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Report from the MUon steering Group. Organization: 1. Thanks to Vittorio Palladino for organization of MUON weeks 2. Organisation: - Muon Steering group (MUG) role: Oversees ECFA physics studies and interface with accelerator design.
Organization: 1. Thanks to Vittorio Palladino for organization of MUON weeks 2. Organisation: - Muon Steering group (MUG) role: Oversees ECFA physics studies and interface with accelerator design. Ensures dissimination of information, (Yellow reports, etc…) Organises muon weeks, workshops, talks at conferences, etc.. Reports to ECFA & Assures contact with CERN management. Expresses opinions on relevance of projects wrt. Neutrino Factory Complex e.g.In conclusion, the members (except one) of the Steering group strongly support the preparation of a cooling experiment proposal Minutes of MUG 31-08-2001 Stimulates and encourages initiatives - R&D experiments are largely autonomous. (friendly) coordination for dates of meetings etc… necessary - R&D for accelerator -> NFWG and MCOG (see later) MUG organisation will be reviewed when MCOG is in place
Most of the accelerator collaborations are rather informal. How does one go beyond this? => Muon Concertation and oversight committee (see C. Wyss talk) “The creation of a collaborative structure for neutrino factory R&D follows a proposal by L. Maiani to organize a world-wide cooperation. The first step is the creation of a European Muon Coordinating Group MCOG […] The steering group expressed […] that it is crucial that CERN takes a leading role, and its desire to have this structure set-up rapidly.” Minutes of MUG 31-08-2001 => times when CERN would finance accelerator R&D largely by itself are over! Need to find collaborators and new sources of financing (e.g. European Union, member states, etc..) funding and manpower at the present level needed to maintain ability to form these collaborations!
International collaborations for NUFACT R&D preliminary list SPL : INFN Legnaro, CEA Saclay Recirculator and accumulator: RAL Target: BNL, EPFL Lausanne, Grenoble Horns: Uni Crakow, discussions with France Phase rotation and cooling: INFN Frascati, RAL Mucool collaboration (IIT chicago, Fermilab, BNL, etc.. ) KEK, Uni Osaka Consortium of European universities (EuNuFact incl Uni.Geneva) PSI RLA and Storage ring: Fermilab, INFN frascati HARP (24 Institutes) MUSCAT (10 Institutes)
Upcoming general muon meetings 15-18 October 2001 at CERN Muon Week 25-27 October at CERN: cooling expt meeting 8-10 November Barcelona: large magnetic detector wkshp 16-18 January 2002 at CERN: workshop on Large Detectors for Proton Decay, Supernovae and Atmospheric Neutrinos Low Energy Neutrinos from High Intensity Beams 18-21 March 2002 at CERN Muon Week …... 1-6 July 2002 NUFACT02 LONDON Info, registration etc... http://muonstoragerings.cern.ch