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This presentation covers the significant changes in the IRC, IMC, and IFGC mechanical codes for 2015. It includes a breakdown of each chapter, illustrations, modifications, and amendments. Topics covered include dryer exhaust ducts, makeup air for range hoods, duct installation and length, and return air systems.
Welcome to the 2015 significant changes in mechanical for the IRC, IMC, and IFGC Presented by The City of Sheridan-Kevin Bare
Additional info: http://codes.iccsafe.org/I-Codes.html www.sheridanwy.net My contact information: kbare@sheridan wy.net 307-674-5941
Presentation Breakdown • IRC, IRC- IFGC, IFGC, & IMC • Table of contents for each chapter • Illustrations • Modifications • Strike outs show omissions • Underlines are additions • Not relocations • Amendments
Table of contents IRC M1502.4.4, M1502.4.5 Dryer Exhaust Duct Power Ventilators M1502.4.6 Dryer Duct Length Identification M1503.4 Makeup Air for Range Hoods M1506.2 Exhaust Duct Length M1601.1.1, TABLE M1601.1.1, M1601.2 Above-Ground Duct Systems M1601.4 Duct Installation M1602 Return Air
M1502.4.4, M1502.4.5 Dryer duct power ventilators CHANGE TYPE: Addition Change: Previous editions of the code did not recognize dryer exhaust duct power ventilators (DEDPVs) as an option for clothes dryer installations. Dryer Exhaust Duct Power Ventilators (DEDPV’s) have a revised listing of UL705.
M1502.4.6 Dryer Exhaust Duct Length • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • 2015 CODE: M1502.4.5 M1502.4.6 Length Identification. Where the exhaust duct equivalent length exceeds 35 feet (10 668 mm) is concealed within the building construction, the equivalent length of the exhaust duct shall be identified on a permanent label or tag. The label or tag shall be located within 6 feet (1829 mm) of the exhaust duct connection.
M1505.3 Makeup Air for Range Hoods • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • 2015 CODE: M1503.4 Makeup Air Required. Exhaust hood systems capable of exhausting in excess of 400 cubic feet per minute (0.19 m 3/s) shall be mechanically or naturally provided with makeup air at a rate approximately equal to the exhaust air rate. Such makeup air systems shall be equipped with a means of closure and shall be automatically controlled to start and operate simultaneously with the exhaust system not less than one damper. Each damper shall be a gravity damper or an electrically operated damper that automatically opens when the exhaust system operates. Dampers shall be accessible for inspection, service, repair and replacement without removing permanent construction or any other ducts not connected to the damper being inspected, serviced, repaired or replaced. Continued on next page
M1506.2 Exhaust Duct Length • CHANGE TYPE: Addition • M1506.2. Duct Length. The length of exhaust and supply ducts used with ventilating equipment shall not exceed the lengths determined in accordance with Table M1506.2. • Exception: Duct length shall not be limited where the duct system complies with the manufacturer’s design criteria or where the flow rate of the installed ventilating equipment is verified by the installer or approved third party using a flow hood, flow grid or other airflow measuring device. Continued on next page
M1601.1.1, Table M16.1.1.1, & M16.1.2 • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • 2015 CODE: M1601.1.1 Above-Ground Duct Systems. Aboveground duct systems shall conform to the following: 1. Equipment connected to duct systems shall be designed to limit discharge air temperature to a maximum ofnot greater than 250°F (121°C). 2. Factory-made air ducts shall be constructed of Class 0 or Class 1 materials as designated in Table M1601.1.1(1). listed and labeled in accordance with UL 181 and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. 3. Fibrous glass duct construction shall conform to the SMACNA Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards or NAIMA Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards. 4. Field-fabricated and shop-fabricated metal and flexible duct constructions shall conform to the SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible except as allowed by Minimum thicknesses of metal duct material shall be as listed in Table M1601.1.1(2) M1601.1.1. Galvanized steel shall conform to ASTM A 653. Metallic ducts shall be fabricated in accordance with SMACNA Duct Construction Standards Metal and Flexible. 5. The use of gypsum products to construct return air ducts or plenums is permitted, provided that the air temperature does not exceed 125°F (52°C) and exposed surfaces are not subject to condensation. Continued on next page
M1601.4 Duct Installation • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • 2015 CODE: M1601.4 Installation. Duct installation shall comply with Sections M1601.4.1 through M1601.4.910. • Changes include: • UL Listing 181 for tapes and sealants • Crimped joints not less than 1 inch • Factory made duct listed by UL 181 shall be supported per SMACNA or NAIMA
M1602 Return Air • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • M1602.2 Return Air Openings. Return air openings for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems shall comply with all of the following: • 1. Openings shall not be located less than 10 feet (3048 mm) measured in any direction from an open combustion chamber or draft hood of another appliance located in the same room or space. • 2. The amount of return air taken from any room or space shall be not greater than the flow rate of supply air delivered to such room or space. • 3. Return and transfer openings shall be sized in accordance with the appliance or equipment manufacturers’ installation instructions, Manual D or the design of the registered design professional. • 4. Return air shall not be taken from a closet, bathroom, toilet room, kitchen, garage, mechanical room, boiler room, furnace room or unconditioned attic. Exceptions: • 1. Taking return air from a kitchen is not prohibited where such return air openings serve the kitchen only, and are located not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) from the cooking appliances. • 2. Dedicated forced-air systems serving only a the garage shall not be prohibited from obtaining return air from the garage. • 3. Taking return air from an unconditioned crawl space shall not be accomplished through a direct connection to the return side of a forced-air furnace. Transfer openings in the crawl space enclosure shall not be prohibited. • 4. Return air from one dwelling unit shall not be discharged into another dwelling unit.
Proposed amendment to IRC (Mechanical-Fuel Gas) 7-2.2 Technical Codes Adopted (B)(1) (H) Section M1503.4 shall be changed to allow for short circuiting of kitchen hoods, >400 CFM, with the use of interlocked makeup air dampers.
IFGC – IRC 2015 Table of Contents • G2421.2 Medium-Pressure Regulators • G2422.1 Connecting Portable and Movable Appliances • G2426.7.1 Door Clearance to Vent Terminals • G2427.4.1, G2427.6.8.3 Plastic Piping for Appliance Vents • G2427.8 Venting System Termination Location • G2439.4, G2439.7 Clothes Dryer Exhaust Ducts • G2447.2 Prohibited Location of Commercial Cooking Appliances Table of contents G2404.11 Condensate Pumps G2411.1.1 Electrical Bonding of Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing G2413.2 Maximum Gas Demand G2414.6 Plastic Pipe, Tubing and Fittings G2415.5 Fittings in Concealed Locations G2415.7 Protection of Concealed Piping Against Physical Damage
G2404.11 Condensate Pumps • CHANGE TYPE: Addition • 2015 CODE: G2404.11 (307.6) Condensate Pumps. Condensate pumps located in uninhabitable spaces, such as attics and crawl spaces, shall be connected to the appliance or equipment served such that when the pump fails, the appliance or equipment will be prevented from operating. Pumps shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
G2411.1.1 Electrical Bonding of Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • 2015 CODE: G2411.1.1 (310.1.1) CSST. Corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) gas piping systems and piping systems containing one or more segments of CSST shall be bonded to the electrical service grounding electrode system or, where provided, the lightning protection electrode system. The bonding jumper shall connect to a metallic pipe or fitting between the point of delivery and the first downstream CSST fitting. The bonding jumper shall be not smaller than 6 AWG copper wire or equivalent. Gas piping systems that contain one or more segments of CSST shall be bonded in accordance with this section. Continued on next page
G2411.1.1 Electrical Bonding of Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing • G2411.1.1.1 (310.1.1.1) Point of Connection. The bonding jumper shall connect to a metallic pipe, pipe fitting or CSST fitting. • G2411.1.1.2 (310.1.1.2) Size and Material of Jumper. The bonding jumper shall be not smaller than 6 AWG copper wire or equivalent. • G2411.1.1.3 (310.1.1.3) Bonding Jumper Length. The length of the bonding jumper between the connection to a gas piping system and the connection to a grounding electrode system shall not exceed 75 feet (22 860 mm). Any additional grounding electrodes used shall be bonded to the electrical service grounding electrode system or, where provided, the lightning protection grounding electrode system. • G2411.1.1.4 (310.1.1.4) Bonding Connections. Bonding connections shall be in accordance with NFPA 70. • G2411.1.1.5 (310.1.1.5) Connection Devices. Devices used for making the bonding connections shall be listed for the application in accordance with UL 467.
G2413.2 Maximum Gas Demand • 2015 CODE G2413.2 (402.2) Maximum Gas Demand. The volumetric flow rate of gas to be provided, in cubic feet per hour, shall be the sum of the maximum inputcalculated using the manufacturer’s input ratings of the appliances served adjusted for altitude. Where an input rating is not indicated, the gas supplier, appliance manufacturer or a qualified agency shall be contacted, or the rating from Table 402.2 shall be used for estimating the volumetric flow rate of gas to be supplied. The total connected hourly load shall be used as the basis for pipe sizing, assuming that all appliances could be operating at full capacity simultaneously. Where a diversity of load can be established, pipe sizing shall be permitted to be based on such loads. The volumetric flow rate of gas to be provided shall be adjusted for altitude where the installation is above 2,000 feet (610 m) in elevation. • CHANGE TYPE: Modification
G2414.6 Plastic Pipe, Tubing, & Fittings • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • 2015 CODE: G2414.6 (403.6) Plastic Pipe, Tubing and Fittings. Polyethylene plastic pipe, tubing and fittings used to supply fuel gas shall conform to ASTM D 2513. Such pipe shall be marked “Gas” and “ASTM D 2513.” Plastic pipe, tubing and fittings, other than polyethylene, shall be identified and conform to the 2008 edition of ASTM D 2513. Such pipe shall be marked “Gas” and “ASTM D 2513.” Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) plastic pipe, tubing and fittings shall not be used to supply fuel gas.
G2415.5 Fittings in Concealed Locations • CHANGE TYPE: Clarification • 2015 CODE: G2415.5 (404.5) Fittings Piping in Concealed Locations. Portions of a pipingFittings installed in concealed locations shall not have unions, tubing fittings, right and left couplings, bushings, compression couplings and swing joints made by combinations of fittings be limited to the following types: • 1. Threaded elbows, tees and couplings • 2. Brazed fittings • 3. Welded fittings • 4. Fittings listed to ANSI LC-1/CSA 6.26 or ANSI LC-4. Exceptions: 1. Tubing joined by brazing. 2. Fittings listed for use in concealed locations.
G2415.7 Protection of Concealed Piping Against Physical Damage • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • G2415.7 (404.7) Protection Against Physical Damage. In concealed locations, where piping other than black or galvanized steel is installed through holes or notches in wood studs, joists, rafters or similar members less than 1 1/2 inches (38 mm) from the nearest edge of the member, the pipe shall be protected by shield plates. Protective steel shield plates having a minimum thickness of 0.0575 inch (1.463 mm) (No. 16 gage) shall cover the area of the pipe where the member is notched or bored and shall extend a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) above sole plates, below top plates and to each side of a stud, joist or rafter. Where piping will be concealed within light-frame construction assemblies, the piping shall be protected against penetration by fasteners in accordance with Sections G2415.7.1 through G2415.7.3. • Exception: Black steel piping and galvanized steel piping shall not be required to be protected. Continued on next page
G2415.7 Protection of Concealed Piping Against Physical Damage • G2415.7.1 (404.7.1) Piping Through Bored Holes or Notches. Where piping is installed through holes or notches in framing members and the piping is located less than 1½ inches (38 mm) from the framing member face to which wall, ceiling or floor membranes will be attached, the pipe shall be protected by shield plates that cover the width of the pipe and the framing member and that extend not less than 4 inches (51 mm) to each side of the framing member. Where the framing member that the piping passes through is a bottom plate, bottom track, top plate or top track, the shield plates shall cover the framing member and extend not less than 4 inches (51 mm) above the bottom framing member and not less than 4 inches (51 mm) below the top framing member. • G2415.7.2 (404.7.2) Piping Installed in Other Locations. Where the piping is located within a framing member and is less than 1½ inches (38 mm) from the framing member face to which wall, ceiling or floor membranes will be attached, the piping shall be protected by shield plates that cover the width and length of the piping. Where the piping is located outside of a framing member and is located less than 1½ inches (38 mm) from the nearest edge of the face of the framing member to which the membrane will be attached, the piping shall be protected by shield plates that cover the width and length of the piping • G2415.7.3 (404.7.3) Shield Plates. Shield plates shall be of steel material having a thickness of not less than 0.0575 inch (1.463 mm) (No. 16 gage). Continued on next page
G2421.2 Medium-Pressure Regulators • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • G2421.2 (410.2) MP Regulators. MP pressure regulators shall comply with the following: • 1. The MP regulator shall be approved and shall be suitable for the inlet and outlet gas pressures for the application. • 2. The MP regulator shall maintain a reduced outlet pressure under lockup (no-flow) conditions. • 3. The capacity of the MP regulator, determined by published ratings of its manufacturer, shall be adequate to supply the appliances served. • 4. The MP pressure regulator shall be provided with access. Where located indoors, the regulator shall be vented to the outdoors or shall be equipped with a leak-limiting device, in either case complying with Section G2421.3. • 5. A tee fitting with one opening capped or plugged shall be installed between the MP regulator and its upstream shutoff valve. Such tee fitting shall be positioned to allow connection of a pressure-measuring instrument and to serve as a sediment trap. • 6. A tee fitting with one opening capped or plugged shall be installed not less than 10 pipe diameters downstream of the MP regulator outlet. Such tee fitting shall be positioned to allow connection of a pressure-measuring instrument. • 7. Where connected to rigid piping, a union shall be installed within 1 foot (304 mm) of either side of the MP regulator.
G2422.1 Connecting Portable and Movable Appliances • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • G2422.1 (411.1) Connecting Appliances. Appliances shall be connected to the piping system by one of the following: • 1. Rigid metallic pipe and fittings. • 2. Corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) where installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. • 3. Listed and labeled appliance connectors in compliance with ANSI Z21.24 and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and located entirely in the same room as the appliance. • 4. Listed and labeled quick-disconnect devices used in conjunction with listed and labeled appliance connectors. • 5. Listed and labeled convenience outlets used in conjunction with listed and labeled appliance connectors. • 6. Listed and labeled outdoor appliance connectors in compliance with ANSI Z21.75/CSA 6.27 and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. • 7. Listed outdoor gas hose connectors in compliance with ANSI Z21.54 used to connect portable outdoor appliances. The gas hose connection shall be made only in the outdoor area where the appliance is to be used, and shall be to the gas piping supply at an appliance shutoff valve, a listed quick-disconnect device, or listed gas convenience outlet.
G2426.7.1 Door Clearance to Vent Terminals • CHANGE TYPE: Addition • G2426.7.1 (502.7.1) Door Swing. Appliance and equipment vent terminals shall be located such that doors cannot swing within 12 inches (305 mm) horizontally of the vent terminal. Door stops or closers shall not be installed to obtain this clearance.
G2427.4.1, G2427.6.8.3 Plastic Piping for Appliance Vents • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • G2427.4.1 (503.4.1) Plastic Piping. Plastic piping used for venting appliances listed for use with such venting materials shall be approved. Where plastic piping is used to vent an appliance, the appliance shall be listed for use with such venting materials and the appliance manufacturer’s installation instructions shall identify the specific plastic piping material. • G2427.6.8.3 (503.6.9.3) Category II, III and IV Appliances. The sizing of gas vents for Category II, III and IV appliances shall be in accordance with the appliance manufacturer’s instructions. The sizing of plastic pipe that is specified by the appliance manufacturer as a venting material for Category II, III and IV appliances, shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
G2427.8 Venting System Termination Location • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • G2427.8 (503.8) Venting System Termination Location. • The location of venting system terminations shall comply with the following (see Appendix C): • 1. A mechanical draft venting system shall terminate at least not less than 3 feet (914 mm) above any forced-air inlet located within 10 feet (3048 mm). Exceptions: • 1. This provision shall not apply to the combustion air intake of a direct-vent appliance. • 2. This provision shall not apply to the separation of the integral outdoor air inlet and flue gas discharge of listed outdoor appliances. • 2. A mechanical draft venting system, excluding direct-vent appliances, shall terminate at least not less than 4 feet (1219 mm) below, 4 feet (1219 mm) horizontally from, or 1 foot (305 mm) above any door, operable window, or gravity air inlet into any building. The bottom of the vent terminal shall be located at least not less than 12 inches (305 mm) above finished ground level. • 3. The vent terminal of a direct-vent appliance with an input of 10,000 Btu per hour (3 kW) or less shall be located at least not less than 6 inches (152 mm) from any air opening into a building. • Such an appliance with an input over 10,000 Btu per hour (3 kW) but not over 50,000 Btu per hour (14.7 kW) shall be installed with a 9-inch (230 mm) vent termination clearance, and an appliance with an input over 50,000 Btu per hour (14.7 kW) shall have at least not less than a 12-inch (305 mm) vent termination clearance. The bottom of the vent terminal and the air intake shall be located at least not less than 12 inches (305 mm) above finished ground level. • 4. Through-the-wall vents for Category II and IV appliances and no categorized condensing appliances shall not terminate over public walkways or over an area where condensate or vapor could create a nuisance or hazard or could be detrimental to the operation of regulators, relief valves or other equipment. Where local experience indicates that condensate is a problem with Category I and III appliances, this provision shall also apply. Drains for condensate shall be installed in accordance with the appliance and vent manufacturers’ instructions. • 5. Vent systems for Category IV appliances that terminate through an outside wall of a building and discharge flue gases perpendicular to • the adjacent wall shall be located not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) horizontally from an operable opening in an adjacent building. This requirement shall not apply to vent terminals that are 2 feet (607 mm) or more above or 25 feet (7620 mm) or more below operable openings.
G2439.4, G2439.7 Clothes Dryer Exhaust Ducts • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • G2439.5.2 (614.6.2) G2439.7.2 (614.8.2) Duct Installation. Exhaust ducts shall be supported at 4-foot (1219 mm) intervals and secured in place. The insert end of the duct shall extend into the adjoining duct or fitting in the direction of airflow. Ducts shall not be joined with screws or similar fasteners that protrude more than one-eight inch (3.2 mm) into the inside of the duct.
G2447.2 Prohibited Location of Commercial Cooking Appliances • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • G2447.2 (623.2) Prohibited Location. Cooking appliances designed, tested, listed and labeled for use in commercial occupancies shall not be installed within dwelling units or within any area where domestic cooking operations occur. Exception: Appliances that are also listed as domestic cooking appliances.
Proposed Amendments to IRC (Mechanical-Fuel Gas) 7-2.2 Technical Codes Adopted (B)(1) (I) Section G2404.11 shall be omitted to not allow for water shutoff devices on fuel burning appliances. (J) Section G2527 shall be omitted to say: Venting and combustion air piping for high efficiency fuel burning appliances shall be solid, schedule 40 PVC, unless prohibited by the manufacture. Where primer required, it shall be non-contrasting. (K) Section G2439.7.2 shall be amended to prohibit the use of mechanical fasteners in dryer ducts.
*410.2 • Medium-Pressure Regulators • *411.1 • Connecting Portable Outdoor Appliances • 411.1.1 • Connectors for Commercial Cooking Appliances • *502.7.1 • Door Clearance to Vent Terminals • *503.4.1 • Plastic Piping for Appliance Vents • *503.6.9.3 • Sizing of Plastic Pipe Vents • *503.8 • Venting System Termination Location • *614.5 • Dryer Exhaust Duct Power Ventilators • *623.2 • Prohibited Location of Commercial • Cooking Appliances 2015 - IFGC table of Contents 304.1 Combustion Air for Appliances with Power Burners *307.6 Condensate Pumps *310.1.1 Electrical Bonding of Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing *402.2 Maximum Gas Demand for Pipe Sizing *403.6 Plastic Pipe, Tubing and Fittings 403.10.4 Drilled and Tapped Metallic Pipe Fittings *404.5 Fittings in Concealed Locations *404.7 Protection of Concealed Piping against Physical Damage 404.18 Pipe Cleaning Items marked with “*” are for reference and have been discussed earlier.
304.1 Combustion Air for Appliances with Power Burners • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • 304.1 General. Air for combustion, ventilation and dilution of flue gases for appliances installed in buildings shall be provided by application of one of the methods prescribed in Sections 304.5 through • 304.9. Where the requirements of Section 304.5 are not met, outdoor air shall be introduced in accordance with one of the methods prescribed in • Sections 304.6 through 304.9. Direct-vent appliances, gas appliances of other than natural draft design, and vented gas appliances not designated as other than Category I and appliances equipped with power burners shall be provided with combustion, ventilation and dilution air in accordance with the appliance manufacturer’s instructions. • Exception: Type 1 clothes dryers that are provided with makeup air in accordance with Section 614.5.
403.10.4 Drilled and Tapped Metallic Pipe Fittings • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • 403.10.4 Metallic Fittings. Metallic fittings shall comply with the following: • 1. Threaded fittings in sizes larger than 4 inches (102 mm) shall not be used except where approved. • 2. Fittings used with steel or wrought-iron pipe shall be steel, copper alloy, malleable iron or cast iron. • 3. Fittings used with copper or copper alloy pipe shall be copper, or copper alloy. • 4. Fittings used with aluminum-alloy pipe shall be of aluminum alloy. • 5. Cast-iron fittings: • 5.1. Flanges shall be permitted. • 5.2. Bushings shall not be used. • 5.3. Fittings shall not be used in systems containing flammable gas-air mixtures. • 5.4. Fittings in sizes 4 inches (102 mm) and larger shall not be used indoors except where approved. • 5.5. Fittings in sizes 6 inches (152 mm) and larger shall not be used except where approved. • 6. Aluminum-alloy fittings. Threads shall not form the joint seal. • 7. Zinc aluminum-alloy fittings. Fittings shall not be used in systems containing flammable gas–air mixtures. • 8. Special fittings. Fittings such as couplings, proprietary-type joints, saddle tees, gland-type compression fittings, and flared, flareless or compression-type tubing fittings shall be used within the fitting manufacturer’s pressure-temperature recommendations; used within the service conditions anticipated with respect to vibration, fatigue, thermal expansion or contraction; installed or braced to prevent separation of the joint by gas pressure or external physical damage; and shall be approved. • 9. Where pipe fittings are drilled and tapped in the field, the operation shall be in accordance with all of the following: • 9.1. The operation shall be performed on systems having operating pressures of 5 psi (34.5 kPa) or less. • 9.2. The operation shall be performed by the gas supplier or the gas supplier’s designated representative. • 9.3. The drilling and tapping operation shall be performed in accordance with written procedures prepared by the gas supplier. • 9.4. The fittings shall be located outdoors. • 9.5. The tapped fitting assembly shall be inspected and proven to • be free of leakage.
404.18 Pipe Cleaning • CHANGE TYPE: Addition • 404.18 Pipe Cleaning. The use of a flammable or combustible gas to clean or remove debris from a piping system shall be prohibited.
411.1.1 Connectors for Commercial Cooking Appliances • CHANGE TYPE: Modification • 411.1.1 Commercial Cooking Appliances. Commercial cooking appliances installed on casters and appliances that are moved for cleaning and sanitation purposes shall be connected to the piping system with an appliance connector listed as complying with ANSI Z21.69. or in accordance with Item 1 or 3 of Section 411.1. The commercial cooking appliance connector installation shall be configured in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Movement of appliances with casters shall be limited by a restraining device installed in accordance with the connector and appliance manufacturer’s instructions.
Proposed Amendments to 2015 IFGC and IMC (3) The 2012 2015 Edition(s) of the International Mechanical Code and the International Fuel Gas Code as adopted by the city council shall be amended as follows: (A) Section 305 Table 305.4 of the IMC will be replaced with the IFGC Table 415.1 to provide more restrictive hanger spacing for steel pipe. (B) Sections 301.7, 306.3.1, 306.4.1, and 306.5.2 of the IMC and any reference to the “Electric Code” will be interpreted as the National Electric Code. (C) Section 307.2.3 of the IMC and Section 307.6 of the IFGC shall be omitted so as to not require water level shut-off devices. (D) Section 402 part B will be omitted and the IMC Section 403 will be used only. (E) Section 406.4.1 shall be amended to say:Pressure tests on threaded gas piping shall be 10lbs. for 15 minutes. (F) Section 503.4.1 of the IFGC shall be omitted to say:Venting and combustion air piping for high efficiency fuel burning appliances shall be solid, schedule 40 PVC, unless prohibited by the manufacture. Where primer is required, it shall not be required to be contrasting. (GF) Section 504.1 of the IMC omitting the exception for the installation of ductless clothes dryers. (H) Section 504.8.2 omitted to prohibit the use of mechanical fasteners in dryer ducts (I) Section 507.1.1 and 508.1.2 shall be omitted to allow for verification of air balancing on type 1 hoods by an engineer. (J) Section 701.2 shall include alarms for combustion air dampers, proving operation or an alternative; trapped combustion air. (KE) Section 903.3Chapter 9 of the IMC shall be omitted disallowing the installation of unvented gas appliances. (L) Section 1102.3 omitted to not require locking caps on A/C condensers.
506.3.8 Grease Duct Cleanouts and Openings • 506.3.11 Grease Duct Enclosures • 506.5.1.2 In-Line Fan Location in Exhaust Ducts Serving Commercial Kitchen Hoods • 506.5.3 Hinged Up-Blast Fans for Type I Hoods • 507.1 Type I Hood Installation • 507.1.1 Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Hood System Operation • 507.1.1.1 Heat Sensors for Multiple Commercial Kitchen Hoods • 507.2.8 Type I Hood Grease Filters • 508.1.2 Air Balance for Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Systems • 510.4, 510.5 Hazardous Exhaust Systems • 510.7.1.1 Hazardous Exhaust Duct Penetrations of Shafts • 514.2 Energy Recovery Ventilation Systems • 601.5 Return Air Openings • 602.1 Plenums Limited to One Fire Area • 602.2 Plenum Construction 2015 IMC Table of Contents part 1 304.11 Fall-Arresting Restraint Systems 306.1 Access 307.2.5 Condensate Drain Line Maintenance *307.3 Condensate Pumps in Uninhabitable Spaces 401.2, 407.1, Table 403.3.1.1 Ventilation Required 403.2.1, Table 403.3.1.1 Recirculation of Air 403.3 Outdoor Air and Local Exhaust Airflow Rates Table 403.3.1.1 Manicure and Pedicure Station Exhaust Rate 404.1 Intermittent Operation of Mechanical Ventilation Systems for Enclosed Parking Garages 501.3 Mechanical Exhaust System Discharge 502.20 Manicure and Pedicure Station Exhaust System *504.5, 504.8.4.3 Dryer Exhaust Duct Power Ventilators *504.8.2 Dryer Exhaust Duct Installation 505.1, 505.4 Domestic Range Hoods 505.3 Domestic Kitchen Exhaust Systems in Multistory Buildings 506.3.7.1 Grease Duct Reservoirs
2015 IMC Table of Contents part 2 602.2.1.5 Discrete Plumbing and Mechanical Products in Plenums *Table 603.4 Duct Construction Minimum Sheet Metal Thickness for Single Dwelling Units *603.9 Duct Joints, Seams and Connections 701.2 Dampered Openings *802.9 Door Clearance to Vent Terminals *1102.3 Refrigerant Access Port Protection
304.11 Fall-Arresting Restraint Systems • Change Type: Modification • 304.11 guards. Guards shall be provided where various components appliances, equipment, fans or other components that require service and roof hatch openings are located within 10 feet (3048 mm) of a roof edge or open side of a walking surface and such edge or open side is located more than 30 inches (762 mm) above the floor, roof, or grade below. The guard shall extend not less than 30 inches (762 mm) beyond each end of such appliances, equipment, fans, components that require service. and roof hatch openings and the The top of the guard shall be located not less than 42 inches (1067 mm) above the elevated surface adjacent to the guard. The guard shall be constructed so as to prevent the passage of a 21-inch-diameter (533 mm) sphere and shall comply with the loading requirements for guards specified in the International Building Code. • exception: Guards are not required where permanent fall arrest/ restraint anchorage connector devices that comply with ANSI/ASSE Z 359.1 are affixed for use during the entire roof covering lifetime. The devices shall be re-evaluated for possible replacement when the entireroof covering is replaced. The devices shall be placed not more than 10 feet (3048 mm) on center along hip and ridge lines and placed not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) from the roof edge or open side of the walking surface.
306.1 Access • Change Type: Modification • 306.1 access. Appliances, controls devices, heat exchangers and HVAC system components that utilize energy shall be accessible for inspection, service, repair and replacement without disabling the function of a fire-resistance-rated assembly or removing permanent construction, other appliances, venting systems or any other piping or ducts not connected to the appliance being inspected, serviced, repaired or replaced. A level working space at least 30 inches deep and 30 inches wide (762 mm by 762 mm) shall be provided in front of the control side to service an appliance.
307.2.5 Condensate Drain Line Maintenance • Change Type: Addition • 307.2.5 drain line Maintenance. Condensate drain lines shall be configured to permit the clearing of blockages and performance of maintenance without requiring the drain line to be cut.
401.2, 407.1, Table 403.3.1.1 Ventilation Required • Change Type: Modification • 401.2 Ventilation required. Every occupied space shall be ventilated by natural means in accordance with Section 402 or by mechanical means in accordance with Section 403. Where the air infiltration rate in a dwelling unit is less than 5 air changes per hour when tested with a blower door at a pressure of 0.2-inch water column (50 Pa) in accordance with Section R402.4.1.2 of the International Energy Conservation Code, the dwelling unit shall be ventilated by mechanical means in accordance with Section 403. Ambulatory care facilities and Group I-2 occupancies shall be ventilated by mechanical means in accordance with Section 407.
403.2.1, Table 403.3.1.1 Recirculation of Air • Change Type: Clarification • 403.2.1 recirculation of air. The outdoor air required by Section 403.3 shall not be recirculated. Air in excess of that required by Section 403.3 shall not be prohibited from being recirculated as a component of supply air to building spaces, except that: • 1. Ventilation air shall not be recirculated from one dwelling to another or to dissimilar occupancies. • 2. Supply air to a swimming pool and associated deck areas shall not be recirculated unless such air is dehumidified to maintain the relative humidity of the area at 60 percent or less. Air from this area shall not be recirculated to other spaces where more than 10 percent of the resulting supply airstream consists of air recirculated from these spaces. Continued on next page • 3. Where mechanical exhaust is required by note b in Table 403.3.1.1, recirculation of air from such spaces shall be prohibited. Recirculation of air that is contained completely within such spaces shall not be prohibited. Where recirculation of air is prohibited, all air supplied to such spaces shall be exhausted, including any air in excess of that required by Table 403.3.1.1. • 4. Where mechanical exhaust is required by note g in Table 403.3.1.1, mechanical exhaust is required and recirculation from such spaces is prohibited where more than 10 percent of the resulting supply airstream consists of air recirculated from these spaces. Recirculation of air that is contained completely within such spaces shall not be prohibited.
403.3 Outdoor Air and Local Exhaust Airflow Rates • Change Type: Addition • 403.3 outdoor air and local exhaust airflow rates. Group R-2, R-3 and R-4 occupancies three stories and less in height above grade plane shall be provided with outdoor air and local exhaust in accordance with Section 403.3.2. All other buildings intended to be occupied shall be provided with outdoor air and local exhaust in accordance with Section 403.3.1. • 403.3.1 other buildings Intended to be occupied. The design of local exhaust systems and ventilation systems for outdoor air for occupancies other than Group R-2, R-3 and R-4 three stories and less above grade plane, shall comply with Sections 403.3.1.1 through 403.3.1.5. • 403.3.2 r-2, r-3 and r-4 occupancies, Three Stories and less. The design of local exhaust systems and ventilation systems for outdoor air in R-2, R-3 and R-4 occupancies three stories and less in height above grade plane shall comply with Sections 403.3.2.1 through 403.3.2.3. • 403.3.2.1 outdoor air for dwelling units. An outdoor air ventilation system consisting of a mechanical exhaust system, supply system or combination thereof shall be installed for each dwelling unit. Local exhaust or supply systems, including outdoor air ducts connected to the return side of an air handler, are permitted to serve as such a system. The outdoor air ventilation system shall be designed to provide the required rate of outdoor air continuously during the period that the building is occupied. The minimum continuous outdoor airflow rate shall be determined in accordance with Equation 4-9. Continued on next page
403.3 Outdoor Air and Local Exhaust Airflow Rates • exception: The outdoor air ventilation system is not required to operate continuously where the system has controls that enable operation for not less than 1 hour of each 4-hour period. The average outdoor airflow rate over the 4-hour period shall be not less than that prescribed by Equation 4-9. • 403.3.2.2 outdoor air for other Spaces. Corridors and other common areas within the conditioned space shall be provided with outdoor air at a rate of not less than 0.06 cfm/ft 2 of floor area. • 403.3.2.3 local exhaust. Local exhaust systems shall be provided in kitchens, bathrooms and toilet rooms and shall have the capacity to exhaust the minimum airflow rate determined in accordance with Table 403.3.2.3.
Table 403.3.1.1 Manicure and Pedicure Station Exhaust Rate • Change Type: Modification
404.1 Intermittent Operation of Mechanical Ventilation Systems for Enclosed Parking Garages • Change Type: Modification • 404.1 enclosed parking garages. Where mechanical ventilation systems for enclosed parking garages shall be permitted to operate intermittently, such operation shall be automaticin accordance with Item 1, Item 2 or both by means of carbon monoxide detectors applied in conjunction with nitrogen dioxide detectors. Such detectors shall be installed in accordance with their manufacturers’ recommendations. • 1. The system shall be arranged to operate automatically upon detection of vehicle operation or the presence of occupants by approved automatic detection devices. • 2. The system shall be arranged to operate automatically by means of carbon monoxide detectors applied in conjunction with nitrogen dioxide detectors. Such detectors shall be installed in accordance with their manufacturers’ recommendations.