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p a p e r t i g e r s o f t w a r e. S. p a p e r t i g e r s o f t w a r e. on Patient Complaints issues. Sheds light. and cuts complaints management down to size!. ...Things are a lot scarier in the dark. T I G E R. P A P E R.
p a p e rt i g e rs o f t w a r e S p a p e r t i g e r s o f t w a r e on Patient Complaints issues Shedslight and cuts complaints management down to size! ...Things are a lot scarier in the dark
T I G E R P A P E R S O F T W A R E L T D Patient Complaints Management P O Box 93 202 - Parnell - Auckland - New Zealand WEBSITE www.papertigerxt.com EMAIL tiger@papertigerxt.com
DEMONSTRATION INSTRUCTIONS 1 To move to the NEXT slide - click anywhere on the screen with your mouse cursor 2 To move to the PREVIOUS slide - press ‘P’ twice (not operational if you are running demo over the web) 3 To QUIT the presentation - press the ‘ESC’ key (or the Back key if you are running demo over the web) X This sign will appear at the bottom right hand corner of each slide to show when it is COMPLETE. X
THE PATIENT COMPLAINTS MODULE The Patient Complaints Module is designed to help you manage incoming complaints QUICKLY... EASILY... & EFFICIENTLY SOME BASIC PCM PRINCIPLES i Your FRONT LINE staff have IMMEDIATE access to the Patient Complaints Form via the Front Office - where complaints are entered as they happen. ii Your MANAGEMENT staff have PASSWORD PROTECTED access to the complaint details via the Back Office - where all complaints are delegated, managed and continuously updated. iii PAPER TIGER will prompt you to COMMUNICATE your progress to COMPLAINANTS, so that they are kept informed about the status of their complaint and action being taken. iv PAPER TIGER can INTERPRET and PRESENT information in graphic and tabulated form, to reveal trends and specific problem areas within your organisation. X
THE FRONT OFFICE HOW TO ACCESS THE PATIENT COMPLAINTS MODULE Each Icon in the Front Office is linked to a DATA ENTRY form. Clicking the PATIENT COMPLAINTS icon ... will take you directly to the Patient Complaints form. Your staff enter the details of each complaint... & Paper Tiger manages the information. The red and yellow flashing bar, ! alerts you to any OVERDUE complaints, reviews or requests X
THE PATIENT COMPLAINTS FORM THIS FORM REQUESTS ALL THE INFORMATION NECESSARY TO MANAGE A COMPLAINT Data Entry is EASY. Fields with RED borders are compulsory - and highlight information necessary to manage the complaint. Your staff simply fill in the data fields, assisted by DROP DOWN MENUS... Once entered, the information is sent directly to the BACK OFFICE. X
THE COMPLAINT MANAGEMENT PROCESS THE COMPLAINT... … ARRIVES in the Back Office ...where it is ASSESSED & ASSIGNED to an EXPERIENCED staff member The person/s responsible for dealing with issues are prompted byPCM to act and report against a DEADLINE. ACTION is SCHEDULEDandPRIORITISED Receipt of the complaint is ACKNOWLEDGED You can see at a glance what has and hasn’t been acted upon. ACTION TAKEN is REPORTEDback into the PCM system by the person assigned to the issue Action continues to be reviewed until a satisfactory resolution has been reached. COMPLETED action is REVIEWED for effectiveness COMPLETED ACTION is noted and the complainant is NOTIFIED ...and if the solution was UNSATISFACTORY - the process is reassessed REPORTSare generated to show PROGRESS, RESULTS & TRENDS X
PASSWORD PROTECTION Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 1 : Working in the Back Office This is the BACK OFFICE screen - which is password protected. Every staff member belongs to a Security Group that LIMITS their access to information. The Password tells PCM which security group the staff member belongs to - and allows access accordingly. Clicking PATIENT COMPLAINTS opens the module with only the complaints belonging to that user’s security group displayed. FOR EXAMPLE : A psychiatrist belonging to the MENTAL HEALTH security group can access all complaints issued to this group but no others. The Hospital Manager or Supervisor is issued an OVERALL group... and can access ALL complaints. X
OVERVIEW Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 2 : The Complaint Management Screen There are FOUR main parts to this screen. The COMPLAINT DETAILS section is where details of each complaint are recorded. 1 The ACTION TAKEN. section is where information about activity and progress regarding the complaint is recorded. 2 The COMMENTS . .. section allows internal comments to be added, but not included in reports 3 The TOOLBAR gives . you access to automated . functions. 4 X
PATIENTS & COMPLAINANTS Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 3 : Complaint Details The PATIENT... & the COMPLAINANT... ...are not always the same person. PCM identifies both the patient and complainant by Code or File Name... and provides a direct link to the COMPLAINTRECORDS of a particular patient so that you can instantly access the complaint history. CLICKING this icon opens the Patient data screen and from there the complete COMPLAINT record of the patient is instantly available. X
THE CURRENT PATIENT RECORD SCREEN Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 3 continued : Complaint Details The Patient Record screen has TWO sections. The PATIENT section . contains details of the patient, their consultant and any relevant notes. 1 The COMPLAINANT section lists all of the complainants associated with the patient. 2 X
Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 3 continued : Complaint Details All of the information needed to manage a complaint is recorded in the Complaint Details screen. MANAGING YOUR RESPONSE PCM shows you WHO lodged the complaint & WHO it involves... WHEN the issue occurred... & WHEN the complaint was recorded... WHEREthe issue arose... &DETAILSof the issue At a glance, you know if action has been INITIATED …& COMPLETED X
ASSIGNING ACTION Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 4 : The Action Taken Screen Clicking the ACTION TAKEN tab at the top of the Complaint Management screen brings up the ACTION TAKEN screen. Details of all activity relating to the complaint are recorded here... including WHO is coordinating the response & WHO has been assigned to resolve the issue. Other important details, such as the COST to your organisation of managing and rectifying the complaint, are also included. X
STANDARD LETTERS Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 5 : Acknowledging the Complaint A crucial part of the Complaint Management process is ensuring the Complainant is kept INFORMED. PCM generates two standard letters : A letter to . ACKNOWLEDGE receipt of the complaint. 1 Simply clicking inside the text field will allow you to adapt the text of a particular letter to your specific needs… Or if you want to change the default text for your standard acknowledgement letters simply click on ‘Change Default Text’ A CLOSING LETTER. 2 You can either use the existing text or CHANGE it to suit your needs. These icons on the menu bar at the very top of the screen, will take you directly to the finished letter - formatted and ready for email or print. X
Example : LETTER OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Each letter automatically includes contact details and the hospital’s reference number. Should you need to refer back to your correspondence - your responses are recorded in PCM and are readily available for reference, via the Action Taken screen. X
OTHER ACKNOWLEDGMENT FEATURES MAIL MERGES COMPLAINTS LODGED INTERNALLY In the event that a member of staff raises an issue within the organisation - PCM will format an internal EMAIL to acknowledge receipt of their complaint. Clicking this EMAIL icon on the toolbar, will send an Acknowledgment letter as an EMAIL attachment. PCM can also output a file to a MAIL MERGE document. Clicking this WORD icon will export data to Excel for use in a mail merge document. This allows you to format acknowledgment and closing letters exactly as you want them. X
YOU CAN CREATE A COMPLAINT ACTION REQUEST USING THE TOOLBAR The Complaint Action Request Form contains all the information necessary to carry out the Action required. Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 7 : Creating Complaint Action Requests Once carried out, it needs to be SIGNED off and returned to the administrator. Clicking this icon... will immediately format and generate a COMPLAINTACTION REQUEST available in PRINT or EMAIL format. The Request is then forwarded to the person assignedto manage the complaint. The action taken is entered in Paper Tiger, classifications are updated and if both corrective and preventive measures are in place - the complaint is closed. The review process will automatically retrieve the complaint at a later date to review the effectiveness of the action taken. X
THE TOOLBAR Complaint Management : A Step by Step Guide Step 6 : Viewing the Status of Complaints in the System These icons on the TOOLBAR allows you to directly access tabulated information about all active Patient Complaints in the system. FOR EXAMPLE The table lists each Complaint in the order of days since it was opened. Clicking on this icon . will open a table that lists all Patient Complaints where no ACTION has been initiated. All vital information is available at a glance. The other icons can tell you which complaints are Not Acknowledged... which are still Open... which are Overdue... and which people require a Reply, regarding issues they have raised. X
REPORTING OVERVIEW OF THE REPORTING FUNCTION Clicking on this Icon will take you to the Complaint Reports Menu and allow you to view a range of complaint statistics. The PCM Reporting Function helps you to observe the way that TRENDS and PATTERNS evolve within your organisation - and the effect that they have on the quality of service you provide. i Using the information entered by your staff - PCM can help you to see which areas of your organisation are SUCCESSFUL - and which areas can be IMPROVED. ii You can easily ISOLATE services or areas which are causing problems or generating complaints... iii ...and you can monitor the PROGRESS and PERFORMANCE of your staff - which helps you to objectively observe and solve the delicate problem of identifying a consistent problem in the level of service being provided by an individual. iv X
USING FILTERS Reporting : A Step by Step Guide Step 1 : Specifying the Information You Want PCM lets you specify the information in your Reports, using FILTERS orreport CRITERIA. Using the DATE field, you can also specify a period of time to view in your report. FOR EXAMPLE : If you want to view the complaints re a particular Department - you can select it using the relevant filter... …then, you can view a report that gives you specific information relating to that department. X
TYPES OF REPORT Reporting : A Step by Step Guide Step 2 : Selecting Report Type There are THREE main report types to choose from. Reports based . on ALL (open, closed, overdue) issues that have been entered into Paper Tiger. 1 Reports based on issues that are stillOPEN. 2 & Reports based on . issues that have been CLOSED. 3 X
REPORT FORMATS Reporting : A Step by Step Guide Step 3 : Choosing the Format of the Report PCM gives you the choice of viewing information in different formats like SUMMARY, TABLE or GRAPH formats. You can email reports and you can export to Excel for further analysis or to create special graphs. You also have the option of either displaying or witholding names to preserve patient confidentiality. Eg WN=With NamesNN=No Names LOGs and TEXT reports Email and Export reports GRAPHS X
EXAMPLE 1 : A Summary Criteria This report gives you a SUMMARY of ALL complaints fitting the specified criteria - WITHOUT names. Seven complaints fit the criteria. The CRITERIA used in this report ask for information about CONSUMER complaints at the SANDY BAY BUILDING The TIMEFRAME includes all complaints up to and including 11 Feb 2003 X
EXAMPLE 2 : Tabular Format Report Criteria P C M Seven complaints fit the criteria. This report gives you a TABLE of ALL complaints fitting the selected criteria - WITH names. The TABLE itself …gives details of each complaint in tabulated format. X P A P E R T I G E R P O Box 93 202 - Parnell - Auckland - New Zealand WEBSITE www.papertigerxt.com EMAIL tiger@papertigerxt.com
EXAMPLE 5 : A Graph Criteria This report gives you a GRAPH of ALL complaints, displayed by MONTH. In this case, the graph is telling you that the number of complaints received by this organisation is RISING. No report CRITERIA have been applied. The BLUE line shows the actual number of complaints... The BLACK line illustrates the general TREND expressed in the graph. X
EXAMPLE 3 : PC vs Categories STEP1 Example: Identify the most consistent and recurring source of Patient complaints. In the ‘ALL’ category . select PC vs Categories report. Do not specify any report criteria. 1 The category with the most complaints is ‘AOS’ with 7. The index tells us that ‘AOS’ stands for ‘Attitude of Staff’ X
EXAMPLE 3 cont’d: Narrowing down the complaint STEP2 To find out more specific information regarding the complaints about the ‘Attitude of Staff’, we set up a more specific report. This tells you that of the original 7 ‘Attidude Of Staff’ complaints, 2 are Customer Service related and 5 are Interpersonal Skills related. In the CRITERIA section, under CATEGORY, select AOS from the drop down list. AOS Now select the report SUB CATEGORY GRAPH. X
EXAMPLE 3 : Adding details STEP 3 To find out details of each individual ‘AOS interpersonal skills’ complaint... In the CRITERIA section, . under CATEGORY, select AOS from the drop down list. 1 Under SUB CATEGORY, select Interpersonal skills. AOS Interpersonal Skills Then select Text from the .SUB CATEGORY reports section 2 … This report gives brief details of each incident that fits the criteria. Consistant issues with interpersonal skills are easily identified. X
EXAMPLE 4 : Closing Trends Criteria The CLOSING TREND report measures how complaints were closed in relation to their deadlines - a good indicator of how the organisation performs. Days before the deadline October 2000 was the only time when complaints were closed before the deadline. On average they were closed 18 days before the deadline. There are no report criteria set for this sample report - thus the performance of the entire organisation is measured. Report criteria for this report can be set to a specific department or individual - easily measuring performance in different parts of the organisation. Select CLOSING TRENDS from the CLOSED section. Days past the deadline The BLUE line illustrates the monthly average amount of days before or after the deadline that the complaints were closed. Data below the line depicts complaints closed too late. The trend line (black) indicates that this organisation is failing to meet complaint closure deadlines by an increasing number of days. The BLACK line illustrates the trend. X
Paper Tiger Software Ltd Y o u h a v e r e a c h e d t h e e n d o f t h i s d e m o n s t r a t i o n T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R T I M E If you want to know more we can be contacted by Email: tiger@papertigerxt.com orPhone: 64 9 377 2151 Fax: 64 9 377 2151Mail: Private Bag 93 202, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand