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How to Treat Nasal Congestion and Sinus Pressure at Home

When you have a cold or allergies, the membranes lining your nasal passages get inflamed and irritated. Get the best solution and treatment for all your issues related to Ear, Nose and Throat by consulting the top ear nose and throat doctor in Los Angeles. Visit - www.calwestent.com or call us @(818) 349-0600 directly.

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How to Treat Nasal Congestion and Sinus Pressure at Home

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  1. CALWEST HEAD & NECK SURGICAL INSTITUTE How to Treat Nasal Congestion and Sinus Pressure at Home

  2. Many times we hear about nasal congestion and sinus pressure

  3. TheWHO Definition They have many causes like cold, flu, and allergies.

  4. When you have a cold or allergies, the membranes lining your nasal passages get inflamed and irritated.

  5. Drying out the membranes will irritate them further. • When you’re stuffed up, try to keep your nasal passages and sinuses moist. Home Treatment

  6. # Use a humidifier or vaporizer.Drink lots of fluids to thin out the mucus. # Take long showers or breathe in steam from a pot of lukewarm water. # Use a nasal saline spray.Prop yourself up. # Keep a warm, wet towel on the face. # Try a Neti pot, nasal irrigator, or bulb syringe. # Stay away from chlorinated pools. To keep the nasal passages moist, you should - 

  7. Conclusion After all, you should blow your nose gently. Whatever you do but wash your hands afterward. In the end one suggestion is made – In case of any criticality in ear, nose and throat (ENT), you must visit a popular ENT specialist.

  8. TalktoUs MailingAddress 18350 Roscoe Boulevard Suite 318, Northridge, CA, 91325 PhoneNumber (818) 349-0600 Website Address www.calwestent.com

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