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ALL INDIA SURVEY ON HIGHER EDUCATION. Higher Education is of Vital Importance for the country, as it is a powerful tool to build knowledge-based society of the 21 st century.
Higher Education is of Vital Importance for the country, as it is a powerful tool tobuild knowledge-based societyof the 21st century. • With the growing size and diversity of Higher Education sector, particularly in terms of courses, managements, geographical coverage & reach, it has become extremely necessary to develop a sound database on Higher Education, at State as well as National Level.
To cope up with the problem of low enrollment, Govt. of India has envisaged in the 11th plan various measure such as opening of new Institutions/Colleges, upgrading the existing ones & so on and Govt has a fixed target of increasing G.E.R. in Higher Education to 15% by the end of the 11th plan and 30% by the 12th plan.
These statistics are of immense importance for planning & policy making at the national and international level. • Hence the importance of timely submission of correct and reliable data is needless to emphasize.
In Higher, Technical and other branches of Education, statistical data such as – • Total no. of students in various courses, at various levels, with their performance index • No. of Institutions/Colleges. • Student-Teacher’s ratio. • Gender-Parity Index • Students with special needs • Cost per studentin various discipline and so on are of immense importance.
BACKGROUND Inadequate data base Time-lag in availability Infrequent Collection and dissemination Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER), not accurate Reliable Database required for planning, policy making All India Higher Education Survey required
ORGANIZATION • Task Force of MHRD oversees the Survey : • Task force consists of members from MHRD,UGC, AICTE, MCI, NCTE, NUEPA, Education Dept. of State Governments • National University of Education Planning & Administration (NUEPA) responsible for the Main Survey. • Software for data collection & report generation being developed by (NIC) National Informatics Centre.
Institutions of higher learning : • Universities - Central, State, Private, Deemed, Open • University Level Institutions - Institutions of National Importance/ Institutions established by State Legislature • Colleges affiliated with Universities • Stand-alone Institutions (not affiliated with Universities) e.g. Polytechnics, Diploma Level Teacher Training Institutes, Nursing Institutes etc. • Recognized by Statutory authorities • Recognized by Central / State Governments • Offering programme • Approved / Recognized leading to Degree/Diploma/Cert. • Of duration = > 9 months
DCF – I : University & University Level Institutions • DCF – II: For Affiliated Colleges • DCF – III: For Stand-alone Institutions DATA CAPTURE FORMATS
ITEMS OF DATA COLLECTION • Basic Information on Institutions • Information on Teachers • Information on Non-Teaching Staff • Programme under Faculties & Departments • Enrolment of Students • Results (Out-turn) of terminal year Exams • Information on Finances
Important Instructions for Universities, Colleges and Institutions: • 1. Only E‐forms duly downloaded by valid users, filled and validated (check passed) can be uploaded on server. • 2. Please ensure E‐forms can be opened only in Adobe Acrobat Reader version 10.0 or higher. If not available on your PC, please download Adobe Acrobat Reader version 10.0 and install on your PC.
3. Any file in word format or simple PDF format (the manual forms) cannot be uploaded on server. • 4. Please don’t use word files for uploading on server, only Eforms can be uploaded on server. • 5. Word files converted into PDF will not be accepted at server end. Only E‐forms downloaded using the valid User credentials for a valid University/College/Institute should be filled and uploaded on the server.
6. After registering successfully on AISHE portal, please remember your password, ensure compliance of password policy: • (The password must contain 8 -16 characters. It should also have one upper case letter, one number and one special character. Valid characters are letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9) and #, @, &, $, =, ~, %, *. Spaces are not permitted. The password is case sensitive.) • If your User‐Id is not approved please contact your higher authority.
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FACULTY, DEPARTMENT AND PROGRAMME :- Faculty - A Faculty of Studies of the University. Arts, Comm., Science, Management..... Department - A Department of Studies and includes a Centre of Studies. Hindi, English, Sociology, Physics, Chemistry...... For the purpose of survey, the School will be treated similar to Faculty and Centre will be treated similar to the Department. Programme – It is a course of study for which Degree or Certificate is awarded by the Institution. A Programme of study is the approved curriculum followed by an individual student such as B.A, M.A, B.Com, B.Sc, MBA etc.
TEACHING STAFF :- • Generally the Designation of teaching staff are Vice-Chancellor, Director, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Principal, Professor & Equivalent, Associate Professor, Reader, Lecturer (Selection Grade), Assistant Professor, Lecturer (Senior Scale), Lecturer, Tutor, Demonstrator, Part-Time Teacher, Ad hoc Teacher, Temporary Teacher, Contract Teacher, Visiting Teacher. • Sanctioned strength of Teaching Staff means the number of posts sanctioned designation-wise like Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor etc. • Existing strength (Teachers in position)means the number of teachers currently in position against each post working in the University/Department on a particular date.
Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) is a scheme of UGC to promote Teachers from a few selected stages to higher stages. • Grade Pay – Grade Pay is a fixed amount attached to each post in the hierarchy. Grade pay determines the status of a post.
Non-teaching staff is staff other than Teaching staff engaged in Administrative, Secretarial, Laboratory, Library work etc. of the University/ Institution/ College in different level Groups i.e. Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D as defined by Department of Personnel & Training.
Messenger/Peon etc. may be categorised under Group D • Clerical/ Secretarial Staff may be categorised under Group C • Middle level Officials may be categorised under Group B • Senior Level Officers may be categorised under Group A.
(PWD- Person with Disability) means a person suffering from not less than forty per cent of any of the following disabilities as certified by a medical authority : • i. Blindness • ii. Low vision • iii. Leprosy-cured • iv. Hearing impairment • v. Locomotors disability • vi. Mental retardation • vii. Mental illness
EXAMINATION RESULTS • Out-Turn means number of final year students of a particular programme, who have successfully completed the programme • i.e. number of students who have passed the final year examination of the programme.
REFERENCE PERIOD • Academic Year - The academic year is the period, during which one year or two semesters or three trimester of a Programme is completed. • Financial Year - The financial year is the period from 1st April of the Year to 31st March of the next year.
************************************* • India being the largest democracy, being one of the fastest growing economy of the world, and a country with the highest youth population, and Gujarat being one of the growth engine of our country, it becomes our social & moral duty to improve our educational system and educational planning/governance, for the socio-economic well-being of mankind, in general.