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The energy spectrum from the KASCADE-Grande muon data

The energy spectrum from the KASCADE-Grande muon data. Juan Carlos Arteaga-Velázquez for the KASCADE-Grande Collaboration. Institute of Physics and Mathematics Universidad Michoacana.

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The energy spectrum from the KASCADE-Grande muon data

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  1. The energy spectrum from the KASCADE-Grande muon data Juan Carlos Arteaga-Velázquez for the KASCADE-Grande Collaboration Institute of Physics and Mathematics Universidad Michoacana Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  2. Outline • Structure of the talk • Quality cuts • Efficiency studies • Muon correction functions • The muon spectra • The Integral flux • Attenuation curves • Adding muon data with the CIC method • Conversion into Energy • Energy spectrum • Summary Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  3. 1) Quality cuts • Data sets: • MC data: Kreta v1.18.03 • KG data: Kreta v1.18.04 • Quality cuts: • 0   < 40o • Rectangle: A  1.924 x 105 m2 • Ndtg > 19 • Successfully reconstructed • Nctot • log10(Nctot/8.5) > 2.9 log10(Ne/3.5) -10/3.5 • N ≥ 2  105 • Ne ≥ 1 105 • Sven´s data quality base • - No hardware, clock problems • - Anka cut • - No missing muon clusters • Iact & 1 • Fanka < 4 Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  4. 2) Efficiency studies Working in region of maximum efficiency (E  2.5  1016 eV) Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  5. 3) Muon correction functions N corrected for systematic effects: N corrected N no corrected Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  6. 3) Muon correction functions N corrected N no corrected Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  7. 3) Muon correction functions N corrected N no corrected Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  8. 3) Muon correction functions Distribution of the systematic error of corrected N Width ~ 0.14  Use bin log10(N) = 0.1 Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  9. 4) The muon spectra teff = 754.3 days Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  10. 4) The muon spectra Importance of the Ncorrection function p1 = -2.19 0.02 p1 = -2.43 0.02 Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  11. 5) The integral flux Work in region of maximum efficiency and statistics Apply cut at constant J(>N) For a given J, get N() Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  12. 6) Attenuation curves Get attenuation curves Choose the closest curve to N() Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  13. 6) Attenuation curves Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  14. 6) Attenuation curves 2 per degree of freedom when using a polynomial of 2nd and 1st degree in Sec for the fit In general, lower values for Pol. 2nd degree Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  15. 7) Adding muon data with CIC method Find reference angle ref for normalization: ref = mean = 23.7o Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  16. 7) Adding muon data with CIC method Muon spectra after applying CIC method Good agreement: Difference from vertical spectrum is less than 3σ Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  17. 7) Adding muon data with CIC method Adding all muon spectra after applying CIC method Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  18. 8) Conversion into Energy FLUKA/QGSJET II Fit in region of maximum efficiency and statistics Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  19. 8) Conversion into Energy Systematic error in reconstruction of energy: Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  20. 9) Energy spectrum Assuming mixed composition Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  21. 9) Energy spectrum Change Ne cut to access region of lower energies? Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  22. 9) Energy spectrum Systematics due to uncertainty in primary composition H Fe Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  23. 9) Energy spectrum Kreta v1.18/04 vs v1.18/02 Good agreement! Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  24. 9) Energy spectrum Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

  25. 9) Summary • A preliminary all-particle primary energy spectrum was obtained from the muon data of KASCADE-Grande using the CIC method. • Agreement between results from Kreta v1.18/04 and v1.18/02. • According to CIC method, muon spectra corresponding to different  are in good agreement. • By taking into account muon correction functions a change in slope of muon spectra is observed. • Calculation of systematics with new Kreta version are under way. Energy spectrum from muon data – J.C. Arteaga Karlsruhe, December 2008

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