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Om Swastyastu. Satuan Acara Pengajaran (SAP) Mata Kuliah Literatur Pedalangan II. Prof. DR. I Nyoman Sedana, MA. ASIA Fellow 2005, Research Fellow ARI NUS 2007/8, IIAS Affiliated Fellow, Leiden, Netherlands 2011, VITA 2012 Butler University Indianapolis. Deskripsi Perkuliahan
Om Swastyastu Satuan Acara Pengajaran (SAP) Mata Kuliah Literatur Pedalangan II Prof. DR. I Nyoman Sedana, MA. ASIA Fellow 2005, Research Fellow ARI NUS 2007/8, IIAS Affiliated Fellow, Leiden, Netherlands 2011, VITA 2012 Butler University Indianapolis
Deskripsi Perkuliahan • Literatur meliputi semua karya tulis, baik dlm buku-buku, Sastra Lontar, Prasasti, maupun Candi. • Secara umum mata kuliah Literatur Pedalangan adalah kuliah teori yang khusus mengenali, membaca, memahami, dan mengkaji isi buku-buku yang berkenaan dengan Ilmu Pedalangan. • Secara khusus Literatur II Pedalangan diarahkan untuk membedah beberapa buah buku wajib Pedalangan yaitu buku Pakem Wayang Parwa Bali, Ensiklopedi Wayang Indonesia, Purwa Sesana/Dalang Education, Kama and Kala, disertasi Kawi Dalang: Creativity in Wayang Theatre, buku Sapuhleger, Siwagama, dan buku Sastra Miruda. • Buku penunjang lainnya yang juga penting dalam dunia pedalangan dan pewayangan meliputi buku On Thrones of Gold: Three Javanese Shadow Plays. The Language of Balinese Shadow Theater. The Wayang Kulit (Purwa) and Its Symbolic and Mystical Elements, dan buku Wayang Wong: the State Ritual Dance Drama in the Court of Yogyakarta. • Kegiatan dan Isi Mata Kuliah: • Inti kegiatan kuliah literatur adalah studi kepustakaan atau library research yang khusus mengkaji buku-buku Pedalangan/Pewayangan. • Setiap mahasiswa sebaiknya menyusun atau membuat sebuah Pustaka Pedalangan baru yang berguna untuk generasi penerus atau minimal merangkum isi sebuah buku dan mempresentasikannya di kelas.
Standar Kompetensi: • Mahasiswa memahami isi buku-buku wajib di bidang Ilmu dan Seni Pedalangan dan terbiasa dengan sejumlah karya tulis terkait sebagai bangunan intelektual Pedalangan baik dlm bentuk lontar maupun buku, di dalam maupun luar negeri. • Syarat kelulusan mata kuliah Literatur II, Setiap mahasiwa wajib mengikuti kuliah dan melaksanakan tugas guna mengumpulkan 3 nilai: • Nilai Middle dari presentasi salah satu buku/lontar terkait Pedalangan. • Nilai Tugas dari menyusun satu autobiografi dalang, atau pakem//lakon yang mencerminkan masyarakat tanpa kekerasan, atau merangkum satu buku / lontar, atau karya lain diserahkan sebelum ujian akhir semester. • Nilai ujian akhir semester dari pemahaman komprehensif melalui jawaban soal ujian akhir semester. • Kepustakaan: • Lihat rangkuman buku dalam Wayang Theatre in Indonesia: An Annotated Bibliography by Victoria M. Clara Van Groenendael. Holand: Foris Publication, 1987.
Brandon, James R. comp. On Thrones of Gold: Three Javanese Shadow Plays. Cambridge: Harvard University P, 1970. • Mangkunagoro, K.G.P.A.A. The WayangKulit (Purwa) and Its Symbolic and Mystical Elements. Trans. Claire Holt. Ithaca, N.Y.: Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Far Eastern Studies, Cornell University, 1957. • Sudarsono. WayangWong: the State Ritual Dance Drama in the Court of Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Gadjah Mada University P, 1984. • Zurbuchen, Mary Sabina. The Language of Balinese Shadow Theater. Princeton: Princeton University P, 1987. • Selekta literatur pewayangan berbahasa Inggris oleh Sedana, I Nyoman: • Mastering the Theatrical Voice in Indonesian Wayang Kulit” Puppetry International # 23 2008: 30-32. • Performance in Bali (coming up July 2007) co-author with Leon Rubin, published by Routledge.“Wayang Kulit Shadow Puppet Theatre in the Balinese Culture” The Puppetry Yearbook. Volume Six. James Fisher (Ed.) New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2005: 87-102. • “Theatre in a Time of Terrorism: Renewing Natural Harmony after the Bali Bombing via WayangKontemporer” Asian Theatre Journal Vol 22 Number 1 Spring 2005: 73-86. • “Collaborative Music in the Performance of the Balinese Shadow Theatre” Asian Music vol 36, number 1, Winter/Spring 2005: 44-59. • “Wayang Arja: Survival and Change” Puppetry International # 15 2004: 16-17. Search for the full version via http://www.unima.usa.org. • “Dalang Education” Asian Theatre Journal 10. 1 (1993): 61 – 100.semester
Artikel artikel tentang pewayangan oleh Sedana, I Nyoman: • 30 Tahun Dinamika Seni Pewayangan: Fakta, Isu, Masalah dan Perspektif. Orasi Ilmiah Pada Dies Natalis Pertama dan Widusa II Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, Rabu 28 Juli 2004. • “Interpretasi Peranan Bhagawan Vyasa dalam Epos Mahabharata” Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya. 13. 3 (2003): 16-24. • “Dewa Ruci dalam Teater Tedung Agung” Wayang Jurnal Ilmial Seni Pewayangan. 2. 1 (2003): 1-7. • “Teater Tedung Agung Manifestasi Unsur Tradisi ke dalam Fiksi Modern” Wreta Cita No 11 th X Juli 2003. • “Tradisi Kreatif dalam Wayang Kulit Bali” Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya. 11. 1 (2003): 8-31. • “Meningkatkan Nilai-Nilai Komunikatif Pertunjukan Wayang.” Makalah disajikan dalam Seminar Semi-Que 5 tgl 27 September 2003. • “Memberdayakan Seni Pertunjukan Rakyat Lewat Pemanfaatan Teknologi Elektronik” Buletin Informasi No I, Maret 2003: 16-17. Denpasar: Badan Telematika dan Informasi Daerah. • “Konsep Sakral dalam Seni Pertujukan Bali [Sacred Concept in Balinese Theatre.]” Makalah disajikan dalam Seminar dan LokakaryaSeni Sakral oleh Listibya Bali 20-21 Desember 2002. • “Sakral dan Profan dalam Wayang Kulit” Wayang Jurnal Wacana Ilmial Vol 1No I, Desember 2002: 1-11. • “Cupak ke Sorga: Sebuah Model Penggarapan Lakon Wayang Kulit” Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya. 3. III (1995): 103-119.
11. “Beberapa Lakon Kawi Dalang dalam Wayang Ramayana Gianyar [Some Dalang-constructed Plays for Ramayana Puppet of Gianyar.]” Denpasar: STSI, 1995. 12. “Inovasi Wayang Kulit Bali” Makalah disajikan dalam Pekan Ilmiah Masyarakat Seni Pertunjukan Indonesia 2004 di STSI Pandang Panjang, Sumantra. 13. “Mitologi Yunani dan Wayang Kulit Bali [Greek Mythology and the Balinese Shadow Theatre.]” Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya. 2. II (1994): 107-118. 14. “Kumbakarna Lina: Sebuah Model Pengolahan Lakon.” Denpasar: P3M STSI Denpasar, 1994. 15. “Festival Wayang Cupak.” Denpasar: P3M Depdikbud, 1996. 16. “50 Sinopsis Lakon Wayang Kulit Bali Teraktif Masa Kini.” Bagian I dan II. Denpasar: Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia, Denpasar, 1997. 17. “Beberapa Lakon Kawi Dalang dalam Wayang Ramayana Gianyar.” Denpasar: OPF STSI, 1995.
Selekta literatur pewayangan berbahasa Inggris oleh Sedana, I Nyoman: • Mastering the Theatrical Voice in Indonesian Wayang Kulit” Puppetry International # 23 2008: 30-32. • Performance in Bali (coming up July 2007) co-author with Leon Rubin, published by Routledge. “Wayang Kulit Shadow Puppet Theatre in the Balinese Culture” The Puppetry Yearbook. Volume Six. James Fisher (Ed.) New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2005: 87-102. • “Theatre in a Time of Terrorism: Renewing Natural Harmony after the Bali Bombing via Wayang Kontemporer” Asian Theatre Journal Vol 22 Number 1 Spring 2005: 73-86. • “Collaborative Music in the Performance of the Balinese Shadow Theatre” Asian Music vol 36, number 1, Winter/Spring 2005: 44-59. • “Wayang Arja: Survival and Change” Puppetry International # 15 2004: 16-17. Search for the full version via http://www.unima.usa.org. • “Dalang Education” Asian Theatre Journal 10. 1 (1993): 61 – 100.
Rancangan tatap muka dan agenda kuliah yang perlu disesuaikan (Tentatif):
Semoga dana inovasi pendidikan hibah B-Arts senilai 880 juta tidak dikembalikan lagi spt th 2007 melainkan dibelikan buku-buku sbb: Recent Indian publications on puppetry: 1. Chakravarti, Nisith, 1938- Puppet dance in India : origin and evolution / Nisith Chakravarti. -- 1st ed. -- Kolkata : R.N. Bhattacharya, 2003. 32 p., [10] leaves of plates : col. ill. ; 28 cm. -- (R.N.B. art series ; no. 3) With special reference to West Bengal. ISBN 8187661321 1. Puppet theater--India--History. 2. Puppet theater--India--West Bengal--History. USD 25.35 DK-148396
2. Contractor, Meher R. (Meher Rustom), 1918- Creative drama and puppetry in education / Meher R. Contractor. - New Delhi : National Book Trust, India, 2001. xiii, 122 p., [8] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 22 cm. -- (Creative learning series) Reprint. Originally published: 1984. ISBN 8123734220 (pbk.) 1. Puppet theater in education--India. 2. Drama in education- India. USD 6.15 (pbk.) DK-162194
3. Devasahayam, Nesaratnam, 1940- Puppets in the collection of the Madras Government Museum / by N. Devasahayam. -- Chennai : Principal Commissioner of Museums, 1999. 57 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- (Bulletin of the Madras Government Museum. New series. General section ; v. 11, no. 1) Reprint of: 1st ed. 1973. Includes bibliographical references (p. 85) 1. Puppets--India--Catalogs. 2. Tamil Nadu (India). Government Museum (Chennai)--Catalogs. USD 6.15 (pbk.) DK-134073
4. Ghosh, Sampa. Indian puppetry and puppet stories / Sampa Ghosh & Utpal K. Banerjee. -- Gurgaon, India : Shubhi Publications, [2007?] 128 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. Running title: Indian puppetry & puppet stories. ISBN 9788182901339 1. Puppet making--India. 2. Puppet theater--India--History. 3. Puppet plays, Indic (English). 4. Children's plays, Indic (English). USD 41.45 DK-181785
5. Ghosh, Sampa. Indian puppets / Sampa Ghosh and Utpal K. Banerjee. -- New Delhi : Abhinav Publications, 2006. 494 p., [240] p. of plates : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 29 cm. "Global bibliography of puppets" (p. [327]-461) Includes index. Contents: pt. 1. Overview of puppets -- pt. 2. Multiple purposes of puppetry -- pt. 3. The craft of puppetry -- pt. 4. Animation in puppetry -- pt. 5. Beyond puppets. ISBN 817017435X 1. Puppets--India--History and criticism. 2. Puppet theater--India- History. USD 118.40 DK-171448
6. Jairazbhoy, N. A. (Nazir Ali), 1927- Kaṭhputlī : the world of Rajasthani puppeteers / by Nazir Ali Jairazbhoy. -- 1st ed. -- Ahmedabad, India : Rainbow Publishers ; Valley Glen, CA, USA : Apsara Media ; [New Delhi, India : Distributors, Bibliophile South Asia], 2007. viii, 280 p. : ill. (some col.), map ; 21 cm. Includes verses in Rajasthani (roman); with English translation. Some previously published as articles. Includes bibliographical references (p. 261-265) Includes index. ISBN 188051305 (invalid) 1. Puppets--India--Rajasthan. 2. Puppet making--India--Rajasthan. 3. Puppet theater--India--Rajasthan. 4. Puppeteers--Performances- India--Rajasthan. USD 52.90 DK-183099
7. Kamath, Bhaskar Kogga. Story of Kogga Kamath's marionettes / Bhaskar Kogga Kamath ; tr., N.T. Bhat. -- Udupi : Regional Resources Centre for Folk Performing Arts, M.G.M. College, 1995. 128 p., [24] p. of plates : ill. (most col.) ; 25 cm. Translated from Kannada. On the puppet theater of Kogga Devanna Kamath, 1888-1971, of Karnataka and his family. 1. Kamath, Kogga Devanna, 1888-1971. 2. Puppet theater--India- Karnataka. USD 21.10 (pbk.) DK-104134
8. Naik, Meena. A handbook of puppetry / Meena Naik. -- 1st English ed. -- New Delhi : National Book Trust, India, 2004. 53 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- (Creative learning series) Translated from Marathi. ISBN 8123742061 (pbk.) 1. Puppet making--India. 2. Puppet theater--India. USD 6.15 (pbk.) DK-166067
9. Nanjunda Rao, M. S., 1932- Leather puppetry in Karnataka / M.S. Nanjunda Rao. -- 1st ed. -- Bangalore : Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath, 2000. xxiv, 281 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. 269-270) 1. Puppet theater--India--Karnataka. USD 101.95 DK-131016
10. Roy, Anurupa. Storytelling and puppetry as tools of conflict resolution : experiences from Kashmir / Anurupa Roy. -- New Delhi, India : WISCOMP, Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness The Dalai Lama, 2006. 47 p. ; 22 cm. + 1 CD-ROM. -- (WISCOMP special project ; 4) 1. Conflict management--India--Jammu and Kashmir. 2. Storytelling--India--Jammu and Kashmir. 3. Puppet theater--India- Jammu and Kashmir. USD 16.90 (pbk.) DK-177531
11. Venu, G. (Gopalan Nair), 1945- Puppetry and lesser known dance traditions of Kerala / G. Venu ; with an afterword by Mulk Raj Anand. -- 2nd rev. ed. -- Irinjalakuda, Trichur District, Kerala, India : Natana Kairali, 2004. xii, 154 p., [5] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 22 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. 141-142) Includes index. 1. Puppet theater--India--Kerala. 2. Dance--India--Kerala. USD 21.10 (pbk.) DK-167846
12. Venu, G. (Gopalan Nair), 1945- Tolpava koothu : shadow puppets of Kerala / G. Venu. -- New Delhi : Sangeet Natak Akademi ; Gurgaon : Hope India Publications, 2006. 67 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. Reprint. Originally published: 1990. ISBN 8178710994 1. Shadow shows--India--Kerala. 2. Shadow puppets--India- Kerala. USD 13.60 DK-167261
Wolf, Gita. Puppets unlimited with everyday materials / Gita Wolf, Anushka Ravishankar. -- [Chennai] : Tara Pub. : [Distribution, Goodbooks, c1998] 141 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 28 cm. ISBN 818621125X 1. Puppet making. 2. Handicraft. USD 18.40 DK-120725
Buku Performance in Bali bisa diakses lewat situs: http://books.google.com/books?id=eDA3jtGjL9MC&pg=PA17&lpg=PA17&dq=Kawi+dalang&source=bl&ots=zHYS6gxu_u&sig=FKkSxOViDobyfyL1hSMukggJnpE&hl=en&ei=V1GVTZ-3FJDQrQfFmNTuCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBMQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Kawi%20dalang&f=false Artikel A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE TOLPAVAKOOTHU AND THE WAYANGKULIT SHADOW PUPPET THEATRE bisa diakses lewat situs: http://www.google.com/search?um=1&hl=en&biw=1024&bih=547&q=diss%20prospectus&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=iw#hl=en&sugexp=llsfp&pq=dissertation%20prospectus%20format&xhr=t&q=Kawi%20dalang&cp=11&pf=p&sclient=psy&biw=1024&bih=547&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=Kawi+dalang&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=c99decee79d1fe4a
Dari Literatur ke Seni Pertunjukan Transformasi narasi kakawin ke dlmdialog pakem Kakawin oleh juru santi = dasar pewayangan In The Origin and Early Form of Greek Tragedy (1965) Gereld Else argues that Greek tragedy originated from rapsodes (oral performers in religious festivals) who recited passages from the Odyssey and the Illiad. The first Greek actor, Thespis, dramatized rapsodes recital as the base of tragedy.