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Cappuccino Coaching Club Introduction to Group Life Coaching (Cappuccino Coaching Style!)

Cappuccino Coaching Club Introduction to Group Life Coaching (Cappuccino Coaching Style!). What We Will Cover Today. What are Cappuccino Coaching Sessions? How do they work? How will they help me in my business? Why group life coaching as opposed to 1-2-1?

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Cappuccino Coaching Club Introduction to Group Life Coaching (Cappuccino Coaching Style!)

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  1. Cappuccino Coaching ClubIntroduction to Group Life Coaching (Cappuccino Coaching Style!)

  2. What We Will Cover Today • What are Cappuccino Coaching Sessions? • How do they work? • How will they help me in my business? • Why group life coaching as opposed to 1-2-1? • What kind of content do they cover? • Why do I need a club for this? • What’s next?

  3. What are Cappuccino Coaching Sessions? • Group life coaching sessions where a small group of people gather together to receive coaching • A way of people learning what coaching is • A starting point for clients making some small changes in their lives • A way for people to work in a group environment and encourage/challenge each other to take action

  4. How Do They Work? • A typical Cappuccino Coaching Session lasts 2 hours (nuts & bolts of a session coming next!) • They can be held at a local health club, hotel lounge area or other local venue of your choice • Maximum 8 attendees, works best with a minimum of 4 • Through the use of coaching tools, skills and simple, yet fun, exercises you facilitate change and transformation • Opportunity to run them as a longer workshop

  5. The Nuts & Bolts • Introduction to you, each other and the topic content • Start to explore what the topic is about – check understanding (i.e what is rapport?) • Get them to think about where they are in relation to that topic (i.e how they use their body language) • Run a group activity & ask some coaching questions around the topic area

  6. The Nuts & Bolts • Get feedback from the group as to what they have learned from the activity • Find out how they would like things to be instead • Repeat 3- 6 using a couple of different activities • Start getting them to think about what action they might like to take • Recap content covered and consolidate the learning

  7. The Nuts & Bolts • Ask what they will change as a result of the session • Get commitment to take action steps • Discuss how they can be held accountable • Explain how they can work with you • Provide dates for next session • Close

  8. A Sample Session On Rapport • Welcome & introduction • What are Cappuccino Coaching Sessions? • What we will cover today (agenda) • What is rapport? • Activity – good rapport/bad rapport/3 questions/reactions • Feedback: • Who had good rapport? • What was happening • How did it feel? • How did you know you had good rapport? • Who had bad rapport? • What was uncomfortable about it? • How did it feel? • How did you react to that person?

  9. A Sample Session On Rapport • Explore feedback for a few minutes • Find out how they would like to be treated • You will then go onto another 3-4 activities for the session before wrapping up • So today we’ve covered… (recap content), you’ve had chance to explore what it feels like to be in good rapport/bad rapport and your preferences… • What will you change as a result of knowing this? • What do you need to do to start being in better rapport with people? • Explain how they can work with you • Provide dates for next session • Close

  10. How Will They Help Me In My Business? • A great way to get your name out in the local area • When networking you have a ‘product’ to talk about rather than trying to sell coaching itself • Clients get to know and like you which can lead into working on a 1-2-1 basis with them • A great way to build your coaching skills – you get to practice live on a group of clients so expand your repertoire exponentially • Low cost to set up

  11. Why Group Life Coaching AsOpposed to 1-2-1? • It doesn’t have to be an either/or situation – the two can go hand in hand • They give you the opportunity to meet new people that you might not have met before, which can then lead to client conversion • Being realistic – how many hours do you have to work to earn the rate you want to be paid? These sessions help you to leverage your time • Cappuccino Coaching Sessions help you to build • build your practice along the way

  12. What Content Do They Cover? • The world is your oyster • What topics do you want to coach around? • General life coaching • Relationship topics • Work/career • Health/wellbeing • The only limit is your imagination • We will be doing 12 modules that take a client on • a journey (great way to work on 121 basis too)

  13. Why Do I Need A Club? • The content for your sessions each month • ‘Done for you’ modules – saving you time where you could be coaching • Building on your coaching skills • Additional information around promoting sessions • Through social media, blog posts, newsletters etc (tools you can also use to promote other areas of your business) • An online support community • where you can share ideas, brainstorm, talk in a safe environment about your fears & challenges as a Coach • Access to a successful Coach, someone who’s • been there and done it successfully, me!

  14. What’s Next? • Next month: Module – Understanding Yourself (Values) • Join the FB group – let’s get the conversation started • Download your worksheet to get you focused • Join the Q & A Call – date to be advised • Take action: • What do you need to do now to start promoting this side of your business so that you’re ready to deliver one when you receive next month’s content? • And finally… Have a cappuccino to celebrate successful • completion of your first module!

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