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Emerging Trends of HIV/AIDS in New York City. Chris Williams, MPH NYC DOHMH. New York City HIV/AIDS Epidemiology. 98,861 PLWHA as of 12/31/06 (62.3% diagnosed with AIDS). Source: New York City HIV/AIDS Annual Surveillance Statistics, 2006.
Emerging Trends of HIV/AIDS in New York City Chris Williams, MPH NYC DOHMH
New York City HIV/AIDS Epidemiology • 98,861 PLWHA as of 12/31/06 (62.3% diagnosed with AIDS) Source: New York City HIV/AIDS Annual Surveillance Statistics, 2006
New HIV Infections by Gender, Race and Transmission Risk, 2006 Source: New York City HIV/AIDS Annual Surveillance Statistics, 2006
Concurrent HIV/AIDS Diagnosis by Gender, Race and Transmission Risk, 2006 Source: New York City HIV/AIDS Annual Surveillance Statistics, 2006
HIV/AIDS Deaths by Gender, Race and Transmission Risk, 2006 Source: New York City HIV/AIDS Annual Surveillance Statistics, 2006
Trends Among Age Groups • Ages 13-19 and 20-29 account for an increasing share of new HIV infections from 2004-2006, particularly among males ages 20-29.* *HIV Epidemiology & Field Services Semi-Annual Report. New York: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, April, 2008.
Emerging Populations- Women • Hispanic Women have an increased share of new HIV diagnoses and Concurrent HIV/AIDS diagnosis in women, overall Source: New York City HIV/AIDS Annual Surveillance Statistics. New York: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2007. Updated November 27, 2007. Accessed May 20, 2008 at http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/ah/hivtables.shtml.
Emerging Populations- Correctional inmates and releases • 25,000 HIV tests completed in 2006. In 2003, prior to rapid testing, only 6,500 tests were completed# • 4.7% of male and 9.7% of female jail admissions are HIV+# • 90% of self-identifying HIV+ admissions receive post-release plans with the goal of connecting 90% of those to care** • 105 overall (29.7% of males and 23.4% of females) appeared to have previously undiagnosed HIV infection at admission# #Source: HIV Epidemiology & Field Services Semi-Annual Report. New York: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, April, 2008. **Source: Rikers Island Intake System, 2006. From Jordan, A., & Gbur, M. Presentation 5/15/08.
Emerging Populations- Immigrants Source: HIV Epidemiology & Field Services Semi-Annual Report. New York: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, April, 2008.
Follow-up HIV care in 2006, by Sex and Race Source: From data reported by September 30, 2007, to the HIV Epidemiology and Field Services Program of the NYC DOHMH
Follow-up HIV care in 2006, by Age Source: From data reported by September 30, 2007, to the HIV Epidemiology and Field Services Program of the NYC DOHMH