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專業英語與數位學習 ESP (English for specific purposes) & e-Learning Shu-Chiao TSAI ( 蔡叔翹 ) Ph. D in Material Sciences University of Paris XI (ORSAY) Department of Applied Foreign Languages National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences 高雄應用科技大學應用外語系. 前言 教育軟體類型與特性 教育軟體研發
專業英語與數位學習 ESP (English for specific purposes) & e-Learning Shu-Chiao TSAI (蔡叔翹) Ph. D in Material Sciences University of Paris XI (ORSAY) Department of Applied Foreign Languages National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences 高雄應用科技大學應用外語系
前言 • 教育軟體類型與特性 • 教育軟體研發 • 案例分享1.商務專業英文教育軟體與教學應用2.科技專業英文教育軟體與教學應用 • 3.看護專業英文教育軟體與教學應用 • 願景與結論
前言 : 文化創意當紅 2008總統當選人馬英九提出『產業再造』政策: 1. 金融服務業 2. 觀光業 3. 醫療健康照護產業 4. 文化創意產業:數位內容
1.前英國文化部長克里斯.史密斯 (英倫九○年代以降「文藝復興」的部長) 文化創意產業主要有三個定義 (1) 人——人的心智、技術、靈感。 (2) 產業經濟價值萌芽於想像力豐富的個人 (3) 這個產業的產品,使我們興奮、感動、或 娛樂、吸引我們的一個「東西」。 在文化創意產業,資產不是來自大地,而是來自腦袋。要有企圖心,運用你們的優勢、科學態度 、文化熱情
賴聲川的創意學 1. 要有創意,首要是改變自己看世界的看法。 而,我們都只看到想看的。 2. 要檢驗自己是否有創意,要看自己能不能改變 視點,能不能用別人的眼睛、站在別人的立場 來看,如果是,就表示你還有創意的希望。 3. 清楚自己的動機,做事會更有效率,也能找出 最好的做法,這就是創意,好的做法就會包含 無限的創意。
賴聲川的創意學 4. 創意的動機要看是利己還是利他,如果動機在 利他,收穫無可限量。 如果整體動機是競爭、要贏,那麼創意深度也不可能太高。 5. 從事創意工作,必須活在當下,當下充滿任 何可能性
1. 財星雜誌 :工資要提升,非要有創意 2. 未來競爭要靠直覺、非線性、有想像力的右腦 mechanical meaningful 3. 未來在等待的人才 (Daniel H. Pink:美國前副總統高爾的文膽) 創意 同理心 觀察趨勢 對事物賦予意義
1979年,由於《星際大戰》電影大獲成功,喬治·盧卡斯電影公司成立了電腦繪圖部。1984年,剛剛離開迪士尼的約翰·拉薩特(John Lasseter)加入盧卡斯電腦動畫部,他是皮克斯(Pixar)創造力的驅動者。1986年,史蒂夫·喬布斯(Steve Jobs)以1000萬美元收購了喬治·盧卡斯的電腦動畫部,成立了皮克斯動畫工作室。2006年,皮克斯被迪士尼以74億美元收購,成為華特迪士尼公司的一部分。
1.蘋果電腦執行長賈伯斯(Steve Jobs) 成功關鍵:結合創意與科技 賈伯斯的大學只念了六個月,唯一的收穫是讓他可以不受必修課的限制。十年後,他設計麥金塔電腦成為第一台有美麗字形的電腦。
你無法預先把點點滴滴串連起來;只有在未來回顧時,你才會明白那些點點滴滴是如何串在一起的(you can‘t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards) 所以你得相信,眼前你經歷的種種,將來多少會連結在一起。你得信任某個東西,直覺也好,命運也好,生命也好,或者業力。這種作法從來沒讓我失望,我的人生因此變得完全不同
愛與失去 賈伯斯合夥創辦蘋果電腦,10年內他把車庫創業,經營成20億美元的企業。但在賈伯斯30歲時,他被自己創辦的蘋果開除了。他挫敗得想逃離矽谷,即使如此,他還是愛蘋果。之後,他又創辦了皮克斯(Pixar)與NeXT,皮克斯成為改變動畫產業的新標竿,NeXT則被蘋果購併,賈伯斯又重返蘋果。
你得找出你的最愛,工作上是如此,人生伴侶也是如此。你的工作將佔掉你人生的一大部分,唯一真正獲得滿足的方法就是做你相信是偉大的工作,而唯一做偉大工作的方法是愛你所做的事(And the only way to do great work is to love what you do)。 如果你還沒找到這些事,繼續找,別停頓。盡你全心全力,你知道你一定會找到。而且,如同任何偉大的事業,事情只會隨著時間愈來愈好。所以,在你找到之前,繼續找,別停頓。
死亡 賈伯斯從17歲開始,每天早上都問自己:如果今天是生命中的最後一天,我會想做今天要做的事情嗎? 他沒想到在幾年多前被診斷罹患罕見的胰腺癌,讓他更真切的體認到面對死亡的檢視。
你們的時間有限,所以不要浪費時間活在別人的生活裡。不要被教條所侷限--盲從教條就是活在別人思考結果裡。不要讓別人的意見淹沒了你內在的心聲。最重要的,擁有追隨自己內心與直覺的勇氣,你的內心與直覺多少已經知道你真正想要成為什麼樣的人(have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become),任何其他事物都是次要的。
I. ESP & E-learning:專業英語與數位學習 the rapid development and fierce competitions of business and industry, English skills are deemed as an important tool to compete in the world. Meanwhile, a high level of professional skillsand experiences are also required for the job marketWith . 在競爭激烈的商務環境下,各行各業除了注重專業職能表現之外,英(外)語文能力的優劣更成為影響薪資加碼與深造晉升的關鍵因素。
One of three goals of foreign language education identified by the Ministry of Education for vocational educational system is to provide students with the foreign language ability that is necessary to succeed in the job market and with an advanced professional knowledge. 教育部將「提升學生外語能力」列為重點政策,並以培養職場所需之外語能力,且具專業知識為主
ESP 專業英語文 (English for Specific Purposes, ESP) is well known as a learner-centered approach to teaching English as a foreign language -以學習者為主 meets the needs of learners who need to learn English for use in their specific fields, such as business, science, technology, medicine, leisure, and academic learning. -應用在特別的領域
The origin of ESP Hutchinson and Waters (1987) stated that there are three reasons in common for the emergence of all ESP: (1) the demands of a Brave New World 美國新世紀崛起的需求 (2) a revolution in linguistics 語言學上的改革 (3) focus on the learner 學習者為中心的趨勢
There are some problems in the development of ESP course in Taiwan. (Lai, C. Y. (2005). A study on applied English department students’ needs for taking English for specific purposes courses and students’ perceptions of an effective ESP teacher. Master dissertation, Southern Taiwan University of Technology, unpublished. ) • (1) There is a lack of qualified ESP teachers who • have pedagogical skills, real work experience, • and knowledge. -缺乏專業師資 • (2) There is a lack of relevant curricula and • materials that can reflect or meet the needs • of industries so that students can get more • practice and skills before entering the job • market. • -缺乏適當的課程設計與教材符應產業需求
(3) Students are expected to have a higher level of English skills in order to have better outcome or performance in learning ESP courses. But, as students in the vocational education generally have a lower English proficiency, it becomes more difficult for students, even for teachers to learn and teach ESP courses. 通常具備較高英文能力的學生始能在專業英文的 相關課程中有較佳的表現。但技專院校學生英文 能力與品質較差,致使專業英語文的教學與學習 更顯困難。
I.專業英語與數位學習 E-learning combined with wireless networks provides an interactive, easy, fast and active learning environment which allows “anytime-anywhere” access and resources for learners. 結合無線網路的數位學習不受時空限制特性,創造多元、便捷、互動之教學資源與環境。
E-learning is a learner-centered educational system. This value and benefit corresponds to the requirement of ESP, in which content and method are based on the learner's needs. 數位學習乃以學習者為中心,專業英語學習之內容與方法亦是以學習者的需求為主
Now the Taiwan government is promoting “Challenge 2008” as a national project that includes two programs. One program, “Dual Stars”, stimulates the development of biotechnology and digital content. Courseware can be defined as the application of digital contentin education 『挑戰2008』國家計畫重大目標「兩兆雙星」 -「雙星」:生物科技與數位內容兩項明星產業 教育軟體可視為數位內容之應用
Integrating technology with instructionhas become a very effective tool for learning. Drawing lessons from the American experience, it was suggested that the development of instruction-oriented software is one of the most important issues in promoting the e-learning industry in Taiwan. (Song et al., 2005) 加強教學導向軟體研發並融入教學
發展系科本位課程 各系所透過產業發展、畢業生就業發展及學校自身優劣勢分析,確定系科畢業生就業之區域或全國的產業定位,進一步將其工作能力分析內容轉換為職場專業智能分析,具體訂定系科學生所應具備之核心專業能力、職場所需能力及通識能力規劃之系科本位課程。
Our mission and vision Our aim is to establish the ability in higher education system to develop ESP courseware and incorporate them into teaching, which helps learners from different fields upgrade the level of knowledge, 提升知識 improve English skills, 增進英語能力 gain relevant abilities applicable to the job market.加強就業職能
It is believed that the development and integration of ESP courses into teaching/learning would be a solution. This development of ESP courses related to job markets can make Applied Foreign Languages /English departments different from general Foreign Languages /English departments in the traditional universities. 發展與提升與職場相關之專業英文的教與學會是解決方 之一,讓技職體系應用外語系有別於傳統大學外文系 (EOP, English for Occupational Purposes)
II. Features & Types of ESP Courseware 教育軟體類型與特性
In general, the features of courseware include Integration: 整合性 they include features of several media (audio, video, images, text, pictures and animated movies etc…) to communicate learning information. Interaction: 互動性 they provide mutual communication between learners and the computer so that learners’ motivation and participation are enhanced.
the content features of courseware: • Familiarity: 親合性 • they provide users with a user-friendly • learning environment. Non-linearity: 非線性 they provide more resources and information for learners by hypermedia, and an on-line inquiry function is also provided.
the content features of courseware: Simultaneity: 即時性 they provide latest developments or information for learners through the Internet. Virtuality: 虛擬性 they provide a virtual world that nearly looks like the real one through computers, which will promote learning interest and efficiency.
II. Types of ESP Courseware 1. Drill & Practice Type: Self-pacing and personalized feedback are its features to provide a practical learning environment that helps learners become more proficient or experienced in applying what learners have previously learned. 自我調節速度與個人化回饋是主要特點,仍大量應用在教學上,協助學習者建立自動化或低階自動回想的技能。
II. Types of ESP Courseware 2. Tutorial Type: Courseware can play the role of teachers to present teaching content according to the level of the students, help their learning, and evaluate their learning outcomes. 軟體將扮演指導老師的功能,提供學習者探討或瞭解一項主題所需的相關資料與教學活動。具備大量互動、適宜的教學順序、學習者主導學習過程與速度、適當的問題診斷及回饋功能等。
II. Types of ESP Courseware 3. Simulation Type: It helps enhance the learning motivation of learners and presents a model of a real or imaginary situation in whichlearners can act out real-life experience, make decisions and solve problems. 此一功能可示範、解說或模擬事物本體或系統的運作,強調的重點在於系統本身的學習,而非一般問題解決的學習,可促進探索及過程學習,提升學習動機與興趣。
II. Types of ESP Courseware • Game Type: • Game type courseware or learning materials are designed to be interesting, motivating and involve the player in a purposeful activity to attain a goal or achieve a mission. • 在學習活動中加入遊戲的設計,如遊戲規則、挑戰或競爭、娛樂性等元素,以增進遊戲的興趣與動機。但應適當地使用,以免偏離了學習者的注意力以及原先學習的價值。
II. Types of ESP Courseware • 解決問題 (Problem-solving Type): • Problem-solving has been defined as higher-order cognitive process that allows learners to know how to proceed from a given state to a desired goal state. • 該類型的軟體的策略是希望藉由問題解決的歷程,引導學習者進行思考,或是直接提供問題的情境,使學習者在問題所模擬的情境中,建構其知識體系。
II. Types of ESP Courseware 6. Collaborative Learning: It refers to a collection of tools which learners can use to assist, or be assisted by others. Such tools include virtual classrooms , Internet, chat, discussion, application sharing. 教室的學習活動中亦可透過網路或軟體提供的相關情境,以團隊合作的方式來完成學習任務與目標。
II. Types of ESP Courseware • Integrative Learning: • Including all the features in the other types • mentioned above, it also provides a learning management system to effectively record the learning course for learners’ or teachers’ reference. • 結合課程規劃、教材內容、相互討論、檢測評量、學習診斷、教學管理等機制之整合式系統。學習者可根據自己的學習速度與特性進行學習,教師亦可追蹤學習者的學習歷程。其內容可包含上述軟體的特性與功能,故稱之為整合式學習。
Courseware, also called instructional or educational software, is widely used in higher education as an integral part of the courses. Multimedia courseware can offer a pedagogical improvement on traditional teaching methods (Alessi and Trollip, 2001). The success or failure of courseware depends on the quality of its content.
1.Courseware design Designing ESP courseware is a multi- disciplinary task, including English related to specific professions, information technology multimedia functions
The basic steps to develop ESP courseware:→ Background Analysis→Data Mining & Selection→Structure & Production of ContentEditing / Translation / Evaluation→Digitization of ContentTexts / Audio / Video / Pictures→ Multimedia Design→Integration of Content System→Test & Modification→Completion of Courseware
2. English learning英語學習 The learning units include : relevant vocabulary 字彙 proper pronunciation 發音 reading 讀 listening 聽 speaking 說 writing 寫 translation 譯 for learners to practice applying the five English skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation.
3. Evaluation線上即時評量 An on-line evaluation systemcombined with a self-checking function is provided to help learners understand their learning progress and allow them to get a simultaneous feedback in learning. Cloze Test Sentence Restructuring Listening Test Translation Writing (English Chinese) All the questions in each test are randomly chosen by the software system
IV. Case Study 案例研究 Applications of ESP Courseware in Education - ESP courseware for Meetings - ESP courseware for Semiconductor
V. Conclusions & Perspectives 結論與願景 • The feature of the courseware is that it integrates professional knowledge with the basic skills of English learning. Included are vocabulary usage, pronunciation practice, speaking opportunities, translation practice, listening practice and writing exercises. • 本教育軟體整合專業知識與英語「聽、說、讀、寫、譯」五項技能之學習
2. 透過產學結合,發展更多元專業英文教育軟體 Through collaboration with other departments and industries, the development of ESP courseware can be expanded to other professional fields in order to enhance the professional and English skills of learners in different fields.
3. 專業英文教育軟體融入教學,以期加強收集、 比較與探討學習者所可能遭遇的問題及相關的 建議與反應,除作為評估修正之用,亦可提 供日後發展時的參考。探討相關研究 In the future, the courseware will be integrated into courses for students in different programs or with different backgrounds, to get more information about the effectiveness of content design, teaching practices and learning performance.
外語技能 Skills of Foreign Languages + 多元專業內容 Diverse Professional Content + 無線行動與資訊多媒體科技 Wireless, IT & Multimedia 英語教育數位學習產業發展 E-Learning Industry of English Education Worse ???? Better ! ! ! !
趨勢大師 大前研一: 專業 你的唯一生存之道 Expertise is your only way for survival. What’s your expertise? 微細的分別 卻是生存的關鍵 Little difference makes you survive. How do you make the difference?