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THE ONTARIO MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS. OMHA COACHING PROGRAM CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAM (CEP). P R O G R A M O V E R I E W F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 6. Program Rationale & Overview Credit Point System Continuing Education Program Menu
Program Rationale & Overview Credit Point System Continuing Education Program Menu Coach Refresher ClinicsFormat & Structure Hockey Canada Specialty Clinics Overview Continuing Education Program: INTRODUCTION
Continuing Education Program: RATIONALE • The OMHA Development Committee, working under the direction of Hockey Canada believes: • It is important to have highly knowledgeable and competent coaches • In the need to continue to learn and develop the skills of our coaches • We must ensure a high quality learning environment for all OMHA players • To achieve this, the OMHA introduces the…Continuing Education Program (CEP) for Coaches
Continuing Education Program: OVERVIEW • The game continues to change and evolve. • For the benefit of the player & coach , one-time certification of coaches for life is a thing of the past. • The goal is to make the Continuing Education Program (CEP) as user-friendly as possible. • This means providing coaches with options: Recognizing coaches who have attended Specialty Clinics & conferences, developed programs for their MHA, and participated in clinics organized by Local Coach Mentor. • In the future, we will look at new and innovative tools such as on-line learning. The goal is to ensure each player has a ‘Qualified’ coach and to ensure coaches meet the ‘needs of their athletes.’
Continuing Education Program: OVERVIEW • Coaches* will be required to participate in Continuing Education Program modules to maintain their certification. • Coaches* are required to obtain credit points every three (3) years in order to maintain their standing within the NCCP. • The Coach will be required to keep track of eligible activities in which they participate on their CEP passport. • The CEP Passport will need to be submitted to the OMHA at the end of the 3-year cycle.
Continuing Education Program: OVERVIEW * Certification Levels Required to participate in the Program: • NCCP Coach Level • NCCP Coach Stream (Rec Coach) • NCCP Development 1 • NCCP Intermediate (as of Dec. 1, 2009) • NCCP Development 2 * Certification Levels Not Required to participate in the Program: • CHIP (Initiation – Intro Coach) • Advanced Levels 1 & 2 • High Performance Level 1 & 2
Continuing Education Program: CREDIT POINT SYSTEM • The credit point system is based on the recognition that coaches will benefit from a wide variety of educational experiences. The credits assigned to each of the experiences are based on a number of key factors: • Duration of the training or experience • Expected evidences of achievement that the coach must produce to complete the training • Impact of the experience on the local Minor Hockey Association
Continuing Education Program: CREDIT POINT SYSTEM • Each activity being claimed must be fully detailed in the OMHA Continuing Education Program (CEP)Passport. Any activity with an incomplete description or documentation (if applicable) will not be given credit. • Only activities listed on the OMHA Continuing Education Program (CEP) Menu of qualifying activities may be claimed and only the prescribed credits associated with those credits must be claimed. • Once the CEP Passport has been verified, the new CEP recognition will be recorded in the OMHA database and the coach will receive an updated OMHA Coaching Certification card.
Continuing Education Program: CREDIT POINT SYSTEM REQUIRED CREDITS • Coaches will be required to earn the following number of credits to maintain their current level of standing within the program:
Continuing Education Program: COACH REFRESHER CLINIC The OMHA Coach Refresher Clinic continues to be the only continuing education program in Canada and will continue to be a key vehicle in the Continuing Education Program (CEP) moving forward. • Curriculum currently includes a module on Playing Without the Red Line and the New Rules Standard & Rules Emphasis. • The OMHA’s CEP Committee will develop curriculum for two Coach Refresher clinics to ensure coaches working in different streams can effectively meet the needs of their athletes. Launch date: 2007-2008
Continuing Education Program: COACH REFRESHER CLINIC 2007-2008 • Using the Hockey Canada Player Development Pyramid as the foundation, two versions of the Coach Refresher clinic will be available. • Coach Refresher I – Targets coaches in the Recreational Coach Stream • Coach Refresher II – Targets coaches in the Developmental & High Performance Streams
Continuing Education Program: COACH REFRESHER I CLINIC Emphasis:Enhance the Technical & Tactical Skills that are age/level appropriate based on the Player Development Pyramid. Target Audience: Novice & Atom Coaches
Continuing Education Program: COACH REFRESHER II CLINIC Emphasis:Enhance the Team Play Tactical Skills, Systems and Strategies that are age/level appropriate based on the Player Development Pyramid. Target Audience: Peewee - Juvenile Coaches
National Coach Mentorship Program: 2006-2007 2006-2007 Working Slogan ‘FROM MANUAL TO ICE’ • The Specialty Clinic (Program) initiative was viewed as the most important to provide a spark and engage MHA’s in mentorship. The primary goal of the Specialty clinics is to provide Branch Trained Mentors with another set of tools to engage coaches in the mentoring process.
National Coach Mentorship Program: SPECIALTY CLINICS • A top priority in terms of “ tangible items “ that would support and in some cases provide a spark to the NCMP, was the development of a series of Specialty Clinic Modules. The following chart is a list of the specialty clinics with content developed and a sample timeline of when clinics would be delivered for each age group.
OMHA Coach Mentorship Program: SPECIALTY CLINICS • The purpose of this program is a result of direct action Hockey Canada and its member branches have taken since the Coaching Association of Canada’s evaluation of the NCCP in 1995 and the Molson Open Ice Summit on player development in 1999. • In both events, it was determined that the mentoring of coaches at all levels and specifically minor hockey is the key to the future growth of coaching in Canada. • The ultimate outcome is improved athlete development through the establishment of a national coach mentorship program.
OMHA Coach Mentorship Program: SPECIALTY CLINICS • To that end, a series of Specialty Clinics have been developed to offer coaches a practical session on teaching various skills, tactics & systems. This proactive approach will also open the doors of communication and provide a non-threatening environment for coaches to further pursue a mentor. • The Specialty Clinic modules include: • Skating • Puck Control • Shooting & Scoring • Checking • Small Area Games • Developing Defencemen