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Program Description REQUIRED PROGRAM This is the program of study for the student who wishes knowledge in all areas of instruction. This course of study addresses all requirements of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and includes the use of technology. These are the skills necessary for learning and graduating in the state of Texas. PRE-AP PROGRAM The Pre-AP (early High School credit) program is a challenging course of study for students who desire an educational experience beyond the required curriculum. The focus of the program is to provide students increased opportunities to engage in active questioning, analysis, and communication. Pre-Advanced Placement classes offer students rigorous instruction while requiring students to meet a higher level of responsibility. All Pre-AP students and parents are required to read and sign the following agreement to ensure they understand their responsibilities.
Entrance Criteria for Pre AP Courses (Open Enrollment) • The Pre-AP/(early High School credit) program is a challenging course of study for students who desire an educational experience beyond the required curriculum. The focus of the program is to provide students increased opportunities to engage in active questioning, analysis, and communication. Pre-Advanced Placement classes offer students rigorous instruction while requiring students to meet a higher level of responsibility. All Pre-AP students and parents are required to read and sign the following agreement to ensure they understand their responsibilities. The student is expected to: • * Complete all class assignments which are planned to increase student understanding. • * Budget time effectively and efficiently. • * Seek help when needed by meeting with teachers or attending tutorial sessions. • * Have good attendance.
Exit Criteria Pre-AP and High School Credit Courses The following criteria are in effect: • If a student fails any class during any six weeks grading period, he/she will be placed on academic probation automatically for three weeks. The student must pass all subsequent six weeks grading periods, or the student will be transferred to a regular program course. The parent will be notified at the progress report period (3 weeks) of the students’ status. • Any two failing gradesduring the academic year or a semester average below 65 will result in an automatic transfer to a regular program course.
LANGUAGE ARTS(English/Literature)(102 minute block) REGULAR This course is designed to further develop language, reading comprehension and writing skills and strategies. Through a variety of genre, emphasis on vocabulary development and the writing process will be an ongoing component of the program. Students will develop research skills and techniques. Strong attention will be given to literacy appreciation by analyzing literary elements and devices in all types of prose and poetry. Students will further develop writing fluency by writing for a variety of audiences and purposes with strong attention to elaboration and revision techniques in the writing process. PRE-AP This course is designed to enrich and accelerate the required curriculum for the motivated students. In addition to the content of required classes, there will be an emphasis on further development of critical reading comprehension skills and strategies. Students will focus on writing fluency, form and correctness for a variety of audiences and purposes. Strong attention will be given to writing as a recursive process, sophisticated elaboration, and revision techniques. Focus will include SAT vocabulary development, research skills, and critical reading skills. Strong attention will be given to analyzing literary elements and sophisticated devices in a variety of genre. *All English/Language Arts teachers are ESL certified/endorsed. ESL students are mainstreamed into regular classes. *All Pre-AP teachers meet TEA/Gifted and Talented training requirements. G/T students are mainstreamed into Pre-AP classes.
MATH (102minute block) 7TH MATH This course is recommended prior to taking Pre-Algebra . The students shall use skills associated with understanding numbers, basic problem solving with whole numbers, fractions and decimals, proportions, probability, and area of two-dimensional geometric figures. Students are introduced to percentages and algebraic equations. This course is considered a 7th grade on level course or advanced placement for 6th grade students. 7TH MATH PRE-AP This course is recommended prior to taking Pre-Algebra . The students shall use skills associated with understanding numbers, basic problem solving with whole numbers, fractions and decimals, proportions, probability, and area of two-dimensional geometric figures. Students are introduced to percentages and algebraic equations. This course is offered to any student who does not meet all 3 criteria for acceleration. PRE-ALGEBRA This course is a pre-requisite for taking Algebra I. The students shall use skills associated with understanding numbers, proportions, probability, percentages, equations, geometric figures, and graphing. This course is considered to be grade level 8th grade or advanced placement for 7th grade students. Students that are not currently enrolled in 7th grade Math may qualify for this course if they meet ALL of the following criteria: (1) Advanced Performance on 6th grade STAAR Math, (2) An “A” average for their current math class, and (3) Score an 84 or higher on the district approved Math Placement Exam.
INTEGRATED SCIENCE The study of science in the 7th grade includes the following objectives. The students will be able to recognize the changing and increasing body of knowledge in science. The students will conduct field and laboratory investigations using scientific methods as well as critical thinking and problem solving techniques. The students will identify gravity and phases of the moon as components of the solar system and explore the effects of events such as hurricanes on the Earth. The students will also use various methods to understand the relationship between force and motion. The students will able to distinguish between kinetic and potential energy. The student will also identify the process of photosynthesis. They will able to investigate the natural world and all of its wonders. The students will able to relate the concept of the process in the human organism such as the movement of blood. 7TH GRADE PRE-AP INTEGRATED SCIENCE In addition to the above, Pre-AP students will be given opportunities to further analyze, explore and question scientific theories. They will be expected to give presentations, research projects (cell model, DNA model, rocket racer cars, paper rockets), and write essays and other activities of a higher cognitive level beyond that expected of students in Junior High.
SOCIAL STUDIES 7TH GRADE TEXAS STUDIES • Texas Studies provides a comprehensive course in Texas geography, government and economics, and history from prehistoric cultures in Texas to Twentieth Century Texas. Utilizing primary and secondary sources to analyze, organize and interpret information, students will work toward the goals stated in the “Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Social Studies.” Students will be introduced to significant individuals, significant events and important dates in Texas History. The Texas Constitution and the structure of Texas government, the cultural heritage of Texas, and the urbanization of Texas are among those topics covered. 7TH GRADE TEXAS STUDIES PRE-AP • Pre-AP Texas Studies is offered for those students who want to prepare for high school AP (Advanced Placement) classes. Students choosing Pre-AP classes should be strong writers and readers. These classes emphasize the development of advanced skills and encourage students to strive for academic excellence. Pre-AP strategies will include introducing skills necessary to prepare students for success in high school AP classes. These strategies may include researching and completing independent projects, concentration on extensive vocabulary development, interviewing skills, higher level thinking skills, interpreting historical documents, oral presentations, use of the internet for research purposes etc.
ATHLETICS GIRL’S ATHLETICS – 7TH GRADE This course is designed to utilize the development of athletic skills needed for competitive UIL volleyball, basketball, and track. Students selected from this class form the teams that will compete against other schools in UIL volleyball, basketball, and track. Those not selected will be in an off-season training for another sport. Students in this class will be required to practice before and/or after school, pass all classes with a minimum grade of 70, maintain good conduct grades and have a desire to participate in high school athletics. (Soccer and Cross Country) BOY’S ATHLETICS – 7TH GRADE This course is designed to develop the skills needed for competitive football, basketball and track. Students selected from this class form the teams that will compete against other schools in UIL football, basketball, and track. Those not selected will participate in an off-season training program for another sport. Students in this class will be required to practice before and after school, pass all classes with a minimum grade of 70, maintain good conduct grades and progress a desire to participate in high school athletics. (Soccer and Cross Country) TENNIS – 7TH GRADE Male and female students practice basic tennis skills, compete and prepare for the high school tennis team. Approval of coach is required. Tryouts will be required. Athletic Sports in 7th and 8th grade BOYSGIRLS 8th/7th Red Football (no limit) 8th/7th Red Volleyball (15 players) 8th/7th White Football (no limit) 8th/7th White Volleyball (20 players) 8th/7th Red Basketball (15 players) 8th/7th Red Basketball (15 players) 8th/7th White Basketball (20 players) 8th/7th White Basketball (20 players) 8th/7th Track and Field (35/35 runners) 8th/7th Track and Field (35/35 runners) 8th/7th Soccer (25/25 players) 8th/7th Soccer (25/25 players) 8th/7th Cross Country (20/20 runners) 8th/7th Cross Country (20/20 runners)
PHYSICAL EDUCATION PHYSICAL EDUCATION The Physical Education Department follows a curriculum that consists of three weeks of physical education and three weeks of health. Each six weeks has a different theme that is integrated from the physical education class into the health class. For example, this six weeks our theme is risk factors and personal fitness, and for P.E. we are concentrating on basketball and tetherball, two lifetime sports that can be played at any age. We make sure that all students stretch out well before any physical activity to avoid injury. After they are taught the proper technique and form of the class period. Students are graded on participation as well as behavior and uniform. The health class covers three weeks and consists of a chapter related to the sports or activities we are performing in P.E. Health classes also consist of audio and video aids as well as guest speakers and even a field trip. Grades for health include assignments, projects and tests.
Fine Arts Junior High Bands – Cadet, Concert, Symphonic, Honors The Sharyland North Junior High School Band program is designed to promote and encourage students with a desire to learn and enjoy music. This is done through a quality instructional and extracurricular experience. The “Band Experience” enriches students’ lives in many ways, and often for years to come after high school graduations. Their self-discipline, social and communication skills, self-concepts, cooperative talents and creative minds will all be nurtured through their study of music. Students need to be placed in the appropriate class as per band staff recommendation. CHOIR – 7TH & 8Th Grade (Girls/Boys) Basic music theory and basic sight-reading skills are taught. Also, much time is spent preparing for musical concepts. Competitions are available in October (solo/ensemble), March (concert/sight reading)and April (all-district choir).
Film Production Film Production will introduce students to the pre-production, production, & post-production phases of the filmmaking process. Students will receive a "hands-on" experience with all three phases via the weekly production of The Diamondback News (which airs on the school website), as well as by creating music videos and short films. Media Production/Photography • Photography and Video Production is a course that focuses on visual media arts. Major topics to be covered in the photography section include basic and advanced operation of a digital camera, composition techniques, flash photography, and photo editing. Major topics to be covered in the video production section include the basic skills of camera recording, researching and writing scripts, production of a film using a variety of software and tools which also include use of animations, music editing, and capturing pre-recorded video.
Theatre Arts Production Theatre Arts Production is offered to students who participate in the One Act Play tryout competition and are chosen to perform in the following year’s production. Students will also be working with lighting, sound and costumes.
Piano II Piano II is a continuation of Piano I. All students will play a variety of music from classical to contemporary music. Students learn how to sight-read piano music and develop their piano technique through exercises and solo pieces. Students have the opportunity to record their solo and create their own cd as a class. This course is a full year class. **Prerequisite, students must pass Piano I class.
Theatre Arts I This class will provide opportunities for students to get to know themselves with others, take safe risks, actively participate in activities and projects, all of which will help them to respond to the world around them with increased energy and sensitivity. The student will develop team spirit and ensemble skills through class activities. The students will learn to have respect for themselves and others. Activities will promote learning in the areas of basic acting, artistic discipline, imagination, voice control, theatre etiquette, memory, listening, terminology, history of theatre, theatre appreciation, and interpretation of literature. The skills learned in this class can be applied to other experiences and situations in daily life.
ART I The students will develop an awareness and sensitivity to natural and man-made environments, work with inventive and imaginative expression through art materials and tools, develop an understanding and appreciation of self and others through art culture and heritage.
Computer Courses Computer I (Computer Literacy) (7th Grade) *BEGINNER -Recommended for grade 7, one semester -No prerequisite -Basic computer literacy and keyboarding, basic introduction to word processing, paint and draw, spreadsheets, databases, desktop publishing, electronic presentation, e-mail, the Internet, web pages, computer history and societal impact. ______________________________________________________ KEYBOARDING -Basic keyboarding skills will be taught. Student will learn how to type without looking at the keyboard. They will be working on typing lessons.
Health • The Health class is designed to present a comprehensive view of health as it relates to physical, mental, emotional, and social well being. This program’s goal is to teach students the necessary knowledge to make healthy lifestyle decisions.
Teen Leadership • This comprehensive course provides opportunities for students to grow in character and vision. It will prepare them for challenges of leadership such as personal, relational, and leadership skills. This course prepares students in making first impressions, presenting ideas, thinking independently, working with difficult people, and pursuing personal excellence to face adversity.
Piano I Each student playing from the first lesson will be introduced to original music in contemporary, rock 'n roll, jazz, classical, country and pop styles. They will use CD recordings and MIDI files to develop the students' listening skills and accelerate their learning. Students will gain an ensemble experience that allows them the enjoyment found in making music with others. This course encourages playing 'of the page' through realizing chord charts and experimenting with improvisation.
Career Exploration The student will choose an educational path or training or a job which fits their interests, skills and abilities. They will be using a career program that will guide them through different career paths that will help them in the future.
Important Information • Incoming 7th grade Acceleration Test will be given at Administration (Skip Pre- Algebra) • Must fulfill the following criteria: • 84 or higher on Placement Test • 90 overall average from 1st through 5th grading periods in Math • Advanced performance in STAAR Math