioning a complaint has been passed to them. Select the complaint . reference number, in this case 223. 1 Click on the Request for . Action icon, 2 either email or print. The Request for Action shows: . Customer details. Complaint details. Complaint description. and Action Taken so far
STANDARD LETTERS Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 4 continued : Acknowledging the Complaint A crucial part of the Complaint Management process is ensuring the Complainant is kept INFORMED. CCM generates two letters : A letter to ACKNOWLEDGE the complaint 1 Simply clicking inside the text field will allow you to adapt the text of a particular letter to your specific needs… 2 A CLOSING LETTER Andclickingthe icon... …allows you to change the default text for ALL of your future standard letters. You can either use the existing text or CHANGEit to suit your needs. These two icons on the menu bar at the very top of the screen, will take you directly to the finished letter - formatted and ready for printing.
Example : LETTER OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Each letter automatically includes contact details and the company’s reference number. A copy is also sent to your sales representative to insure they are informed of the issue. Should you need to refer back to your correspondence - your responses are recorded in CCM and are readily available for reference, via the Action Taken screen.
RECORDING ACTION TAKEN Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 5 : Recording Action Taken Clicking the ACTIONTAKEN tab at the top of the Complaint Management screen brings up the ACTIONTAKEN screen. Details of all activity relating to the complaint are recorded here... ...including WHO is coordinating the response, , the ACTION that has been taken, and the date when the action taken was reviewed for effectiveness. Other important details, such as the COST of the complaint to your organisation, are also included.
THE TOOLBAR Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 6 : Managing the Status of Complaints in the System These icons on the TOOLBAR allow you to directly access tabulated information about Customer Complaints in the system. FOR EXAMPLE Clicking on this icon will automatically open a table that gives details about all of the Customer Complaints requiring ACTION to be taken. The table lists each Complaint in the order of days since it was opened. All vital information is available at a glance. The other icons can tell you which complaints are Not Acknowledged... which are still Open... which are Overdue... and which customers require a Reply regarding their completed complaints.
REPORTING OVERVIEW OF THE REPORTING FUNCTION Clicking on this Icon will take you to the Complaint Reports Menu and allow you to view a range of complaint statistics. The CCM Reporting Function helps you to observe the way that TRENDS and PATTERNS evolve within your organisation - and the effect that they have on the quality of service you provide. i Using the information entered by your staff - CCM can help you to see which areas of your organisation are SUCCESSFUL - and which areas can be IMPROVED. ii You can easily ISOLATE services or areas which are causing problems and you can IDENTIFY at risk customers - before you loose them! iii ...and you can monitor the PROGRESS and PERFORMANCE of your staff - which helps you to objectively observe and solve the delicate problem of identifying a consistent problem in the level of service being provided by an individual. iv
REPORTING STEP FOUR - RUN REPORTS CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS REPORTING There are three main PRE-FORMATTED REPORT sections to choose from. Reports based on ALL of the issues that have been entered into the system. 1 Reports based on issues that are stillOPEN. 2 Reports based on issues that have been CLOSED. 3 All reports can beCUSTOMISED, usingFILTERS. So that you can create reports and view only those records that are relevant to you. !
Reporting : A Step by Step Guide Step 1 : Specifying the Information You Want SETTING REPORT CRITERIA CCM lets you specify the information in your Report, using REPORT CRITERIA. Using the DATE fields, you can specify a period of time to view in your report. FOR EXAMPLE : If you want to view the performance of a particular plant or division - you can select it using the relevant CRITERIA.. …then, you can view a REPORT that gives you specific information relating to that department.
REPORT FORMATS Reporting : A Step by Step Guide Step 2 : Choosing the Format of the Report CCM gives you the choice of viewing information in either TEXT or GRAPHICALformats. Once you’ve set your criteria you can select any report – they will all be based on the same criteria. TEXT REPORTS Export to an EXCEL SPREADSHEET …or a GRAPH
EXAMPLE 1 : A Sample Report SAMPLE REPORT Knowing which customers have the most complaints, and consequently are the most likely to be lost, is crucial. This is where this report comes into its own. 2 FOR EXAMPLE: To find out which customers have 2 or more complaints… Enter ‘2’ 1 In this case, no other . filters are required, so simply click the icon 2
C C M EXAMPLE 1 : A Sample Report Criteria are shown here, . only one criteria was set. Birkenhead Wine Cellar have lodged 6 complaints and Moreton Bay Bistro have made four complaints... Four customers have 2 or more complaints P A P E R T I G E R P O Box 93 202 - Parnell - Auckland - New Zealand WEBSITE www.papertigerxt.com EMAIL tiger@papertigerxt.com
EXAMPLE 2 : A Tabulated Report TABULATED REPORT To find out more about ALL of Moreton Bay Bistro’s complaints in a TABULATED form, simply… Enter the CUSTOMER . . CODE from the drop down list. 1 MBB Click the ‘TABULAR’ iconin the ‘ALL’ category. 2
C C M EXAMPLE 2 : A Tabulated Report 28 Jan 2003 Details of each complaint are shown here, One filter was applied as well as the Action thathas been Taken (or not taken), 4 complaints fit the criteria of coming from Moreton Bay Bistro the date closed etc P A P E R T I G E R P O Box 93 202 - Parnell - Auckland - New Zealand WEBSITE www.papertigerxt.com EMAIL tiger@papertigerxt.com
EXAMPLE 3 : A Trend Report TREND REPORT To find out the TREND for ALL complaints from 02 APRIL 1999 to 16 JANUARY 2003 simply… 16 Jan 2003 02 Apr 1999 Enter the TO and FROM dates in the filter 1 Click the ‘TRENDS’ iconin the ‘ALL’ category. 2
C C M EXAMPLE 3 : A Trend Report 16/Jan/2003 The only filters applied were the dates. In this case, the graph is telling you that the number of complaints received by this organisation is RISING. The BLUE line shows the actual number of complaints... The BLACK line illustrates the general TREND. P A P E R T I G E R P O Box 93 202 - Parnell - Auckland - New Zealand WEBSITE www.papertigerxt.com EMAIL tiger@papertigerxt.com
EXAMPLE 4 : A Cost Trend Report COST TREND REPORT This report will show a TREND line of the COST of COMPLAINTS about PINOT NOIR between the dates of 02 APRIL 1999 to 16 JANUARY 2003 to the organization. 02 Apr 1999 16 Jan 2003 Pinot Noir Enter the filters, TO and . FROM dates, and the PRODUCT/ SERVICE in question. 1 Click the ‘$ TRENDS’ iconin the ‘CLOSED’ category. 2
EXAMPLE 4 : A Cost Trend Report 16/Jan/2003 Pinn Pinot Noir The cost of rectifying complaints about pinot noir peaked in August 2001 and has been steadily decreasing up to Jan 2003 The criteria applied were the PRODUCT and the DATES. The BLUE line shows the actual cost of complaints... The BLACK line illustrates the general cost TREND expressed in the graph.
Paper Tiger Software Ltd Y o u h a v e r e a c h e d t h e e n d o f t h i s d e m o n s t r a t i o n T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R T I M E