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p a p e r t i g e r s o f t w a r e. p a p e r t i g e r s o f t w a r e. Shed light. on Document Control. …and cut the Monster down to size. ...Things are a lot scarier in the dark. T I G E R. P A P E R. S O F T W A R E L T D. Document Control Management - DOC.
p a p e rt i g e rs o f t w a r e p a p e r t i g e r s o f t w a r e Shedlight on Document Control …and cut the Monster down to size ...Things are a lot scarier in the dark .
T I G E R P A P E R S O F T W A R E L T D Document Control Management - DOC V17.4 WEBSITE www.papertigerxt.com EMAIL tiger@papertigerxt.com
DEMONSTRATION INSTRUCTIONS 1 To move to the NEXT slide - click anywhere on the screen with your mouse cursor 2 To move to the PREVIOUS slide - press ‘P’ twice (not operational if you are running demo over the web) 3 To QUIT the presentation - press the ‘ESC’ key (or the Back key if you are running demo over the web) X This sign will appear at the bottom right hand corner of each slide to show when it is COMPLETE. X
DOCUMENT CONTROL - A CORNER STONE SYSTEM How would your organisation cope if your key staff did not return to work on Monday morning? Not very well?Take heart, help is at hand Document control is a Corner Stone system for Business, Quality, ESH and many other systems. Take away the corner stone and the organisation starts to crumble. Many processes and operations have been developed empirically over time. These form a large part of an organisation’s intellectual property. If not documented and kept up to date, that property resides with your staff - not the organisation. Document control is a proven way to retain up to date intellectual property and make certain that staff act in a uniform way - be it managerial, operational, ethical… And it ensures continuity! The Paper Tiger approach to document control works in large and small organisations - but it is not the only system available. Please evaluate carefully to ensure that the system you choose will suit your organisation. X
DOCUMENT CONTROL WHO NEEDS IT? DOES YOUR ORGANISATION NEED IT?? Managed documents created, updated and distributed without controls, will get lost, become out-of-date, obsolete, untraceable, mixed with unauthorised versions. In short, they will become a problem rather than a solution. To enable people in an organisation to pull the same way, everybody must know about and have access to the SAME policies, procedures, manuals, pricelists, instructions... The Document Control Process has the potential to be very disorganised, chaotic and difficult to manage! WHEN was it sent? Paper Tigerwill ORGANISE this information and create a clear and simple management system of distribution, references and review. Paper Tiger manages information about each document and it’s uses. It links the document to auditing and training and triggers redistribution and refresher training when a document is updated or changed. WHO has the document? WHEN was it received? WHO is it from? Any typeof document can be managed To effectively manage controlled documents you NEED TO KNOW PROCEDURES WHAT does it relate to? DRAWINGS WHAT does it reference? SPECIFICATIONS WHO will review it? PRICE-LISTS WHEN will it be reviewed? PICTURES WHERE is it located? MANUALS….. WHAT is it about? X Paper & electronic, internal & external distribution
DOCUMENT CONTROL THE DOCUMENT CONTROL MODULE MANAGES… Information about the document itself DOCUMENT CONTROL is the art of MANAGING and SYNCHRONIZING DISTRIBUTED and SHARED documents The document approval process Documents are NOT stored in Paper Tiger - only critical information about each document is kept in Paper Tiger. Thus any type of document in any format can be managed. Hard or electronic copy, samples, pictures - anything that conveys information and is distributed in a controlled manner can be managed using Paper Tiger. Information about all document users The Document Control module in Paper Tiger manages the document management processes and integrates with other Paper Tiger modules. Distribution to document users References to other documents and standards Documents and standards used in auditing Documents and processes used in training X
DOCUMENT CONTROL A DOCUMENT... Is CREATED in your organisation It’s details are ENTERED into Paper Tiger... Two notices are sent to recipients to confirm and remind them of which documents they have received. ...and DISTRIBUTEDon a needs basis …it is PREPARED fordistribution to recipients The Transmittal notice has to be signed off and returned to show that the document has been received. and a TRANSMITTAL NOTICE which lists the new or updated documents being issued to them at the current time. Recipients receive a PERSONAL INDEX which lists only documents issued to them… DETAILS are entered into Paper Tiger and the distribution loop is closed Has theTRANSMITTALNOTICEbeen returned? YES Paper Tiger monitors the status of the document distribution loop until it is closed. NO & CONTINUES to be generated until the notice has been returned AREMINDER NOTICEis generated... X
ACCESSING THE DOCUMENT CONTROL MENU Document Control : A Step-by-Step Guide Entering Document Details into the System Click this Icon in the Back Office to open the Document Control Menu. The Menu is divided into three sections... The main DOCUMENTCONTROL functions. 1 2 The REVIEW function. 3 The REPORTING & INDEXING functions. takes you to a screen where you create the unique records required to control each document. Click to open the screen The Master Documents icon…
THIS SCREEN TELLS YOU Document Control : A Step-by-Step Guide The Master Document Form The Document’s name & identification... Where to find it... When it was created, updated and reviewed... Which version it is... Who approves it... The Location fields can be hyperlinked to the folder or intranet site where the document is located. Click the hyperlink and the document folder will open. What it is about... Is it to be audited or used in training... Which other documents makes references to it. You add data like authorisers, locations, subject areas to drop down menues for quick selections. X
PAPER TIGER MANAGES THE DISTRIBUTION OF EACH DOCUMENT Document Control : A Step-by-Step Guide The Document Distribution Menu The Menu is divided into three sections. Click this Icon in the Master Documents Screen to open the Document Distribution Screen - where recipients are set up for each document . 1 Details of the DOCUMENT itself 2 Details of the RECIPIENTS 3 CONFIRMATIONS & Acknowledgments of Distribution X
PAPER TIGER ALLOWS YOU TO DISTRIBUTE DOCUMENTS AS HARD OR ELECTRONIC COPY - OR BOTH Document Control : A Step-by-Step Guide Distributing the Document You can SELECT the recipients of the document using Drop-Down menus... UPDATE and ADD recipients as necessary Once the document is distributed - it is CONFIRMED in Paper Tiger that it has actually been sent. Each distributed Document is accompanied by a TRANSMITTAL NOTICE and a PERSONAL INDEX. X
A TRANSMITTAL NOTICE SHOWS WHAT A PARTICULAR PERSON WILL RECEIVE ON A GIVEN DAY. Document Control : A Step-by-Step Guide The form has a built in mechanism to prevent an OBSOLETE version of this document from circulating. G Campbell will destroy the obsolete documents in his manual. Or you can change the text and ask him to RETURN the superceeded documents with the transmittal notice. The Transmittal Notice The transmittal notice directs Tim to where the documents are available to view Today, G. Campbell received THREE documents. Now, he has to SIGN this form and RETURN it to you - the document controller - so that you know and he knows he has received it. The purpose of these notices is to PROVE & RECORD that people receive what you send. For ELECTRONIC recipents the transmittal notice looks like this. Click to view Electronic recipents only receives a transmittal notice - No documents, No index. Extensive research has shown us that a printed transmittal notice is far more effective than an emailed notice to ensure that people actually check the updated or new document. X
A PERSONAL INDEX LIST ALL THE DOCUMENTS ISSUED TO A RECIPIENT Document Control : A Step-by-Step Guide The Personal Index This is part of an index that is several pages long. It shows every document issued to the Industrial Division Manager Document VERSION and when the document was last updated are both shown. Receiving a fresh index everytime a document is issued or re-issued makes it easy to check that the documents in the manual are current. For electronic recipients a master index is posted on the Server / intranet site everytime new or updated documents are up-loaded. X
A NOTIFICATION OF THE WITHDRAWAL OR REDUNDANCY OF A DOCUMENT. Document Control : A Step-by-Step Guide The Withdrawal Notice This notice is requesting that Tom Switchedon REMOVE Document 10000-23 from circulation and destroy it because it has been made OBSOLETE. As with the Transmittal Notice - Tim now has to SIGN & RETURN this form so you both know it has been taken out of circulation. X
Document Control : A Step-by-Step Guide Recording returned transmittal notices in Paper Tiger Recording returned transmittal and withdrawal notices in the document control module is simple and fast. Click this Icon in the Document Distribution Menu to open the Acknowledge Screen - where returned Transmittal and Withdrawal notices are recorded All documents sent out are shown here To acknowledge return of the signed Transmittal or Withdrawal Notice - click this tick box ...and Paper Tiger will enter this date in the received date field. Existing dates in the Received date box shows the dates of the previous distribution. The document will disappear from the screen - the distribution loop is closed. X
WHAT ABOUT ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION? ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION... Electronic Documents are NOT distributed per se - they are made available on a server, intranet or internet site. Document distribution is set up exactly as for hard copy distribution, but electronic recipients do not receive documents or indexes - only notification that documents, policies etc “issued” to them have changed, been updated or made obsolete. Is SETUP exactly as hard copy distribution - on a need basis Each Recipient is labelled either Electronic or Hard copy recipient Paper Tiger manages hard and electronic distribution concurrently. Electronic for staff with access to a PC - Hard for factory floor staff, outside contractors, customers, resellers etc. Hard copy recipients receive Documents + Index + transmittal notice Documents are copied as Read Only documents (eg .pdf) to server or intranet site Electronic Recipients receive HARD COPY Transmittal notices only- listing updated and new documents “issued” to them. They need to look up changes on server/intranet, sign and return the transmittal notice. DETAILS are entered into Paper Tiger and the distribution loop is closed Our experience shows a Printed Transmittal Notice is more effective than an electronic one. AND it provides a hard copy signed record. Has theTRANSMITTALNOTICEbeen returned? YES NO & CONTINUES to be generated until the notice has been returned and the loop closed AREMINDER NOTICEis generated... X
PAPER TIGER PROMPTS YOU TO REVIEW CONTROLLED DOCUMENTS. Document Control : A Step-by-Step Guide Document Review Click this Icon on the Document Control Screen and the Document Review Interval Window will open. Set the time interval between reviews. Controlled Documents must be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that the information they contain does not become outdated while the document remains in circulation. Paper Tiger will generate review reminders for each person assigned document ownership. Click to view.
THIS REPORT LIST ALL DOCUMENT REVIEWS SCHEDULED FOR THIS OWNER Each document owner receives a monthly list displaying documents due for review. Reviews not completed are added to the following months list. Obsolete documents are withdrawn. Changed documents are reissued. Reviewed documents with no change - review recorded in Paper Tiger - no other action. The Documents listed HERE... Are due to be reviewed by this OWNER. On completion the form is signed and returned to the controller. X
PAPER TIGER ALLOWS YOU TO CREATE REFERENCE LINKS BETWEEN DOCUMENTS Document Control : A Step-by-Step Guide References Between Documents, to Standards, Policies... Using the Document Reference Facility a document can make reference to other documents, standards, policies ... …and link them to each other - so that you can prevent having lost or obsolete references. This functon is designed so that if you UPDATE or CHANGE a document, policy or standard to which other documents make reference - you will instantly know which those other documents are X
PAPER TIGER ALLOWS YOU TO CREATE LINKS BETWEEN DOCUMENTS Document Control : A Step-by-Step Guide Create References to other Documents and Standards You can view EXTERNAL references - such as ISO standards - Paper Tiger will generate a map displaying where each document fits against each clause in a standard. You can have any number and type of standards and clauses. Details of the REFERING document are displayed …along with a list of every document and standard or clause that it REFERSTO. Drop down lists for quick setup Or view a complete report of ALL document references. Or view a report of ALL of documents that makes reference TO the above 10.5.1. document. Click to see sample report
THIS REPORT LIST ALL REFERENCES MADE TOTHE SAMPLE DOCUMENT 10.5.1 Sample Document Reference Report The Documents listed HERE... …all make reference to the 10.5.1 document. Every time a document is updated in the Master Document screen Paper Tiger generates a reference report like the one above, to ensure that documents referencing the changed document are also checked. X
THE DOCUMENT CONTROL MODULE HAS POWERFUL REPORTING FUNCTIONS Document Control : A Step-by-Step Guide Reporting Click this Icon to open the Document Control Reports Menu. This is the Electronic Master Document Index. A fresh copy should be posted to the server or intranet site everytime a document is updated. Generate Master index as hard copy or in RTF or HTML formats for posting on server or intranet site Distribution Lists... Recipient Lists... Transmittal & Withdrawal Notices... Documents due for Review... Export to Excel and more Click to see an Electronic Master Document Index Click to see an outstanding transmittal notice.
THIS REPORT LIST ALL DOCUMENTS SENT TOJ FARNHAM WHERE TRANSMITTAL NOTICE(S) ARE STILL OUTSTANDING The outstanding notice may contain documents from several Transmittal notices The Transmittal notice for the Documents listed HERE... Have not been returned by this recipient X
THE DOCUMENT CONTROL MODULE AUTOMATICALLY GENERATES PERSONALISED INDEXES This index list only the exact documents issued to the Industrial Division Manager Document Control : A Step-by-Step Guide Generate Personalised Indexes The RECIPIENT INDEXES Icon opens a screen that automatically generate personalised indexes and mailing labels for each recipient. Automatically generate Personal indexes for each recipient due to receive documents. Generate individual indexes one at a time. Print mailing labels for each recipient due to receive documents. Click to view sample index. X
PAPER TIGER INCLUDES A RECORD KEEPING FACILITY. Document Control : A Step-by-Step Guide The Records Register Click the Records Register Icon in the Document Control Screen to open the Records Register screen. This function maintains a register of superceeded and obsolete documents & records. Archived production, business, staff, tax, test, analysis records... Record name & subject the people responsible the record’s locations duration of storage. who can access how is it indexed - alphabetically, by date, by what? Paper Tiger also generates REPORTS on the archived documents and records. The Paper Tiger record storage module is basic but meet the requirements of various standards like ISO and similar. It is a function that is often overlooked by many businesses - it takes very little effort to set up but can pay good dividends in saved time and reduced aggravation. X
T I G E R P A P E R S O F T W A R E L T D Document Control Management - DOC Y o u h a v e r e a c h e d t h e e n d o f t h i s d e m o n s t r a t i o n T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R T I M EIf you would like to know more please contact us on the email address below. WEBSITE www.papertigerxt.com EMAIL tiger@papertigerxt.com