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Mantychore Kick-off meeting Oct. 18 th , 2010 Work Package 2. Victor Reijs, HEAnet. Agenda. Scope of the WP2 Objectives Deliverables GANTT chart Partner responsibility PersonMonth distribution Short term plans of tasks Topics to be discussed. Scope of the WP2 (1/2).
Mantychore Kick-off meeting Oct. 18th, 2010Work Package 2 Victor Reijs, HEAnet
Agenda • Scope of the WP2 • Objectives • Deliverables • GANTT chart • Partner responsibility • PersonMonth distribution • Short term plans of tasks • Topics to be discussed
Scope of the WP2 (1/2) • DisseminationPapers/presentations/demonstrations/Internet presence • ExploitationOne of key activities of Mantychoreproject. Project tools/service used by ICT industry and positive impact on social economic developments
Scope of the WP2 (2/2) StandardisationProvide input, feedback into and possible production of standards around X as a Service LiaisonLiaise with related initiatives and/or project that might benefit from Mantychore
Objectives (1/2) Dissemination of studies, results and evaluations reports about the deployment of IP Network as a Service in NREN environment and further. Publications of tools, presentations at scientific conferences, workshops, demonstrations at specific academic events, and so on. Convince and mobilise the research community about the benefits that IP Networks as a Service
Objectives (2/2) Dissemination of exploitation plans of each partner including joint marketing plans An exploitation phase Contribution to standard bodies (for instance: OGF, IRTF-NRVG and TMF) within the XaaS framework. Proposed extensions or enhancements of established standards to support the IaaS work. Liaisons with related initiatives
Deliverables (1/2) D1.1 Project Presentation (M1)Public description of the project in terms of main goals, key issues technical approach and achievements. It is intended for publication on the Websites of the Commission and the project D2.1 Exploitation, dissemination, standardisation and liaison plan (M3)Global plans for exploitation, dissemination, standardisation and liaison activities D2.2 Project website (M5)An efficient public tool for publishing the results and activities.
Deliverables (2/2) D2.5 MANTYCHORE software business plan (M14)Business plan to exploit the project software (partly sponsored by Catalan government) D2.3 Report on related research, exploitation and dissemination activities and planning update (M15)Dissemination, exploitation, standardisation and liaison activities for M1 to M15. Plus an update of the planning delivered in D2.1 D2.4 Report on standards, exploitation and dissemination activities and liaison with related research initiatives (M30)The report will include the exploitation, dissemination, standardisation and liaison activities realised during the last period of the project.
Partner responsibilities (1/7) • i2CAT (incl. UPC) • T2.1: lead and contribute and have Internet presence: Who of i2CAT? • T2.2: contribute to the overall exploitation of the project results: focus on the commercial environment • T2.3: collaborate with OGF and IRTF, others? • T2.4: liaise with GEYSER, FEDERICAII, others?
Partner responsibilities (2/7) • HEAnet • WP2: lead (Victor Reijs) and coordinating WP2 • T2.1: contribute to disseminate in several magazine and conferences. Disseminate the results obtained in using Mantychoresoftware • T2.2: lead (Victor Reijs) and exploitation of Mantychore services • T2.3: collaborate with RIPE and IETF-RPSL • T2.4: lead (Victor Reijs) and liaise with GSN, GN3, GLIF, etc.
Partner responsibilities (3/7) • NORDUnet • T2.1: write papers in magazines and conferences, in the exploitation of Mantychore services • T2.2: exploitation of Mantychore services • T2.3: collaborate with TMForum. Who of NORDUnet? • T2.4: look for possible research projects interested in Mantychore services???
Partner responsibilities (4/7) • UNI.C • T2.1: disseminate the results obtained in using Mantychoresoftware. Write papers in magazines and conferences, in the exploitation of Mantychore services • T2.2: contribute to the overall exploitation of the project results.
Partner responsibilities (5/7) • University of Essex • T2.1: disseminate the results obtained in using Mantychoresoftware. Write papers in magazines and conferences, in the exploitation of Mantychore services • T2.2: contribute to the overall exploitation of the project results. • T2.3: collaborate with OGF???
Partner responsibilities (6/7) • TID • T2.1: disseminate the results obtained in using Mantychoresoftware in commercial environment. • T2.2: contribute to the overall exploitation of the project results: focus on the commercial environment
Partner responsibilities (7/7) • TCD: Grid-Ireland • T2.1: disseminate the results obtained in using Mantychoresoftware. Write papers in magazines and conferences, in the exploitation of Mantychore services • T2.2: contribute to the overall exploitation of the project results.
PersonMonth distribution • Partner PersonMonths i2CAT 1.5 HEAnet 1.5 NORDUnet 1.5 UNI.C 1.5 UEssex 1.5 TID 1.5 TCD 1.5
Short term plan T2.1: Dissemination Start: M1, End: M30 Lead: i2CAT (???) Partners: HEAnet (AM, VR, DW), NORDUnet (???), UNI.C (???), UEssex (???), TID (???), TCD (???) Internet presence, demonstrations, presentations, Further details to be provided by i2CAT
Short term plan T2.2: Exploitation Start: M13, End: M30 Lead: HEAnet (Victor Reijs) Partners: i2CAT (???), NORDUnet(???), UNI.C (???), UEssex(???), TID (???), TCD (???) Who to target: Commercial/NREN environmentNREN: RedIRIS??? Commercials: Amazon, IBM, Google??? Ideas around business plan/cases Ideas around exploitation phase How to measure impact on ICT environment?
Short term plan T2.3: Standardisation Start: M6, End: M30 Lead: NORDUnet(???) Partners: i2CAT (???), HEAnet (DW, VR), UEssex(???) Determine bodies and who will coordinate eachOGF (OCCI WG), DMTF (OVF, CIM), IETF (IRTF-VNRG), ITU-T (FNvirt), RIPE/IETF (RSLP) (HEAnet), TMForum (NORDUnet) Determine coordination with FEDERICAII and GN3 Determine protocol and objective of each body Further details to be provided by NORDUnet
Short term plan T2.4: Liaisons Start: M5, End: M30 Lead: HEAnet (Victor Reijs) Partners: i2CAT (???), NORDUnet(???) Determine liaisons and who will coordinate eachFEDERICAII, Juniper (IPSF), Cisco, CANARIE, DANTE Determine protocol and objective of each liaisons
Topics to be discussed (1/2) T2.1 What is the project name: Mantychore, MANTYCHORE?: Decided on: Mantychore What is name of software? What is the logo? Decided on: see left bottom corner All demonstration part of WP2? Industry opportunities [WP2], new users [WP3], software releases [WP4], GSN [WP7]? Who provides the logistics and material around demonstration (the mother WP, while WP2 only provides …)? What tools to use: Webinar, Adobe Connect. Decided on: test out Adobe connect of NORDUnet. Invites gotten from: e-Infrastructure Concertation meeting (Nov. 4-5, 2010), TERENA e2e workshop (Nov 29-30, 2010), NORDUnet (June 7-9, 2011), TNC2011 (May 16-19, 2011)? Where do we want a major project presence (TNC2011/2012, other ideas)? Decided on: TNC2012 Status update to 13 LoS providers (i2CAT) Where do LoS writers fit? FEDERICAII (T2.4), RedIRIS (T2.2), JANET (T5.1), Juniper (IPSF, T2.4), Cisco (T2.4), CLARIN (T5.2), OSAmI (T5.2), IBBT (WP7), GSN (WP7), Masaryk university (T3.1), SigmaNet (T3.1), CANARIE (T2.4), DANTE (T2.4, T5.1), SURFnet (T3.1). Openness of wiki/lists/documents? Decided on: see minutes
Topics to be discussed (2/2) T2.2 Business plan for IaaS and/or for Mantychore software? Who should we target for exploitation? NREN: RedIRIS? Commercials: Amazon, IBM, Google??? T2.3 Which standardisation bodies are expected to cover and support our work? OGF (OCCI WG), DMTF (OVF, CIM), IETF (IRTF-VNRG), ITU-T (FNvirt), RIPE/IETF (RSLP) (HEAnet), TMForum(NORDUnet) Coordinate standardisation with GN3 and FEDERICAII? Which standardisation body by which partner? T2.4 Possible Liaisons: FEDERICAII, Juniper (IPSF), Cisco, CANARIE, DANTE, GLIF (HEAnet) Which liaison by which partner?