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m-Learning for National Census Enumerators in Poland

Example of lifelong learning tailored to individual needs through a mobile application, offering training courses and quizzes for census workers. The system allowed independent skill updating and course management. Different course types and elements were offered, including thematic, weekly, social, multimedia, and interactive features.

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m-Learning for National Census Enumerators in Poland

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  1. m-LEARNING COURSESUSED IN THE NATIONAL POPULATION ANDHOUSINGCENSUS2011 … example of lifelong learning, tailored to an individual time organization model employed by census enumerators, and to their information needs, as well as in the context of training courses conducted as part of supplementary recruitment of enumerators The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  2. m-LEARNING- THE MAIN ASSUMPTIONS applicationwhichallowed for thecreation, sharing and conductingcourses for enumerators and leaders Themaintask of theapplication was to enableindependent updating of skills to those involved in census work Itgave a posssibility for trainingthrough tests, quizzes and training materials Usedduringthefollow-uprecruitment of censusenumerators The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  3. Materials, templates, researches, courses Filling in quizzes, studies, surveys CONSTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEM The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  4. SELECTED ELEMENTS OF THE COURSE CONSISTED OF THREE PARTS Introduction Quiz Results The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  5. COURSE MANAGEMENT Differentiatingbetweenthe trainingcourses The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  6. m-LEARNING (course) Types of courses Types of elements • Thematic • Weekly • Social • SCORM • Forum • Chat • Document DOC, PDF, HTML • Audio • Video • Scorm • Glossary The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  7. COURSE MANAGEMENT Weekly type organized according to strictly specified weekly sections along with the date of commencement and termination of the course. The given section was visible for the course participant in a specified term. appropriate TASKS, which the participant should perform, were ascribed To every section . The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  8. COURSE MANAGEMENT topical type organized according to strictly specified topical sections. appropriate TASKS, which the participant should perform, were ascribed To every section. The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  9. COURSE MANAGEMENT topical type organized according to strictly specified topical sections. appropriate TASKS, which the participant should perform, were ascribed To every section. The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  10. COURSE MANAGEMENT social type organized as forum with a specific topical –orientation. On subpages separate threads were located where course participants and the trainers had the possibility to conduct the discussion on a given topic. The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  11. Login to the system The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  12. m-LEARNING (course) The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  13. AUTHORIZATION Roles in the system: • Administrator • Leader - Guardian (group rights) - Technical supervision (group rights) - Participant The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  14. AUTHORIZATION mLearning System was based on the functionalities which included: • Access via the mobile application to materials, training courses and quizzes defined on the basis of plans • Access to the list of all training courses transferred to a given participant. The list featured all training courses transferred to the course participant with characteristic graphic marking of the items downloaded onto the device, new (downloaded) items • Possibility to search and sort out transferred training courses available on the hand held terminal according to (among other criteria) the date of transfer, author of the course (leader), category of the course and status (new, downloaded) The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  15. AUTHORIZATION • Possibility to use characteristic marking (graphic) in the mobile application of tasks on the list according to type (e.g. quiz, folder with files), progress status (not finished/ started / performed) • Possibility to view the content of the course’s tasks • Possibility to view the „terms dictionary”, where the user of the mobile application had the possibility to browse particular terms useful with regard to the topic of the training course • Possibility to access the quiz in which the user of the mobile application entered answers to the defined questions. The training course participant depending on the definition of the task had specified time of performing it, number of attempts to pass the quiz, time between consecutive attempts to pass the quiz The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  16. AUTHORIZATION • Possibility to access the results by particular participant of the training course. Mobile application made it possible to browse particular tasks and the obtained results within one task or selected training course • Management platform where tools for creating/modifying training courses were made available to participants (using the mobile application) •  Creating a training course using, inter alia, a defined template of the course. Process of creating a training course consisted of the following stages: introduction of fundamental information regarding the training course, setting the tasks of the training course and transferring the training course to selected participants (to the mobile terminals) The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  17. AUTHORIZATION • Transferring the courses in the system to participants of the training courses. Participants were divided into specific training groups for purposes of later verification of the progress of individual and group work • Enabling training participants access to training courses via the mobile application. After the login to the mobile application the participant was informed on the transferred new course and the possibility to download it to the mobile device • Searching and sorting the transferred training courses according to the date of transfer, author of the course (trainer), category of the course and status (new/requiring updates/not downloaded/downloaded) The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  18. AUTHORIZATION • Ensuring stable updates of the list of available training courses for specific users of mobile applications. When new training course was made available, the status update signal informing on such an event (optionally turning the communication on/off) was displayed in the mobile application • Providing the function that reminds the user of the upcoming events including the upcoming time for a chat-discussion in which the participant of the discussion should take part The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  19. AUTHORIZATION • Introduction of entries to the discussion (created by the trainer and other participants of the course) and creating new discussions on the Form. Participant of the course had the possibility to add an attachment to every introduced entry • Possibility to access „voice” tasks, where the participant had the possibility to link one of the answers to the asked question. The task had a time limitation (access only in the time allowed by the trainer) and a specific manner of publishing results to the course participants (for example the publication of results only in the group to which the participant belonged to) The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  20. AUTHORIZATION • Possibility to grant users access to the task „chat” in the mobile application within time planned by the trainer conducting the training course • Ensuring the functioning / analysis reporting of the progress of the training course. The overview of the training course – number of the tasks performed and the time of performing the tasks was available for the selected (one) participant of the course/ selected group of participants / all participants of a given training course • Introduction of the manner of evaluating participants. This functionality made it possible to control the progress of work performed by the participants – their results regarding particular tasks as well as the overall results (averages) of created participant groups in the course The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  21. A DIRECTION … Access to the materials inany place Further training in any place Further training at any time The Central Statistical Office in Poland

  22. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION The Central Statistical Office in Poland

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