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The Covenant of the circumcision (Gen17). Canaan is again Promised. The Covenant of the circumcision (Gen17). Main Verse (1 Corinthians 7:19) " Circumcision is nothing and not being circumcised is nothing, but obeying the commandments of God is everything ".
The Covenant of the circumcision (Gen17) Main Verse (1 Corinthians 7:19)"Circumcision is nothing and not being circumcised is nothing, but obeying the commandments of God is everything"
The Covenant of the circumcision (Gen17) • I. The Feast of Circumcision. • II. "A Sign of the Old Testament Covenant“. • III. Facts about Circumcision in OT. • VI. Why eight days • V. Why woman did not need Circumcision. • IV. Changing His Name. • IIV. Abram believed and obeyed.
I. The Feast of Circumcision • The Feast of Circumcision is one of the minor feasts celebrated annually by the Coptic Orthodox Church, (Tobe 6). • "You shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between ME and you" (Gen17:11). • Why our LG&SJC need to be circumcise.
II. "A Sign of the Old Testament Covenant" • Circumcision in the Old Testament became a pronounced external physical sign of the covenant between the Lord and His chosen people (Genesis 17:14). • Irenaeus (c 180) states, "God gave circumcision as a sign, not as the completion of righteousness.“ • Jeremiah plainly told the people of Israel to "circumcise yourselves to the Lord, remove the foreskin of your hearts" (Jeremiah 4:4). • The symbolism of circumcision was to remind the people of Israel to devote themselves and their hearts to the Lord.
III. Facts about Circumcision in OT • There are many facts we know surrounding circumcision in the Old Testament. • Only those circumcised were allowed to partake of the Passover Meal (Exodus 12:43-49). Read (Colossians 2:11-12). • The rite of circumcision was not practiced during the forty years of the Israelite wandering in the wilderness. • In the Holy Book of Joshua 5:27, circumcision was required prior to entering the Promised Land of Canaan. • History records that circumcision came to denote being of a clean nature and purity. • Many Israelite neighbors were circumcised including the Arabs and Egyptians
III. Facts about Circumcision in OT • In the New Testament with the beginning and early growth of the Church, circumcision became one of the first issues for debate about the Gentiles. • St. Paul stated that "Circumcision is nothing and not being circumcised is nothing, but obeying the commandments of God is everything" (I Cor 7:19). • The apostles and the elders further supported this argument in the Holy Book of Acts 15:19 that circumcision was not required of the Gentiles. • The apostles met in 51-52 AD in Jerusalem and agreed to send St. Paul and St. Barnabus, accompanied by Judas Barsabas and Silas to Antioch to settle the issue (Acts 15:1-29).
VI. Why eight days. • Circumcision is done on the eighth day after birth of the male child, as the figure 8 refers to “eternal life” or “the second life”; the figure 7 referring to the present life (seven days of the week), so the eighth day means entering into what is beyond the present life. Circumcision thus means the cross over to eternal life, through putting off love of the worldliness, and acceptance of the eternal work of Christ and His heavenly Kingdom. • St. Augustine said that “What is the significance of the 8 days (for the circumcision), but reference to Christ, who was raised after completing the week, namely, after the (Sabbath)”
V. Why woman did not need Circumcision? • Circumcision had been confined to males, as a woman was sanctified in man, if he is sanctified in God. Denying circumcision of females, does not imply that God underestimate her or does not care for making a covenant with her; But He wished to confirm the unity of human family; what the male does, is in the name of both of them (male and female). • A proof of this is that God commanded the circumcision of slaves “who is born in your house, and who is bought with your money” (Gen. 17: 13); • Justin The martyr wrote “ The inability of the female sex to receive fleshly circumcision prove that circumcision was given for a sign. It was not given as a work of righteousness”
IV. Changing His Name • Hi Abouna, • How are you? Here is my homework :) • Abram had a fear of the future. Instead of trusting God and being patient, he took matters into his own hands and had Ishamael with Hagar. When God told him of the covenant, he fell on his face (repenting). So after Abram repented, God changed his name from Abram (noble father) to Abraham (father of many nations). Abraham and every male child needed to be circumcised as a sign of the covenant (as an equivalent to baptism in the New Testament). Abraham accepted God's covenant with the circumcision. Even though he was an old man, he was being obedient and putting his trust and faith in God. • Please pray for me.
IV. Changing His Name. • St. Augustine believes that changing the names of Abram and Sarai, came together with the circumcision, as a sign of an overall change, saying: [What is the significance of circumcision, but the renewal of human nature through rooting out the old man ? The names of the parents were changed, and every thing is proclaimed new. • Baptism, ordaining a deacon, priest, Bishop and a Patriarch.
IIV. Abram believed and obeyed. • What is God’ promise to Abram and Sarah? • Gen 12:2 “ I will make you a great nation; I will bless you”. • God appeared to Abram six times, yet God made some demand: • 1. Gen 12:7………… “ Leave your country………” • 2. Gen 13:14-17….” Separation from Lot…….” • 3. Gen 15:1-21……(God requested offering” • 4. Gen17:1-27” (The sign of the covenant). • 5. Gen 18:1-18 …. (The promised son). • 6. Gen 22:15-18….. (Sacrifice you son)
IIV. Abram believed and obeyed. • The sign of the covenant. (Gen17:2) • Walk before me. • Be blameless • To circumcise every male.
Conclusion • The symbolic message clearly is that we should all live and abide with a simpleness and purity of heart. • The pure in heart being those devoted to the worship and service of the Lord. Their only simple desire is to hold fast to the Lord Jesus Christ and His holy teachings. • In Holy Gospel of St. Matthew (5:8), the Lord Jesus Christ further emphasizes this point and teaches us all, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God."
The Covenant of the circumcision (Gen17) Main Verse (1 Corinthians 7:19)"Circumcision is nothing and not being circumcised is nothing, but obeying the commandments of God is everything"
IIV. Abram believed and obeyed. • What is God’ promise to Abram and Sarah? • God appeared to Abram six times & promised him the following: • 1. Gen 12:2 “ I will make you a great nation & bless you”. • 2. Gen 13:14-18 “ To muliply his descdants & give Canaan. • 3. Gen 15:1-21 God make A formal covenant as #2. • 4. Gen 17:1-27 To give the land & everlasting possession. • 5. Gen 18:1-18 God promise to give a son. • 6.