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China Updates. Antonia Chang September 26, 2006. 1 ) 公司经营模式获得政府、公众和媒体的认可。 C ompany’s business model is recognized by the government , public and media . 2 ) 增加兼职机会,而不再仅限于聘用全职销售员工
China Updates Antonia Chang September 26, 2006
1) 公司经营模式获得政府、公众和媒体的认可。 Company’s business model is recognized by the government, public and media. 2) 增加兼职机会,而不再仅限于聘用全职销售员工 Company is no longer limited to employ all entry-level sales representatives but can now offer a part time opportunity. 3) 可以在固定地点以外完成交易 Complete transactions away from a fixed retail location 4) 和其它直销企业公平竞争 Create a level playing field for all direct sellers 5) 可举办不仅限于销售员工的培训 Training meetings for non sales employees are allowed 法规带来的优势Regulatory Advantages
如新(中国) –直销模式Nu Skin China – Direct Selling开展直销业务的时间表Business Development Timeline Sep/2006 Sep/2006 Oct/2006 Aug/2006 Jan/2007 1st Half/2007 2nd half/2007 into 2008 DS model Training for SRs and Distributors 销售员工及直销员的直销模式培训 China Volume Combined for Overseas BD above Dist. 海外蓝钻石级直销商中国业绩合并计算 Recruiting Direct Sellers in BeiJing、GuangDong、ZheJiang、JiangSu and FuJian, etc 北京、广东、浙江、江苏、福建等开始招募直销员 Conduct DS business all over China (Excluding Tibet) 在全中国大陆各省份开展直销业务(除西藏外) Posting DS Certified Trainers Name List on MOFCOM Linked website 首批直销培训员 名单报备商务部 Recruiting Direct Sellers in Shanghai 上海开始招募直销员 Obtained DS License 公司获得 直销牌照
直销企业从事直销活动, 必须在相应的省份、自治区、 直辖市设立直销业务的分支机构及服务网点,企业必须在获得批准的地区展开直销业务。 To conduct direct selling activities, Direct Selling Companies shall establish branch offices and service centers in a province, autonomous region or municipality where they intend to conduct direct selling. Direct Selling Companies may only conduct direct selling business in the approved areas. 如新公司目前经批准可以开展直销业务的地区为上海市闵行区、静安区、普陀区、徐汇区、长宁区、虹口区、浦东新区和黄浦区,之后,公司将继续完成其他城市及地区的直销业务申请工作,将直销业务拓展至北京、广东、浙江、江苏、福建及其他地区。相关的信息将会被及时更新在以下网站: Nu Skin (China) has been approved to conduct direct selling in the following districts in Shanghai – Minhang, JingAn, PuTuo, XuHui, ChangNing, HongKo, New Pudong, and HuangPu. The company will proceed with the direct selling approval process for the other cities and areas and will gradually expand the direct selling operations to Beijing, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian and other areas. More details will be posted at the following website as soon as they are available: http://zxgl.mofcom.gov.cn/zxnet/corp/fuwuwangdian_ruxin.htm 直销法规规则概览Overview of Direct Selling Regulations
获得批准的直销企业被允许直销的产品仅限于化妆品、保健食品、保洁用品、保健器材和小型橱具5项。获得批准的直销企业被允许直销的产品仅限于化妆品、保健食品、保洁用品、保健器材和小型橱具5项。 The categories of products allowed to be sold by approved Direct Selling Companies include cosmetics, health foods, cleaning products, sports/fitness equipment, and small kitchen appliances. 如新公司目前已获得批准允许直销的产品共有122种,公司还将继续其他产品的申请工作,相关信息将被更新在以下网站: Nu Skin (China) has been approved to sell 122 products. The company will continue to apply for other products. Relevant information will be updated at the following website: http://zxgl.mofcom.gov.cn/zxnet/corp/chanpinmulu_ruxin.htm 直销法规规则概览Overview of Direct Selling Regulations
获得直销执照的企业将可以招募兼职的直销员 Approved Direct Selling Companies may recruit part time Direct Sellers 如新公司自2007年一月份起,将在上海招募兼职直销员。任何人只要拥有上海地区的居住准证皆可提出申请。 Nu Skin (China) will start recruiting direct sellers in Shanghai from January 2007. Anyone who has a Shanghai residence proof may submit an application. 如新公司预计在2007年上半年增加北京、江苏、浙江、广东、福建等地区的直销业务。 Nu Skin (China) expects to add direct selling in Beijing, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Fujian and other areas in the first half of 2007. 我们将在2007年下半年至2008年陆续在中国其他地区(除西藏外)陆续增加直销业务。 We will expand to all other areas except for Tibet during the second half of 2007 and into 2008. 直销法规规则概览Overview of Direct Selling Regulations
直销企业支付给直销员的报酬只能按照其本人直接向消费者销售产品的收入计算,报酬总额不得超过直销员本人直接销售产品收入的30%,禁止团队计酬。直销企业支付给直销员的报酬只能按照其本人直接向消费者销售产品的收入计算,报酬总额不得超过直销员本人直接销售产品收入的30%,禁止团队计酬。 The compensation that direct selling companies pay to their Direct Sellers may only be calculated based on the personal sales directly made by the Direct Sellers to the consumers. The total amount of the compensation should not exceed 30% of the personal sales directly made by the Direct Sellers. Compensation based on other people’s sales is prohibited. 有关直销法规的更多政策及规定,可以登陆国家商务部直销行业管理信息系统网站 :More details about the direct selling regulations can be found at the MOFCCOM direct selling administration website: http://zxgl.mofcom.gov.cn/zxnet/index.jsp 直销员并不因为协助其它人士成为直销员而获得奖酬,直销员只能通过其本人成功向消费者直销产品的业绩高低来获取5%-30%的直销员佣金 (直销员自用产品的订单将不会计算酬金。)目前销售员工的奖金制度维持不变。 Direct sellers will not be compensated for assisting others to become direct sellers. Direct sellers will only get paid for 5%-30% on their personal sales directly made to consumers (direct sellers will not be paid on their personal use purchases.) The current remuneration plan for sales employees remains unchanged. 直销法规规则概览Overview of Direct Selling Regulations
境外人员不得在中国大陆从事任何形式的直销活动。境外人员不得在中国大陆从事任何形式的直销活动。 Overseas people may not conduct any kinds of direct selling activities in the mainland China. 所有的境外人员请遵照之前在大陆的工作原则,对于销售员工的培训规定依然照旧; People from overseas shall follow the business guidelines that have been provided before. The rules on training for sales employees remain the same. 境外人员无法成为直销员或直销培训员,海外讲师可以以特邀嘉宾的身份参加直销员培训会议,简要分享自己的经历。会议仍将由国内符合规定的销售员工作主讲。 Overseas leaders may not become direct sellers or certified direct selling trainers. However, they may attend training meetings as invited guest speakers and briefly share their personal experiences. The training meetings will still be chaired by certified direct selling trainers. 直销法规规则概览Overview of Direct Selling Regulations
直销培训员的资格要求: Qualifications for Certified DS Trainers: 为直销企业的正式员工Must be full time employees of the DS company 在本企业工作1年以上Have worked for the company for more than 1 year 具有高等教育本科以上学历 Have a Bachelor’s or higher degree 无重大违法经营及刑事处罚 Have no criminal record for business or civil 的记录violations 非境外人员Not from overseas 公司会向符合上述规定的授课人员颁发直销培训员证,并在每月15日前将取得直销培训员证的人员名单通过省级商务主管部门向商务部备案。未经备案的人员,不得对直销员开展培训。直销培训员只能接受如新(中国)的指派进行培训。 The company will issue direct selling trainer certificate to those who meet the above requirements and will file the name list of the certified DS trainers with MOFCOM through provincial commerce department by the 15th of every month. People may not conduct training before being included in the filed name list. DS trainers may only conduct training as assigned by Nu Skin (China). 如何成为直销培训员How to become a Certified DS Trainer
如何成为直销培训员How to become a Certified DS Trainer Direct Selling Trainers Code of Conducts Direct Selling Trainer certificate Name Sex Photo Degree Company Stamp Affiliated Direct Selling Company Code of Direct Selling Company Direct Selling Company License Number Date of Sing-up Signature DS Trainer Certificate Number Issue date
直销培训员应严格按照《直销管理条例》及相关规定依法从事直销培训。如有违反,商务部将撤销该培训员之备案纪录,企业将收回直销培训员证,该培训员不得从事培训活动;情节严重的,商务部将吊销直销企业的直销经营许可证。直销培训员应严格按照《直销管理条例》及相关规定依法从事直销培训。如有违反,商务部将撤销该培训员之备案纪录,企业将收回直销培训员证,该培训员不得从事培训活动;情节严重的,商务部将吊销直销企业的直销经营许可证。 Certifieddirect selling trainers shall strictly follow the stipulations of the Regulations and other related regulations when conducting training activities. Violations may cause MOFCOM to remove the violator from the filed trainers’ name list. The company will revoke the Direct Selling Trainer Certification and the trainer concerned shall be forbidden to conduct training activities. In case of serious violations, MOFCOM may revoke the direct selling permit of the direct selling company. 请所有人员配合公司严格遵守相关培训规定,在获得国家批准开展直销业务的地区从事直销业务的培训工作。 We ask everyone involved to strictly follow the company’s relevant policies in training meetings and conduct training within the areas where the company is approved to conduct direct selling. 直销培训会议规则Direct Selling Training Meeting Guidelines
直销培训会议规则Direct Selling Training Meeting Guidelines 培训规模 :5-200人,最终的会议人数需获得公司核准。 Size of training meetings: 5 – 200; The final number of meeting participants must be approved by the company in advance. 培训费用 :进行直销培训,不得收取任何费用 Training fees: No fees should be charged for direct selling training. 培训报备与培训信息的披露 :Training Application and Disclosure of Training Information 所有5人以上的直销业务培训会议均需由直销培训员提前14天向公司所属分支机构提出申请,由分公司安排人员协助进行。 For all direct selling training meetings attended by more than 5 persons, the DS trainers shall submit the application to the branch offices where they have registered with 14 days in advance and will be assisted by staff assigned by the branch office. 公司会于直销培训前7日将培训计划(包括培训时间、具体地点、内容、人数及直销培训员、培训资料)在公司中文网站上公布; The company shall publish the training plans (including time, location, content, number of participants as well as direct selling trainers and training materials) at the company’s Chinese website 7 days prior to the training meeting. 直销培训员必须严格执行所公布的培训计划,包括会议人数及使用公司提供或核准的培训教材; DS trainers must strictly follow the training plans as published, including the number of participants and the training materials provided or approved by the company. 培训会议必须全程录音,并交由公司保存至少三年的时间; Training meetings must be recorded and the recording shall be preserved by the company for at least 3 years. 根据中国公安治安管理条理,所有50人以上的集会或会议均需向当地工商及公安部门进行报备。 According to the administration rules set by the China Public Security department, all gatherings or meetings attended by more 50 people shall be reported and filed with the local AIC and public security department.
培训场地:Training Locations: 在公司已获批准开展直销业务地区的所属分支机构或由公司指定的场所内进行培训。 All training meetings shall be held either at the branch offices in the areas where the company is approved to do direct selling or at the locations designated by the company. 参加培训人员的身份要求:Who can participate in the training: 除了直销法规中禁止从事直销的人员外, 所有身份的人员均可参加直销员业务培训。 Anyone can participate in the training, saveand except for the people who are prohibited to do direct selling by the direct selling regulations; 培训内容:Content of Training 直销培训内容将以《直销管理条例》、《禁止传销条例》、《合同法》、《消费者权益保护法》、《产品质量法》、《反不正当竞争法》等法律法规中的相关内容、直销员道德规范、直销风险揭示以及营销方面的知识为主; The direct selling training will be focused on the “Direct Selling Regulations”, “Regulations on Prohibiting Chuanxiao”, “Law of Contract”, “Law on Protecting Consumer Rights”, “Law on Product Quality”, “Law on Anti Unfair Competition”, as well as code of ethics for direct sellers, and analysis on the risks of direct selling and knowledge of sales and marketing. 关于公司文化、产品知识及直销员奖金制度的培训讲解需依据公司提供或核准的教材。 Training on corporate culture, company products and compensation plan for direct sellers must be based on the training materials provided or approved by the company. 直销培训会议规则Direct Selling Training Meeting Guidelines
直销培训会议规则Direct Selling Training Meeting Guidelines 在举办业务培训时,直销培训员应遵守的其他规定: 1)直销培训员和直销员在进行直销培训活动时,应佩戴《直销培训员证》和《直销员证》; 2)不得伪造、变造、涂改、出租、出借、转让、出卖《直销培训员证》; 3)不得对企业产品进行夸大、虚假宣传,贬低同类其它产品,强迫参加培训的人员购买产品; 4)不得以任何方式宣扬直销员以往的收入情况,宣扬大多数参与者将获得成功; 5)不得以召开研讨会、激励会、表彰会等形式变相对直销员培训; 6)不得从事违反国家法律法规和国家规定禁止的其它活动,不得扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定; 7)直销培训不得宣扬迷信邪说、色情或者渲染暴力 Other regulations to be followed by direct selling trainers during the training meetings: 1) DS Trainers and Direct Sellers should wear the “Direct Selling Trainer Certificate” and “Direct Seller Certificate” when promoting products to consumers and when conducting direct selling training activities. 2) Fabricating, changing, altering, correcting, leasing, lending, transferring, and selling the “Direct Selling Trainer Certificate” are prohibited. 3) Should not make exaggerating and false claims on the company products; should not defame other similar products; should not force training participants to purchase products; 4) Should not promote the income level of the Direct Sellers; should not claim that the majority of participants will be successful; 5) Should not provide disguised training in the form of success seminars, motivation or recognition meetings. 6) Should not engage in any other activities that violate the constitution, laws and regulations or activities prohibited by the government. Should not disturb public security and social stability; 7) Direct selling training should not advocate superstition, heresy, pornography, obscenity and violence.
在举办业务培训时,受邀讲话的非直销培训员应遵守的事项:在举办业务培训时,受邀讲话的非直销培训员应遵守的事项: Guidelines for guest speakers who are not DS trainers: 讲话的时间不应超过整个培训业务时间的百分之二十; Speeches shall be limited to less than 20% of the total time of the training meeting. 讲话的内容应只著重在销售技巧,积极心态,及产品知识的分享。 Content of the speech should be focused on sales skills, positive attitudes and product knowledge. 直销培训会议规则Direct Selling Training Meeting Guidelines
以下人员不可以成为直销员 We shouldn’t recruit the following people: 未满18周岁的人员Younger than 18 years old; 无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的人员Have no or limited civil capacity; 全日制学生Full time students; 教师、医务人员、公务员和现役军人Teachers, doctors, government officials and military personnel in active service; 直销企业的正式员工Full time employees of DS companies; 境外人员People from abroad; 法律、行政法规规定不得从事兼职的人员Those forbidden by law and administrative regulations from performing in part-time jobs. 谁能成为直销员Who can be a direct seller
符合直销法规中的有关基本要求的个人,可以向具有直销执照的分公司递交申请符合直销法规中的有关基本要求的个人,可以向具有直销执照的分公司递交申请 Anyone who is interested in working with Nu Skin as an independent direct seller and meets the basic requirements as stipulated in the DSR can submit their application to the branch office with the DS license. 从2007年1月份起,如新(中国)上海分公司将开始在上海地区招募兼职直销员。 From January 2007, Nu Skin (China) Shanghai will start recruiting Direct Sellers. 如何成为直销员How to become a Direct Seller
递交申请资料 Submit the application form ↓ 公司审核 Reviewed by the company ↓ 参加培训 Attend the DS training ↓ 递交招商银行帐户证明书 并签署直销员合同 Submit bank letter/Sign the DS Agreement ↓ 领取直销员证 Obtain the Direct Seller Certificate 直销员申请表/身份证复印件 Direct Seller Application Form /ID copy 直销员培训/考试 Direct Seller Training/Test 招商银行帐户证明书/直销员合同 Account Document of China Merchants Bank / Direct Seller Agreement 直销员证 Direct Seller Certificate 如何成为直销员How to become a direct seller
直销员申请表Direct Seller Application Form Name Sex M F ID Number DOB Contact Address Home phone Email Current Employer Position Spouse name Spouse ID Copy of ID Card Has the applicant ever been a PC of Nu Skin China? Original PC Number
账户证明书 Account Verification Letter ___________ : 兹证明我行帐号的“一卡通 ”/存折/信用卡持卡人是先生/女士,其身份证明(身份证\户口簿\军人证\护照\或其他) 号码为。 请予以核对。 此致 礼 招商银行 年月日 备注:1、持卡人凭本人身份证明到招商银行同城任一网点申请出具本证明; 2、本证明经招行任一网点加盖“储蓄业务章”后生效; 3、本证明应持卡人要求出具并承担其相应的责任。
直销员资格考试Direct Seller Certification Test • 直销员考试将由已获准开展直销业务的各省分公司负责管理。 • The direct seller test will be administered by the DS licensed branch offices of Nu Skin (China). • 考试在每周三举行。考试时间会提前7天在公司网站上公布。考试地点由分公司指定。 • The test will be held every Wednesday. The test schedules will be posted on the company’s website 7 days prior to the tests. The location of the test will be designated by each branch office. • 参加直销考试的人员应于考试前14天向公司报名。 • One needs to register for the DS test 14 days prior to the test. • 考试试卷共有20 道题。答对16 道题才能通过。公司会对考试不合格者进行再培训,并允许他们重考。 • Each test contains 20 questions. One needs to answer 16 questions correctly in order to pass the test. The company will provide additional training to those who fail the test and allow them to retake the test. • 考试当天请携带身份证及一张近照,考试合格者将领取直销员证,上面需有个人照片。 • All test participants should bring a photo ID and a recent photo to the test. Individuals who pass the test will be given a direct seller certificate card with a personal photo. • 各省分公司应及时将考试合格者名单通知总部,以便刊登在公司网站上。 • Each branch office shall inform the head office of the name list of all who have passed the test in a timely manner so that it can be added to the certified direct sellers list on the company website.
直销员证Direct Seller Certificate Direct Sellers Code of Conduct Direct Seller Certificate Name Sex Photo Other occupation DS approved area DS approved products Affiliated Direct Selling Company Code of Direct Selling Company Direct Selling Company License Number Affiliated Branch Office Signature Branch Office Stamp DS Certificate Number Issue date
直销员不能同时成为如新公司的正式员工; Direct sellers may not be Nu Skin full time employees at the same time. 成为直销员无需缴纳任何费用; One does not need to pay any fees to become a direct seller. 如须享受购货折扣,可选择一次性购买500元人民币的产品或参加ARO计划; Direct sellers may choose to make a one time purchase of Rmb500 or enroll in the ARO program in order to enjoy purchase discounts. 直销员没有每月最低业绩要求; Direct sellers do not have monthly volume requirements. 直销员佣金必须全部来自销售,无团队计酬; Direct sellers will only get paid on personal sales. No compensation will be paid on other people sales. 销售的对象可以包括优惠顾客及零售顾客; Direct sellers may sell products to Preferred Customers and Retail Customers. 不能跨省从事直销活动; Direct sellers may not conduct direct selling activities across the provinces. 销售公司直销执照所批准的产品(开始时以个人保养品为主及以后将加入健康食品); Direct sellers may only sell products that the company is licensed to sell (i.e. initially mainly personal care products and gradually extend to nutritional products) . 直销员不得将公司产品转售给零售店、互联网或其它任何使产品再被转售的渠道。直销员只能将产品直接销售给最终消费者。 Direct sellers may not sell company products to stores, over the internet or otherwise sell products that would then be resold. Direct sellers should be focused on sales to end users. 直销员须每年十二月与公司续约; Direct sellers shall renew contract with the company in December every year. 直销员的基本简介The Roles of Direct Sellers
销售奖励计划Sales Compensation Plan 强化版奖励制度的优势Advantages of the Strengthen Compensation Plan信心百倍,收入百倍!100% Confidence 100% Income零售 服务 推广Retail Service Promotion简单的做 快乐的做 重复的做Simple Happy Repeat
强化版奖励制度的最大优势 Maximum advantages of strengthen compensation plan • 大幅度提升了零售业务提成奖金的比率,鼓励员工努力开拓新市场; Substantially increase the ratio of RSB to encourage the development new market • 吸引更多的顾客可以通过兼职方式了解如新赚取直销佣金,进一步使顾客群变得更广; Attract more part-time Direct Sellers to join Nuskin to obtain DSB, to expand their customer base • 逐步取消见习业务代表,解决解雇淘汰等情绪困扰 Gradually decrease the QSR level to solve termination issues. • 引导人们在充分了解公司文化、制度和产品之后,再来从事如新事业;以建立稳定销售队伍。 Promote company culture, policy and products, to re-acquaint with Nu Skin thus stablizing the sales team.
晋升机制更有吸引力。 Promotion opportunity is more competitive. 中、初级销售员工收入大大增加。 Increase the income of beginner to mid-level Sales Leaders. 公司经营模式获得公众、媒体、政府的法定认可,增加了兼职机会,而不再仅限于聘用全职销售员工。 Company business module is approved in the view of the public, media and government. Part-time opportunity is now offered, not only for full-time employee. 可以在固定地点以外完成交易。 Complete transactions away from a fixed retail location. 和其它直销企业公平竞争。 Create a level playing field for all direct selling companies. 可举办事业机会培训。 Opportunity training meetings arenow allowed.
直销员奖金 DSB • 直销员加入后前三个月,只要业绩达到2000及以上,即可获得额外 5%的奖金 Direct seller who maintain 2000 volume and above in their first initial three months, can get an extra 5% bonus • 直销员在过往三个月的业绩维持2000以及上,即可在本月奖金比例基础上,追加5%的稳定奖金 Direct seller who maintain 2000 volume and above in their previous three months can obtain an extra 5% stability bonus added to their basic monthly compensation
直销员不会从其他的直销员和销售员工的业绩中获得任何形式的报酬;直销员不会从其他的直销员和销售员工的业绩中获得任何形式的报酬; Direct Sellers will not get paid in any form on the sales volume of other Direct Sellers and Sales Employees. 直销员的销售业绩来自于该直销员服务的优惠顾客及零售顾客,销售直销执照所批准的产品的总销售额; The sales volume of Direct Sellers must come from their combined sales made directly to Preferred Customers and Retail Customers based on the products that the company is approved to sell through the Direct Selling Regulation. 跨省的业绩不予计酬; No compensation is paid on cross province volume. 只要在过去6个月内累计销售业绩达30,000,并能在本月销售业绩达10,000,即可向公司提出成为业务代表的申请,经公司审核后,成为销售员工。 Once the Direct Seller has reached 30,000 from their past six months and has 10,000 in their current month, the Direct Seller may apply to become a full time SR of Nu Skin and be promoted to be a Sales Employee.
销售员工 Sales employee 与公司签署劳动合同或者劳务协议的专职销售人员。 Sales Employee are those who sign a labor contract or agreement with the company. • 销售员工获得的奖金和福利 Bonus and benefits • 零售业务提成 20–25% RSB 20-25% • 底薪 Basic salary • 各项社会保障 Social benefits
零售业务提成 20%-25% RSB 20-25%
新销售奖励计划推出后的6个月,销售主任及以上职衔的销售员工,只要业绩达到12,000以上,公司在季度评估时,其亲自培训的业务代表业绩总和将被双倍进行考量。新销售奖励计划推出后的6个月,销售主任及以上职衔的销售员工,只要业绩达到12,000以上,公司在季度评估时,其亲自培训的业务代表业绩总和将被双倍进行考量。 After new sales compensation plan comes into effect during the first six months, Sales Executive and above who reach 12,000 and above will be able to qualify for DOUBLE compensation on volumes from those they personally trained on their quarterly evaluation.
在实施直销业务的地区取消见习业务代表。 For provinces with Direct Sales, QSR levels will be removed. 在未实施直销业务的地区,见习业务代表根据其业绩获得10%的奖金。 QSR will obtain 10% bonus on sales volume in provinces not promoting Direct Sales. 销售员工的零售业务提成与团队见习业务代表将分别进行计算。 The RSB is calculated separately from the QSR volume.
晋升 Promotion 任何在领导力方面表现优异的销售员工都有机会被晋升到更高的职位。销售领导人有责任每周花一定的时间在所属范围内对直销员和见习业务代表及业务代表进行指导和培训。 Sales Employee with outstanding performance and leadership ability will have the opportunity for advancement. Sales Leaders are responsible for guiding and conducting weekly training to their supervised Direct Seller, QSR and SR.
直销员为兼职非正式员工,而销售员工是全职员工。直销员为兼职非正式员工,而销售员工是全职员工。 SRs are full time employees of Nu Skin while DS are part-time non-employees. 直销员不领取基本工资和福利,不需要和公司签署 劳动合同。 Unlike SRs, DSs are not given basic salaries and benefits, and they don’t need to sign the labor contract with the company. 直销员的报酬来自个人销售公司产品的收入。 DS compensation comes only from their personal sales of company approved products. 直销员和销售员工的区别Differences between Direct Seller and Sales Employee
直销员和销售员工的区别Differences between Direct Seller and Sales Employee
新销售奖励计划将在1月正式实行 New sales compensation plan will be implemented by January 2006 - 获得直销执照的省份和直辖市 In provinces and municipalities that HAVE obtained the direct sales license - 尚未获得直销执照的省份和直辖市 In provinces and municipalities that HAVE NOT obtained the direct sales license
未来3-6个月的行动计划 Action plan within the next 3-6 months 1. 积极拓展全新的顾客 Develop new customer base 2. 积极拓展见习业代 (4000+1500) Develop new QSR (4000+1500) 3. 积极拓展直销员 Develop new Direct Seller 4. 积极提高个人小组业绩 Increase the PGSV
退货政策Return Policy • 消费者/直销员自购买并获得直销产品之日起30日内,产品未开封并可做再次销售的,可以凭公司开具的有效发票或者售货凭证向公司分支机构、服务网点或者推销该产品的直销员办理换货或退货.公司将在7日内,按照公司开具的发票或售货凭证标明的价款办理换货和退货. Consumers/direct sellers may exchange or return unopened and resalable products to the company, its branch office, the local service center or the direct seller who has sold the products for a fullrefund of the purchase price within 30 days after the purchase with the purchase invoice or sales receipt. • 因直销员误导等违规行为,导致直销产品的退回,公司保留要求直销员退还其已收取的有关佣金的权利。公司可联络有关的直销员直接付款,或扣除现在或将来应得的佣金 If the return of the products purchased through direct selling is caused by misleading information provided by the direct seller or other violations of the direct seller, the company will reserve the right to request the direct seller concerned to return the commission that has been paid on the returned products. The company may contact the direct seller concerned directly or deduct the commission to be paid now or in the future.
中国市场概览Overview of China Operations • 我们在全国共有160家如新专卖店;覆盖了除了西藏以外的全中国所有省份以及四个直辖市。 We have set up 160 retail outlets across the country in all provinces and four municipal cities except for Tibet. • 共缔造了超过200位的全国销售总监 We have created over 200 NSDs. • 19位寰宇领袖Have created 19 TEs • 一位百万美元名人One Million Dollar Club Member • 年营业额突破10亿人民币Annual sales over Rmb1 billion 但是还有十一亿七千万的中国人不知道如新公司和产品!! However, there are 1,170 million people in China who have yet to know about Nu Skin and the Nu Skin products!!
根据这一项独立的市场问卷调查显示: What is shown through the market survey: 品牌知名度低 - 7%Low brand awareness 营销活动影响小Small influence of marketing activities 产品渗透率低 - 3.1%Low product penetration 销售渠道优良Good sales channels 营销活动效果好Satisfactory marketing activities 产品评价高 Products are well received 被访者对如新的总体印象不错,持正面态度的接近50%,持反面态度的不到3% 。Those who answered the survey have an overall good impression of Nu Skin. Close to 50% have positive opinions and fewer than 3% have negative opinions. 如新使用者对如新个人护理/化妆品和保健品的满意度都超过80%Product users have over 80% level of satisfaction for Nu Skin’s personal care and nutritional products. 上海新生代市场研究报告摘要Summary Report of the Market Survey by Sinomonitor
其它摘要Other information: • 近25%的被访者表示愿意成为销售顾问,上海是比例最高的城市。 Almost 25% of people who answered the survey expressed willingness to become sales consultants. Shanghai has the highest rate of response. • 在有意向成为销售顾问的被访者中,约75%的人表示更倾向于做兼职销售顾问。 Among those who are willing to become sales consultants, about 75% wish to become part time sales consultants. • 接近80%有意向成为销售顾问的被访者希望把直销作为次要收入来源。 Among those who are willing to become sales consultants, approximately 80% wish to do direct selling to get supplementary income. • 超过70%的有意向成为销售顾问的被访者期望个人月收入为人民币1千至5千元。 Among those who are willing to become sales consultants, more than 70% expect to earn monthly income of Rmb1,000 to 5,000.
如何在直销业获得成功? What it takes to be successful in direct selling? • 好产品Right products • 好事业 Right Opportunity • 好文化 Right Culture • 在最佳时机一起推出 • All delivered at the right time.
销售员工+直销员的营运模式 Full-time employee + Direct Seller business model 优惠顾客 Preferred Customer 见习业务代表 QSR 销售员工 Sales Employee 可选择成为兼职直销员 May Choose to become Part Time Direct Seller 新人 New people
什么时候是中国直销发展的时机? What is the timing for China?
中国市场的巨大潜力 Tremendous Opportunity in China • 获得直销认可证 Direct selling license approved • 经济持续增长 Sustained economic growth • 人口众多 –很多人在寻找工作 Huge population – many people are looking for jobs • 对优质保健品和美容产品的强大需求 Need for quality health and beauty products • 个人收入差异 –第二收入来源 Disparity in income – 2nd income resource
获得直销牌照以及领袖复制发展 DS License &Leaders Duplicate 稳定销售领袖队伍 StabilizeLeadership 进入市场 MarketLaunch ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 '08 如新(中国)的成长Nu Skin (China) Growth 最好的时机就是现在! The Right Time is Right Now!